Member Reviews

W.W. Norton and Company provided an early galley for review.

I have always been a fan of this show. I watched it first run on TV, I own the six of seven seasons of the series on DVD, and if fictional characters qualify for a "hall pass", Lorelai would certainly have fallen on my list at one point. Therefore, the description of this one very much got my attention.

The book features essays from fifteen different writers, both women and men, as they reflect upon the show and its impact in their lives. It is a very easy read, comfortable and honest - much like the show that inspired the collection here.

I could not help but chuckle at one of the male writers who found the fast-talking banter of the characters to be a huge turn-off or at one of the female writers who made a point to count how many coats Lorelai went through in just the first two seasons alone. While the former was very much a necessary feature of the show, the latter serves as a reminder of how shows like this one reflect and promote styles.

Fans of Gilmore Girls will enjoy this one.

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Gilmore Girls has been my comfort show for the past two decades. It’s an imperfect show, but returning to Stars Hollow and the characters and plot lines that I know so well always feels like home when my brain is too full and my life is too busy.

This is a book of essays written by people who feel like me about the show. You won’t find criticism or deep analysis, but you’ll find diverse people from diverse places who connect with the show in a deep way. It’s a book by fans and for fans. The essays are short and interesting, and I appreciated the varied perspectives.

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I'm on a Gilmore Girls streak lately. This was such a cool read, an anthology about what draws us to Gilmore Girls, what the appeal is to stay a fan and why the show and characters stick with us for so long. Each writer nailed it from a completely different perspective. 

I loved reading about all the angles of how the Gilmore Girls came into someone's life, how it affected them or didn't, and why it's beloved by so many, years and years after it aired. 

If you love Gilmore Girls, you should definitely pick up this one.

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What a collection! Unlike so many deep dives into the Gilmore Girls, this book looks at both the light and the deep. While on the surface, the show seems innocent enough but there is so much more that highlights the human condition and this collection delves into that through brilliant essays by some of our most talented writers. A must read for true Gilmore Girls fans!

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I was notified by email this morning that I received an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley, so I downloaded it immediately and spent the day reading it. I can’t tell you how much I loved this book! As a huge Gilmore Girls fan since Day 1, I loved reading everyone’s stories on how they relate to the show. Some of the stories were sad, there were a couple I found less interesting than others, but overall I absolutely loved this book and can’t wait to purchase it when it comes out in November!

I received an advanced copy from NetGalley in exchange for a review and opinions are my own.

P.S. Speaking of opinions, I really love the cover Goodreads currently has compared to the cover that NetGalley shows. The gazebo, the leaves, the green…it’s perfection!

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