Member Reviews

Yes, and yes again! I thoroughly enjoyed this book! Great storyline that had just enough twists and turns in it to keep me reading away. It has a great ending too! Way to go,Megan Collins!!

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for this advanced copy. Enjoy!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Atria for the ARC of Cross My Heart in exchange for an honest and independent review.

Megan Collins is a psychological thriller mastermind! Cross My Heart is completely unhinged in the absolute best way possible and I could not put it down. Very few books have ever kept me guessing as much as this one did and there were times when the main character and her perception of the world had me at a complete loss for words and reason.

Without entirely giving too much away, Cross My Heart is centered around our main character, Rosie. Rosie is a heart transplant patient who has recently started corresponding with the husband of her heart donor through an agency that allows both parties to stay anonymous. The catch is, Rosie has an inkling as to who the husband is she is emailing with as he is a rather famous author who just happened to have lost his wife in what we later learn are incredibly suspicious circumstances. Rosie’s life begins to quickly spin out of control as she finds herself at the center of a murder investigation and quite possibly a target herself.

From the very beginning, readers can see and feel that Rosie doesn’t necessarily have a world view that aligns with the majority of everyday society. Her perception always appears just a tad skewed and as a reader, you quickly become suspicious of Rosie’s first hand accounts of certain circumstances. On one hand, you feel bad for all the hardship she’s had to endure in her short life, but on the other hand, you’re reading her first person account of her feelings and rationale and you cannot help but assume that Rosie is certifiably and undoubtedly completely insane and entirely out of touch with reality as you or me would know it.

The fact that Megan Collins was even capable of crafting a character as complex and multilayered as Rosie still completely baffles and amazes me. To set aside our normal, everyday viewpoint and craft a world seen through “Rosie colored glasses” is something you just cannot fully appreciate until you’ve read this book. This book will bend your mind in more ways than you ever thought possible, but I can promise that you will love every minute of it and even when the end comes, you will be begging for more.

I cannot, in good faith, gate-keep this book from anyone. Everyone needs to immerse themselves in the mind-binding journey that is Cross My Heart. I promise that you won’t be the same after reading it, nor will you forget what it feels like to look at the world through Rosie colored glasses because who doesn’t love a little warped perception every now and again to brighten our day?

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Wow! What a suspenseful read. From the first chapter, I was hooked and could not put it down until it was over.

The separation between part one and part two of the book was perfect; I enjoyed getting to know Rosie in part one, stalker tendencies and all. And by the time part two rolled around, I was second guessing everything and everyone.

Also, the tswift references were incredible, and I felt as though I heard her songs playing in my head as certain scenes unfolded (queue “Look What You Made Me Do”).

And I couldn’t have asked for a better ending! Well written and twisty enough to have gasping. Truly a great read 4.5/5 ⭐️

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"Cross My Heart" by Meg Collins is an enchanting read that captivates from the very first page. The story weaves a tapestry of emotion, exploring themes of love, loss, and redemption with a deft touch. Collins’ writing is both lyrical and engaging, inviting readers to immerse themselves in the richly drawn characters and their journeys. The plot is filled with unexpected twists that keep you on the edge of your seat, while moments of tenderness offer a perfect balance. This heartfelt tale is a testament to the power of hope and resilience, making it a must-read for anyone looking for a touching and uplifting story. Highly recommended!

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This was a really twisted book and I was here for every second of it! Such a fun read that you need to get your hands on!

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It has been a long time since I’ve read a book that proves almost every one of my reader theories wrong. Cross My Heart is a fast paced book that will have you changing your guesses every chapter. Megan Collins crafts such an immersive, unreliable narrator that I kept forgetting that I wasn’t Rosie, that I could think otherwise. The mid point plot twist left me reeling, I felt almost like I was reading two completely different books in the best way: like everything I expected was flipped on its head. Which only made me want to read on faster; this was a single day read for me! Only some parts drew me out of the plot, the Taylor Swift discussion felt like a piece that didn’t fit the characters we knew, and I never thought I’d say this as a fan of hers. 4/5 stars, a very solid and recommendable thrilling read.

