Member Reviews

Thank you so much to Kayla Olson and Atria Books for the eARC of this title. I loved Kayla's first book, The Reunion. I was so excited to read more from her and this definitely lived up to the hype. I loved reading the story of Alix and Tyler. This book is the perfect amount of mystery, and romance, Definitely one you should check out!

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This super cute, fast-paced closed door romance had everything - an idyllic setting, realistic characters, and an interesting plot. I really enjoyed it and although it was easy to predict what was going to happen, I was still surprised by one or two things.

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This was such a fun book! i absolutely adored every single thing! the characters, the plot, the writing, the cover! it was such a wonderful book! definitely adding this to my collection

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This was a cute and cozy romance. It was an easy read and it actually helped me get out of a little reading slump. I would recommend!
Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for the ARC!

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I really enjoyed reading this book! It was a cute romance and the plot was very well written. The characters were adorable and I loved their storyline. The setting feels like a real place and the characters feel like real people.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books! This was cute but not my type of romance, this is the definition of a Hallmark romance book so if that’s your thing then go for this book. I really liked the characters in this book, they are a big reason why it’s getting a higher rating. The plot was a little Hallmarky but I did like some aspects of it and I knew exactly how this book was going to end, it was predictable but I did have a fun time!

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What a cute romance read! This is the perfect book to cuddle up with as the weather grows colder. I loved the ski lodge setting and following the characters as their love story unfolded. The plot was a bit predictable, but nonetheless captivating and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

In this book you follow Alix who is given the job of ghostwriting the memoir of a famous boyband member.

I loved the mixed media format sprinkled throughout the book. This was a fun element that added to the overall reading experience.

Thank you @atriabooks and @netgalley for the gifted copy of the book.

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I liked the writing style in this book a lot! I thought the plot twist was very predictable, but the plot as a whole was very interesting and I enjoyed reading it. I don’t have many negative things to say about this book, other than I did not like Seb at all! Overall, this book was a cute, easy, close-door romance and worth the read!

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Alix is helping the band True attempting to find the missing lead singer. Oh yeah, and she has a meet cute with a ski instructor. A bit of mystery and a bit of love.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and the author. All opinions are my own.

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Review to Come

Love the cover ❤️
Description intrigued me…
Author is new to me.

Thanks NetGalley for the ARC

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Close-door, celebrity/pop-star romance with a hint of mystery.

Alix Morgan, a journalist, gets her dream job ghostwriting a memoir for Sebastian Green, a former boy band member. While staying at a luxury resort in Vermont, she falls for a ski instructor, Tyler, and delves into the mystery of the band's missing lead singer. As romance blooms, Alix uncovers deeper secrets about True North’s downfall.

I didn't realize this was closed-doors before starting it, so I was expecting the romance to do a bit more with the story BUT it was a fun quick read. Alix and Tyler were just fine as MCs. Nothing wow'd me about this book but also nothing was glaringly wrong. I called the "twist" almost immediately.

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I see a book with a ski lodge setting, and you can bet your bottom dollar I'm going to read it.

I thought The Lodge was such a fun premise! I went in blind because I really saw the cover and a Vermont ski mountain setting and was in, so I was totally thrown by the whole boy band and journalism aspect of the story, but I thought it added a really cool twist to the book.

Overall, a cute easy read. If you love boy bands I think you'll love this!

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This is a sweet, fast paced romance about a journalist’s journey to ghost write a celebrity’s book but falls in love during the experience that it takes her through.

I thought it was cute, somewhat predictable but fun.

I don’t know if I really understand the term cozy across all genres but this does remind me of a hallmark movie with maybe a tad bit drama more than normal. And no ex hahah. If you know, you know.

Thank you to negtgally and the publisher for the opportunity for an honest opinion.

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Super cozy romance! Very much reminded me of a Hallmark movie. The storyline and romance between the two main characters is just such a feel good love story. While there were a few things that were predictable it was a fun read I could escape in.

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I was absolutely glued to my Kindle with this one. THIS IS SO GOOD! The cuteness of the couples and the snow is so great. You never see lodge or snowboard stories.

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Oh my gosh…what an amazing cozy read. I loved Tyler and how cozy and friendly he was. I loved Alix and her need to be at the Lodge. I loved their story and the redemption with “Tyler”, Sebastian and the whole band. I love a celebrity romance story!

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc!

What a good book! I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. This is a first by this author but will not be my last! I read this in one sitting because I just couldn’t put it down.

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Alix is an entertainment writer who has the opportunity of a lifetime- she’s ghost writing a memoir of a former boy band star and staying in his winter lodge for a month to work on it. When she arrives, she realizes that the ski instructor next door, Tyler, is a bonus that she hasn’t planned on.

This was such a cozy, wintery read that made me want to curl up with blankets and cocoa in a snowstorm. The best part of the read was the winter vibes and setting of the mountain lodge, followed by the fun of the boy band storyline and missing member. The twist is fairly obvious from the beginning but not to the characters, so it’s fun waiting for them to uncover what the reader already knows. I think this book will make the perfect post-holiday read to break up the January blues and snuggle in for a cozy romance book.

Thank you to Kayla Olson and Atria books for the ARC and opportunity to be an early reader and reviewer.

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Such a cozy, snuggle up in a blanket read! The characters were great and it was a unique read featuring ski lodges, boy bands, and ski lessons. I loved the characters and how well they communicated with each other, it was quite refreshing. Definitely a great read to set the mood for the upcoming holiday season.

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It took me a while to get into this book, I think I just didn't connect with Alix at all. She annoyed me with most of her decisions especially when she went back and forth between wanting to let out Tyler's secret for money (!!!!!!!!) even though she was supposedly in love with him!!! I'm sorry what!!!!!

Her relationship with her younger sister made me grateful to be an only child, I wanted her to stand up to her sister and it shouldn't have taken her outing Tyler's secret for her to finally say something.

I also feel like Sebastian's character was just kind of pointless? I know this is more about the romance between Alix and Tyler but...her writing Seb's story just felt like an afterthought.

Overall I think the only parts I really enjoyed were the setting, this would be such a good winter/Christmas read; and the banter between Tyler and Alix.

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