Member Reviews

is it just a story about entertainment journalists falling for ski instructor while being on a work trip? because i was left stunned in a middle of a novel. i wasn’t expecting and i could never even imagine this happening. if you decide to read this book and this moment doesn’t shock you then well, you smarter then me.

throughout the book we follow Alix who was given a task to write a book about a famous singer (Sebastian). he was part of boy band, called True North; and there is a lot of drama that was happening as group was performing. author (not Alix) makes it very obvious for us to hate both Sebastian and his team mate. they were both manipulative, unprofessional, in a way, and just, honestly annoying.

i actually hate a lot of characters in this book. i wasn’t a fan of Sebastian, from the beginning. just his characteristics and behavior was not it. Tyler was sweet and talented, nothing much to add. Jett and the other guy who made sebastian join the group were definitely wrong and confusing. they made me question my point of view.

story was definitely entertaining and fun; writing was easy but had some general mistakes: when we were reading text messages, i couldn’t define what was message and what was thought.

all the dates that Tyler made for Alix were sweet and overflown with cuteness. winter atmosphere was instantly present and i really want to go ski, now…

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Heading into the snowy mountains to be a ghost rider for a former boy band member? Yep! That's what's happening here. A cozy romance with great characters. Snuggle up next to the fire and read this book to get you in the Christmas mood.

Thank you netgalley for The Lodge by Kayla Olson

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I'd love to be curled up in a ski lodge, sipping hot cocoa and reading this book, rather than trying to escape the sweltering 90+ degree heat outside. This was my first book by Kayla Olson, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. While a few moments felt like they could have come straight out of fanfiction, most of the story was well-rounded and engaging. It’s a sweet, cozy romance that would be perfect for a winter evening by the fire.

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See my full review on my website at

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What a good story. I loved the unique setting of a ski lodge village. The characters were well rounded and most of the action was logical, though I felt a few instances of the story being a bit too contrived. Overall a nice read to cozy up by the fire with.

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The Lodge is a fun, fast paced book by Kayla Olson. A cozy read set in Vermont, has coffee, ice skating and skii lessons, everything you want for a winter read.

If you hate the miscommunication trope, you will love this book. There is nothing I want more from a book than mcs who have healthy communication.

I loved the inclusion of social media posts and news articles to give you more backstory without over explaining it.

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Be still my boyband loving heart. Imagine at the peak of their fame, Harry Styles disappears, never to be seen again. Then you, an entertainment journalist, travels to Vermont to write a memoir for his jerk of a bandmate where the tea is spilled. I think I’ve read fanfic that began this way, but this was obviously better. Choosing to read a book set at a ski lodge in the middle of summer was a choice but I think this will make the coziest post Christmas read when it comes out in January. Thank you to NetGalley and Atria books for the advanced copy!

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📖📖 Book Review 📖📖 Disappearing into the snowy mountains of Vermont is pretty much the perfect escape for anyone but for Alix Morgan ghostwriting rockstar Sebastian Green’s memoir with the backdrop of Black Maple Mountain is a whole other level. She used to cover their band, True North, as a reporter, and now she has a chance to dig deeper with this book deal. The Lodge is for music lovers who held pop culture close in their heart through the ups and downs of teenage years, when ballads became part of their identity. For Sebastian, his bandmate Jeff Beckett’s disappearance changed his career and for Alix, writing about this band could once change her career path…and so much more. The Lodge is a cozy winter novel that illustrates how circumstances do indeed change our lives but how we ultimately get to write our own narrative, even if it is with a little help from our friends and professionals.


Review is on Goodreads and will be posted on instagram closer to publication date and on Amazon when published!

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I would recommend this one for readers looking for a sweet, cozy romance. The storyline, while a bit predictable, is nonetheless charming. The mystery subplot adds another dimension, and the romance is of course the focus here. There are a good variety of characters (that sister, whew!) and the pacing works well for the genre. This is a quick and easy read!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the e-galley; all opinions are 100% my own.

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This book was disappointing. It had the potential to be really great. Unfortunately, I didn't feel a connection to ANY of the characters. Alix was flat and unlikeable. Tyler was mostly just described physically and seemed boring.

The plot was also hard to believe. A writer who had never written a book before is given an opportunity to ghostwrite a book by a world famous pop star? Not likely.

The entire book felt rushed and like it just skimmed over everything. The only character I had any opinion about was Lauren the insufferable, unlikeable sister.

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This was fun! I really like Kayla Olson and will read her books every time I come across one! This also contributed to my really really really wanting to go to Vermont!

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This book is a gem. It brought me back to my boy band loving days. The story was sweet and cozy. The twist wasn't surprising but it made for an interesting story. This is a great book for curling up by the fire with a cup of hot chocolate.

