Member Reviews

Cute and funny. A nice, easy, lighthearted read. The romance between the two main characters is sweet and spicy but I do wish there had been more balance between the plot and the romance.

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Beck has told everyone at his publishing house he is married, but he isn't. connie agrees to be his fake wife at a writing retreat for his company. cute story.

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This is my first book I’ve read from Charlotte Stein and it did not dissapoint!!

My Big Fat Fake Wedding is a sweet and funny story that’s full of heart, humor, and lovable characters. Hazel is easy to relate to, and her relationship with Beck is so beautiful. The way she supports him in being his true self is heartwarming, and Beck, in return, helps her believe in the goodness of people and slowly earns her trust. Their journey together is fun and emotional, making you root for them the whole way.

That said, Hazel’s belief that all men are “bad guys” felt a little too much. Every guy she’s been with seems to be demanding or a letdown, it felt a bit tiring after a while. But Beck slowly breaking down her walls makes it all worthwhile.

There were some miscommunication moments that made me want to yell, “Just talk already!” but when they finally do everything comes together perfectly in the end!!

The fake relationship trope is always one of my favorites, and this book did it so well. Hazel and Beck’s chemistry is so fun, and their flirty banter had me smiling throughout. With real emotions mixed in, it’s the perfect feel-good story that will leave you grinning from ear to ear.

Thank you NetGalley and St.Martins for allowing me to read and enjoy this book ahead of time!!

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This book was super cute. The romance was adorable. The steamy scenes were steamy. But good lord, the miscommunication! I was like that meme: "JUST KISS ALREADY!" Beck was a swoon worthy Good Guy (My only caveat was that Beck was maybe too dorky in his exclamations.) but a total babe, for sure.

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This was the wildest zigzag of a ride to be on while I read this book. The first few chapters had me really entertained - what is going on with this two characters in this apartment building?! I'm sure many readers, like me, would be expecting the book to evolve into an apartment complex miscommunication romance. Instead, in becomes a workplace forced proximity trope that morphs into some pretty low grade erotica in places.

Don't get me wrong, the book get a lot more interesting once Beck and Hazel started to communicate a little bit more in the bedroom, but it was just such a shift in narrative that I literally did a jump start. I had hoped that I would like this second novel from Stein a bit more than the first, but unfortunately, that isn't the case.

Thanks to NetGalley for the advanced digital copy.

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While this premise had a lot of potential, I struggled to connect with both main characters. They felt like caricatures of their tropes rather than actual people that the reader is supposed to connect with. Beck was super sweet, but lacked depth past that trait. Connie had no distinguishing character traits at all. While this was certainly not the worst book ever, it also didn't stand out much to me. The romance was there, and it was fun, but thats about it.

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*My Big Fat Fake Wedding* is a delightful romantic comedy that explores the intricacies of love, trust, and the unexpected paths that lead to genuine connection. The story follows Connie, a witty and guarded aspiring writer, who has always been skeptical of “nice guys.” Enter Henry Samuel Beckett, affectionately known as Beck—a charming, bow tie-wearing editor whose sunny disposition seems too good to be true.

The premise is both humorous and engaging: Beck has inadvertently told everyone at work that he’s married, prompting Connie to step in as his fake wife when she defends him in a moment of panic. This setup not only sets the stage for comedic misunderstandings but also allows for rich character development as both Connie and Beck navigate their evolving relationship.

The chemistry between Connie and Beck is palpable and expertly crafted. As they embark on a writing retreat, the tension between them builds beautifully, filled with witty banter and genuine moments of vulnerability. The author's ability to weave humor into romantic tension keeps readers thoroughly entertained and invested in the outcome of their relationship.

Connie's character arc is particularly compelling. Her journey from distrust to vulnerability mirrors the broader themes of the novel, as she learns to open her heart to the possibility of real love, despite her initial hesitations. Beck, with his endearing awkwardness and earnestness, challenges Connie's preconceived notions about nice guys and helps her see that authenticity can sometimes be found in the most unexpected places.

The writing is sharp and engaging, making it easy to visualize the charming setting and the quirky cast of supporting characters who add depth to the story. Each interaction is infused with warmth and humor, creating a lighthearted atmosphere that makes for an enjoyable read.

As the narrative unfolds, readers are treated to a blend of romantic tension and comedic mishaps, leading to moments that are both heartwarming and laugh-out-loud funny. The progression of Connie and Beck's relationship—from fake partners to something deeper—is handled with care, ensuring that the romance feels genuine and earned.

In conclusion, *My Big Fat Fake Wedding* is a heartwarming and witty tale that will resonate with anyone who has ever doubted love or struggled with trust. With its delightful characters, clever humor, and an engaging plot, this novel is perfect for fans of romantic comedies. Prepare for a charming adventure that celebrates the unexpected ways love can bloom when you least expect it!

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Aparentemente tenía todo lo que me gusta en un libro, desafortunadamente el desarrollo dejó mucho que desear.

Que alguien lleve a terapia a Connie. Su paranoia no es cosa de risa, es preocupante.

