Member Reviews

I gave up pretty early on just because my mind was not in the right place for this book. It actually seems pretty cool but was not my jam, which makes me sad because it seemingly *is* my jam. I don’t know how to explain it, maybe read it and you’ll understand. I love the cover! The plot seems really interesting! My mind just could not stay focused during this story for some strange reason. Maybe I need to read it on a rainy night with a cup of something hot when I have no other real concerns to distract me…

I received an advanced copy from NetGalley in exchange for a review and opinions are my own.

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This is an interesting take on a quaint Irish village cozy mystery. Mostly, it's different because the village isn't as quint as some others in similar books. This village does have the requisite pub and that small-town, everybody knows everybody's business vibe; but also is overshadowed by a more sinister air. It turns the normal small village feel in such a way that I think this would appeal to cozy fans but also to those who prefer their mysteries with more suspense.

The characters here are mostly warm and likable, and I would love to see more of them in future books. It would be great to get a better picture of some of their back stories, as I did find those a bit weak, but I think that could be elaborated on if this book is the beginning of a series which it definitely feels like it could be.

The one place this book fell apart a little was in the mystery itself. I enjoyed the investigative portions and the clues, but the ending wasn't so satisfying. Although I learned who the killer was, I was still vague on the motive. There is an explanation; it's not like the author didn't have it thought out. I just didn't understand how it all fit. Hopefully, other readers will and can shed some light on it for me.

Overall, I would recommend this book to mystery fans and to those who enjoy books set in Ireland. I think this series will improve with time, and I'm excited to see where the author goes with it.

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This was a nice little mystery story that wasn't quite thriller but not quite cozy either. I enjoyed Emma's character a lot.

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This book was gripping and hard to put down. It didn't feel like everything else you see out there, it felt very fresh. I really enjoyed this book!

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Are you looking for your next mystery thriller novel? Pick up No Comfort for the Dead. You won’t regret it!

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O’Donnell proves you don’t need blood and gore to make a thriller, as a young librarian, recently returned to her home town, sets out to find the person who murdered a local. A thinking person’s thriller

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