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I really wanted to read this book, I thought the premise sounded fun and I really liked the cover - turns out, I really liked the book, too! Alix is a journalist looking to amplify her career, and lands a job ghostwriting for a member of a former boy band, Sebastian. Fans have always wanted to know why the group broke up, and where the front man disappeared to. Alix heads to Vermont to work on this book. With Sebastian's notes, Alix begins to piece together a story about the band. But she also eases into the Vermont resort scene, and begins to develop feelings for her ski instructor, Tyler.

I really loved the relationship between Alix and Tyler and all the ways he re-introduced her to enjoying life. I also enjoyed the efforts Alix undertook to figure out about the band and where the lead ran off to. I thought a fun touch were the article excerpts interspersed throughout the book. This was just overall a fun book, and I would recommend it if anyone wants romance, but also a little dramatic flare, as well.

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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[arc review]
Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for providing an arc in exchange for an honest review.
The Lodge releases January 7, 2025

Eight years ago, Alix covered the boy band True North as an entertainment journalist and published an article about the disappearance of their lead singer, Jett Beckett.
Now, she’s ghostwriting the celebrity memoir of his former bandmate, Sebastian Green.

Will a month long all-expenses-paid writing retreat at a ski lodge in Vermont and an endless supply of voice memos lead to the discovery of what happened to Jett? Or will Alix spend more time getting to know the man in the penthouse suite beside her?

<i>The Lodge</I> is the perfect blend of mystery and romance, with whip-smart banter and a winter setting.
Every chapter ends with a piece of mixed media and I loved the structural cohesion this added.

Even though it was very obvious from the get-go what happened to Jett, I still think the reveal happened too early on in the story.

Alix’s sister Lauren played a huge factor in the decline of my rating. I get that the drama with her roommate was necessary conflict to incorporate the risk of rent and weighing the moral decision of selling a gossip story, but I didn’t like how annoying she was.

I’d recommend this if you’re wanting a light seasonal read and a celebrity romance with the nostalgia of 90’s boy bands.

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The Lodge is the definition of a cozy romance novel! I’ve had Olson’s The Reunion on my TBR list for months, so was ecstatic for the opportunity to read her upcoming release. I adored everything about the story - the characters, the setting, the plot. The relationships were extremely well written and I loved the sibling and friendship dynamics almost as much as the main romance. This is the perfect book to curl up with during the cold, winter months!

Thank you to Netgalley and Atria Books for the e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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This was very cutsie, very demure but unfortunately lacked depth and nuance. The idea was a great one but I wish it had more impact and drama. The love story was one dimensional as were the characters.

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Enjoyable, cozy, non-spicy book about an entertainment journalist who is holed up at a ski lodge to ghostwrite a book for a former boy-bander. She becomes involved with the ski instructor who lives next door. The story is cute, but really predictable and takes a little bit to get into. There are also some super frustrating characters that I could have done without (her sister).

Thank you Atria Books for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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Read if you enjoy:
- celebrity romance
- forced proximity
- boybands
- no spice

This was such a fun and entertaining story—I was captivated from the start. I really enjoyed the mystery aspect of the book and had my guesses from the beginning about what happened with True North, yet I was still surprised by some of the plot twists. I’m definitely going to explore Kayla’s other novels and keep an eye out for new books from her in the future. I’d love to read Chloe’s love story.

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Oh, this book was so good. Well written, loads of romantic tension, well-developed and emotionally mature main characters. I loved Tyler & Alix and definitely rooted for them. I thought- for the first little bit- that Tyler was actually Sebastian, so I was pleasantly surprised that he was actually Jett. It was a great little twist. I'm looking forward to reading more from this author!

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This book is sheer perfection! I honestly wouldn’t change a thing. I LOVED EVERYTHING!

The Lodge was a book that had me clutching it to my chest multiple times while reading. It’s a simple plot, but it was executed so exquisitely that it deserves a chef’s kiss.

In this novel we follow Alix who needs to get out of the Brooklyn apartment she shares with her sister so she can focus on ghostwriting a book for a former boy band we star. Once in Vermont, she is surprised her new neighbor is the hunky ski instructor Tyler Fox. Sparks instantly fly between these two as they go on cute little dates around the Lodge grounds. Soon secrets are revealed for both of them, but is their love strong enough to endure it?

I loved loved loved Alix and Tyler. They couldn’t have been cuter. Alix was witty and made Tyler laugh after years of seclusion. Tyler treats Alix like she’s a princess. He re-teaches her how to ski, introduces her to new coffee combos, takes her ice skating, and is just a perfect Prince Charming.

This novel kept me reading but it was not full of angst and drama. I will say there are a couple plot twists that were predictable. It didn’t bother me though when they came to fruition. I still enjoyed this story and wish it wouldn’t end.

I’ve now read two books by this author, including The Reunion. And I love how Olson includes fun little articles, texts, tweets and other info in between the chapters. It’s so unique and helps break the story up a bit. It’s a signature move on her part, and I hope we see it in her next novel.

*An ARC was received from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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