Member Reviews

story was definitely entertaining and fun. Thank you NetGalley and Atria books for this arc. Overall I think the only parts I really enjoyed were the setting, this would be such a good winter/Christmas read; and the banter between Tyler and Alix.

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3.25 ⭐️ I felt like I was 15 years old again reading fanfics and I say that in the BEST way. Does the book have flaws? Yes. Are the characters the most lovable in the world? No. But I had a fun time while reading it and honestly that's what matters to me.

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This was such a cozy read! I’m a big fan of hallmark movies, and this gave me those same warm, fuzzy feelings. Alix and Tyler’s love story was so heartwarming and I loved Tyler’s character development.

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4.5 stars rounded up!

If you loved New Kids On The Block, N*Sync or The Backstreet Boys …

Grab a cup of hot chocolate and find a place in front of the fire before settling in with this read! I loved the picturesque setting of the Vermont ski lodge. The chemistry and banter between Alix and Tyler was sweet and without all the angst that often bogs down romance novels. I enjoyed how the author threaded in different forms of media (emails, tweets, entertainment articles) to tell the story.

Read if you like:
✨ boy bands
✨ cozy, winter settings
✨ romances with a touch of mystery

Thank you NetGalley and Atria Books for the advance copy in exchange for my honest review. I really enjoyed this one!

Will post my review to IG and Goodreads on publication day.

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This sweet romance was as cute as it’s cover. A ghost writer, staying at a beautiful Vermont ski resort to work with the subject of her ghostwriting, meets a cute ski instructor and romance novel shenanigans ensue. I felt the chemistry between the male and female main characters, and the setting was enviable. The book is also great winter reading, due to the ski resort setting. There’s some mystery and B-plot revolving around the boy band member our main character is writing about/for and the band he was a part of. I enjoyed that each chapter was broken up with a little mixed media - social media posts, gossip columns, articles, voice notes transcribed, etc. This was was a fun, light read and I enjoyed my time with it.

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Perfectly cozy and romantic--I think a lot of people will love this one!--but unfortunately the celebrity-culture aspect just wasn't for me.

Very grateful to Netgalley and the publisher for the arc, though!

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This book follows entertainment journalist Alix Morgan, who trades her city apartment for a comfy penthouse suite at a ski lodge in Vermont. Tasked with ghostwriting a memoir for Sebastian Green, a former boy band member who is looking for more stardom, Alix settles down at the comfy lodge to begin writing. What she doesn't expect is to start unraveling a mystery behind the boy band's collapse... And as she starts to develop feelings for a ski instructor named Tyler, more secrets are brought to light...

Overall, the premise of this novel was promising, but everything fell a little flat for me and I don't know why. None of the characters captivated me, and neither did the romance between Alix and Tyler. I liked the vibes of the setting; this would be a good winter read, which is good because this book is set to come out in January! Also, the inter-chapter segments didn't add much to the book, so I could've less of them, but maybe that's a personal preference.

Thank you, NetGalley and Atria Books, for this digital ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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Okay,I had low expectations, but this truly gave me some nostalgic vines! Boy bands, drama, a bit of mystery, and a whole lot of swooning! Yall.... Tyler, whew he's up there now on my top 3 fave book boyfriends. I loved the FMC. She seemed so genuine and dedicated to her work. I loved that her bestie forced her to get out of her comfort zone. Her sister is a heaping pile of mess, but it made for some interesting twists. This gave me Nsync/Backstreet Boys vibes with the whole Lou situation but a bit of mystery to it. I truly loved this, and I loved reading through the two main character's falling for one another. The ending was refreshing!!

I received this ARC from NetGalley and Atria Books to read/review. All of the statements above are my true opinions after fully reading this book.

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Alix es una periodista de espectáculos que se convertirá en la escritura fantasma del famoso cantante, Sebastian, ex miembro de una boy band.

Sebastian le consigue un lugar lejos y tranquilo para que pueda escribir, es ese lugar conocerá a Tyler, un profesor de ski con quien se llevará bien y empezará a enamorarse de él, sin embargo, hay algo que está escondiendo y su instinto periodístico quiere descubrir que es. Cuando descubre el gran secreto se siente entre la espada y pared, no sabe si debería develar el secreto y ganar dinero, o ayudarlo a enterrarlo.

Hay romance, pequeños toques ya que todo gira en torno a lo que pasó con los miembros de la banda, sobre todo en la rivalidad entre Sebastian y Jett.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Kayla Olson was a new to me author but not for long! I would read an instruction manual by her and be happy. I loveddddd this book! Keep them coming

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This is a fun winter read! Some of my favorite elements of pop culture, boy bands and a cuter ski instructor!

Alix Morgan gets a huge opportunity to ghost write for a mega pop star, Sebastian Green. To help keep her on track, Sebastian sends her to a cozy lodge in Vermont. She is stunned when she realizes she is in a penthouse at the lodge. She runs into the one thing she was trying to avoid, a distraction. His name is Tyler and he is the cute ski instructor next door.

There is major drama when it comes to Sebastian’s memoir, as it covers the break up of the band he was in - True North. Alix ends up discovering information that could complicate her project and life.

This is my first book by Kalya Olsen and I will definitely read more.