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Found this blurb of TikTok and was hooked. This book was interesting and fun with twists and turns. Absolutely enjoyed the entire thing

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I love how this seems to start out as an unusual romance but is actually a thriller. The main character took me on a wild goose chase a few times with who she thought was the murderer but it definitely helped to keep me on my toes! Also, LOVE the Taylor Swift references. Would definitely recommend picking this up!

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This book centers on Rosie Lachlan, who suffers from cardiomyopathy and is receiving a heart transplant, the heart she gets belongs to a famous author (Morgan Thorne)'s wife, Daphne Thorne. In the beginning of the book, Rose is working in a bridal shop and reminiscing and waiting for her happily ever after. Rosie feels a strong pull to the man of whose heart she now has, and this is twisty sinister tale of what one woman will do for love and the sense of fate. Such a great page, a fast paced page turner! Can't wait to read more from Megan Collins!

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Absolutely breathtaking and jaw dropping! Sooooo many WTF moments and I loved how cringeworthy Rosie is! I couldn’t help but to feel extremely protective of her and also wanted to shake her! This is definitely one of my favorite books of the year!

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Cross My Heart wasn’t what I was expecting at all, and in the best way! I enjoyed this so much, Rosie will be a lasting character in my mind. Wonderful written and kept me guessing the entire time.

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The book was so good the twists were amazing it kept me guessing on who did till the very end . ..............

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3.5 stars rounded up
The unreliable narrator is not my favorite.

This is a quick paced read about Rosie, a heart transplant recipient connecting with her donors husband…and falling in love with him. So she thinks.

The twists in the book were unexpected and had me predicting wrong, almost every time!

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I enjoyed this book. It was different from many of the psych thrillers I have read recently. It was a little slow in spots and took me much longer to read than it normally does.

I like the storyline with the donor heart but the whole my world isn’t complete with a man and the crazy woman in love was just too much. The author makes women out to be nothing if they don’t have a man and the whole stalking an ex just makes women look so pathetic.

I thought the author was turning things around at the end with the big speech about being whole with just yourself but alas, that was short lived.

I figured out the killer very early on but liked the way the author tied it all together. Not overly gripping but I would read something else from her as perhaps this is just a one off or maybe I’m just being too critical on this one.

Thank you to NetGalley, author Megan Collin’s and Atria books for the ARC and opportunity to review this book

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We’ve got my favorite type of MC- the obsessive stalker 😆 The story is told from the POV of our FMC, Rosie as things devolve into chaos. Things got very chaotic as the story neared its conclusion. I couldn’t keep up with the twists and you definitely have to suspend belief. Overall a very quick and enjoyable read.

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I absolutely loved the premise of this book. The main character has a heart transplant and then becomes a bit obsessed. There was quite a few twists and was a good book overall. I would recommend.

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This book had me hooked from the start.
Rosie makes you question things and you want to keep knowing more.
Rosie isn’t the most reliable narrator. There’s emails to her heart donors husband that also add to the book and keep it moving. There’s so many twists and turns in this book. Some of them you see coming and the ones that you don’t are incredible.

Megan Collins does it again. Her books are an automatic buy for me.

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Cross My Heart is full of the unknown with twists and turns that lead you in one direction and then takes you in another. You think from the start that you know where the story is heading, but you are thrown for a loop and everything you think you knew, was wrong. If you like twists and turns and mystery, this one is for you. 4 stars!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the free copy of Cross My Heart by Megan Collins in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Collins knocked this one out of the park! Cross My Heart delves deep into the shadows of obsession and mental illness, filling you with this dark sense of uneasiness and instability. Rosie's character was so well portrayed that I felt extreme compassion and fear for her. Other times, I felt like I was losing my mind right alongside of her. The story was very interesting and original. I thought I knew where it was going, but about halfway through, I had to stop and question everything that I read up to that point. I did NOT see that coming!! You will not know what to think or who you can trust. One of the best qualities in a thriller! Loved it! I'm a big fan of Collins' books and they just keep getting better and better in my opinion. This will be a fun read for thriller fans. I highly recommend that you add this to your TBR lists now! You don't want to miss out on this one.
Thank you to Atria Books for granting me early digital access via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review!

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I’ve loved Megan Collin’s since her first novel and Cross My Heart did not disappoint. The twist came out of nowhere and kept me reading to see what really happened.

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