Beck simplemente fue un bonito cuadro que estaba ahí para hacer todo más pintoresco.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book is silly and sweet with lots of heat! I loved it so much. The fake relationship trope is one of my favorites and this book hit it out of the park. Beck is the perfect cinnamon roll, I just adore him. And Hazel is very relatable, I can definitely see myself in her. Their story is filled with lots of heart! I highly recommend it!

Thank you to NetGalley and St Martin's for allowing me to read this book ahead of release in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I’ll be completely honest— the male lead in this is not for me. Something about the way he speaks makes me take him… not seriously. But after not quite falling in love with Stein’s previous book, this one was a breath of fresh air— I adored some parts of this. There are things in this that I’m noticing seem to be just Charlotte Stein Staples™️, perhaps showing that this author and I don’t quite match in every way, but this one was enjoyable enough for me to overlook the things that were, frankly, so-so at best. A great, fun romcom.

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I LOVED the last Stein book I read (When Grumpy Met Sunshine - excellent banter, excellent 🌶️) and was super excited to read this, but it didn’t quite work for me. I love a fake dating/fake marriage trope, but golly jeepers, I guess a cinnamon roll MMC is not for me? At least not this one? He was definitely endearing in some ways, but the way he talked… gee willickers, it was like our girl was getting hot for Ned Flanders. DIDDLY!

That said, I will *definitely* read Stein’s next romcom, and I know there are other readers who will absolutely love this, so I’ll just chalk this one up to “not for me” and hope it finds its people!

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Thank you NetGalley & St Martin's Press for allowing me access to this ebook (it was on Read Now).
In this book, Connie agrees to be the fake wife of Henry, a sweet but secretly single editor who is his neighbor, after he lies about being married. As they grow closer during a writing retreat, their fake relationship starts to feel unexpectedly real. Unfortunately the banter was never ending and not funny anymore at some point. There was no real depth to the characters and I wished to learn more about them to connect.

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This was absolutely amazing. Beck stirred up so many emotions for me. He’s not your typical cinnamon roll character, but I adored him so much. I felt this overwhelming need to protect him and shield him from all the harshness in the world. Hazel did exactly that—her love for Beck and the way she supported him in being his true self was nothing short of beautiful.

I also loved how Beck, in turn, helped Hazel see the goodness in people and earned her trust. Their journey together was incredible, full of growth and heart. I’m going to be thinking about these two characters for a long time.

A huge thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for the ARC!

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Its a fun premise, but it takes a while to get to the whacky hi-jinks, with so much cringe - I felt bad for these characters more than I found them funny. I was more rooting for the conflicts to end rather for these two crazy kids to get together.

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Great book. Well written. Believable plot and characters that you root for from beginning to end. I would Read another book by this author.

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As always I enjoy Charlotte Stein's heart and humor and her unique spin on two self-deprecating terminally horny soft dummies that fall hard and fast. This is a sweet nod to Ted Lasso that gets utterly X-rated as Stein's best romances are wont to do.. We got cameos from Mabel and Alfie and of course Alfie is going to steal our hearts and every scene he's in.

The only loose ends I wish the author had tied a little more clearly had to do with the FMC's name and how the MMC was able to draw certain conclusions about her familial relationships. I'm loving Charlotte' Stein's return to contemporary romance and I hope we get Berinder's story next.

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Connie’s journey from skepticism to vulnerability is beautifully portrayed, while Beck’s sunny disposition offers a refreshing contrast. This heartfelt romance cleverly explores themes of trust and self-discovery, making it a delightful read for anyone who loves a fake relationship with unexpected sparks. Overall, a perfect blend of humor and warmth.

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I love it when he’s sunshine and she’s grumpy! Our cinnamon roll hero and our jaded heroine can’t deny the heat between them, and they do drive each other wild. Be prepared for things to be extremely hot and steamy, because, wow, it was crazy! These two, seemingly opposite, but they have an instinct, an insight, about each other. It takes her a little longer to latch onto it, and some wires get crossed, but when it works out, it is just so darn sweet and beautiful <3

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Are we hot for Ned Flanders? Yeah I guess we are..

I liked this but just wanted more from both of them. There was no real backstory for either of them. Did Hazel have a job somewhere? We know she wants to become a writer but that’s all that’s ever mentioned. I wanted more non sexual scenes between them that showed Beck letting Hazel be herself and her letting her walls down- it’s said but never actually shown. I loved their emails to each other.
Loved seeing Alfie and Mabel!

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Maybe I'm committing a faux pas dropping my review the day after I get a notice that the ARC exists, but I was up till almost 5am because of this book and the world needs to know how great it is.

It's sexy, it's sweet, it's funny and–most of all–it makes me not hate hetero romances.

This book is exceedingly my jam: big woman and big man, hurt by the world, doing their best for one another, but also can't keep their hands off of one another.

I cried, okay? I cried buckets at the end.

I also didn't skip the sex scenes (which would be difficult in this book, where sexual attraction is a huge factor) like I usually do. I was INVESTED. That barely ever happens for me, so when I find an author who can reel me in so fully, I'm never letting go.

Another winner from Charlotte Stein and possibly my favorite book of the year so far.

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