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This book was a quick and easy read. It was a nice break from the darker romances, and fantasy reads. This was my first Kayla Olsen book, and it will not be my last. I really enjoyed the social media posts, text messages, and articles through this story. The FMC, Alix Morgan, is an entertainment journalist that has been hired as a ghostwriter for a former member of a boyband. She stays at a lodge in Vermont to sequester herself, so she can focus on writing and take time for herself. Alix meets Tyler, a ski instructor at the lodge. There was a twist that I didn't see coming, but figured it out just before it was revealed. I loved the character development and the interactions between all the characters.

Thank you Netgalley for the advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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3.5 stars! Entertainment journalist Alix Morgan has just landed the opportunity of a lifetime—she's been tapped to ghostwrite a memoir by Sebastian Green, former member of the popular boy band True North. Alix is thrilled to dive deeper into Sebastian's career and the mystery behind True North's downfall, especially since she was one of the last people to interview former frontman Jett Beckett before he disappeared from the public eye. Soon, Alix is whisked away from her cramped NYC apartment to Sebastian's luxurious penthouse at a ski resort in Vermont to write the book. Better yet, once she arrives, she's faced with a pretty cute distraction: her neighbor, ski instructor Tyler. As Alix and Tyler fall in love on the slopes, Alix's work begins to take an unexpected turn...can she uncover the truth about True North while also keeping her job and her relationship intact?

I really enjoyed this book! The mixed media elements were a definite highlight for me—whether it was a comments thread on social media, a voice note, an interview, or an article, I felt like they added so much depth to the narrative and were just super fun to read. I also liked finding out more about Alix's career as an entertainment journalist and ghostwriter. The romance between Alix and Tyler was so sweet (loved reading about their dates!), and while I did catch on to the twist pretty early on, I thought it was still really well-done. I did want a little bit more in the way of character development, but otherwise, I thought THE LODGE was such a cute, cozy read! It will definitely be super popular with readers this winter, especially fans of romcoms and books about celebritity culture. Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for the ARC.

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What a fun winter themed romance! I really enjoyed Kayla Olson’s other book, The Reunion, so I was excited to read this new one early. It was a cute read but I didn’t love it.

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I was very attracted to the plot of this book and while reading I have come to realize this book had such a creative and well-written plot that you wouldn't crave spice to make the book interesting. when an author can write a romance without spice and it is still exciting it's a gift.

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The Lodge by Kayla Olson is the ultimate cozy read! Picture this: you’re curled up in your comfiest PJs, sipping the most indulgent cup of hot cocoa you’ve ever had. That’s exactly how you should experience this book, which I devoured in less than 24 hours because… I literally couldn’t put it down!

I mean, a love story with boy band vibes? Yes, please! (Still crossing my fingers for that *NSYNC reunion, anyone else?!) Alix and Tyler are absolute perfection, and every moment between them is swoon-worthy.

So, do yourself a favor—preorder The Lodge now. You’ll thank me later!

A huge thanks to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my totally honest (and completely obsessed) review!

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If you are a millennial who romanticized about meeting your late 90's early 2000's boy band of choice - I really think you'll LOVE this book! I could not put it down- and when I had to- I was so excited to get back to it!

This is such an incredibly original concept and story- so refreshing! The snippets from interviews, emails etc. kept the story moving, revealed little secrets and helped break everything up perfectly.

There are lots of twists (and you'll probably predict them) but the way that Kayla brings them to fruition definitely caught me by surprise on multiple occasions and I loved it!

The writing is beautifully done, there are so many "show me" moments to develop the story. AH! it's so good.

This is a just kisses romance and it was perfect. You still get the point and I wasn't missing anything more. I loved the love story so much.

This is definitely one of my top reads of the year and I can't wait for its release in January so I can cozy up and re-read! I'm ready to read more from Kayla Olson!

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria books for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Overall it was a decent book, but there was nothing spellbinding nor bad about it. I didn't dislike it, but it's not one I would tell all my friends they have to rush out and get asap. The premise is cute and I like that the pieces fall into place. The character development felt a little flat but I can't quite pinpoint why I didn't love them.

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Thank you to Atria Books for the ARC of this book! I read The Reunion by Kayla Olson and really enjoyed it, so I was excited to give this one a try as well. The Lodge was such a sweet romance and I just loved the cozy, wintery vibes sprinkled throughout. It is rare to get a book that is wintery and not about Christmas, and I actually really liked that about it! I think you would enjoy this book if you enjoy celebrity romance and a cozy wintery setting. All of the descriptive details made me wish I was on a ski vacation. See below for a brief synopsis!

Synopsis: Alix is a ghost writer for a popular boy band member. She has been given the opportunity to travel to a luxury ski resort in Vermont to work on writing the book. She makes a connection with her next door neighbor while there, who happens to be a ski instructor. They forge a sweet connection as she works on the book. There are some surprises along the way too, but I don't want to spoil too much, It is a sweet one perfect for the winter months!

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Thank you so much to Kayla Olson and Atria Books for the eARC of this title. I loved Kayla's first book, The Reunion. I was so excited to read more from her and this definitely lived up to the hype. I loved reading the story of Alix and Tyler. This book is the perfect amount of mystery, and romance, Definitely one you should check out!

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