Member Reviews

I absolutely loved the premise of this book. The main character has a heart transplant and then becomes a bit obsessed. There was quite a few twists and was a good book overall. I would recommend.

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This book had me hooked from the start.
Rosie makes you question things and you want to keep knowing more.
Rosie isn’t the most reliable narrator. There’s emails to her heart donors husband that also add to the book and keep it moving. There’s so many twists and turns in this book. Some of them you see coming and the ones that you don’t are incredible.

Megan Collins does it again. Her books are an automatic buy for me.

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Cross My Heart is full of the unknown with twists and turns that lead you in one direction and then takes you in another. You think from the start that you know where the story is heading, but you are thrown for a loop and everything you think you knew, was wrong. If you like twists and turns and mystery, this one is for you. 4 stars!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the free copy of Cross My Heart by Megan Collins in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Collins knocked this one out of the park! Cross My Heart delves deep into the shadows of obsession and mental illness, filling you with this dark sense of uneasiness and instability. Rosie's character was so well portrayed that I felt extreme compassion and fear for her. Other times, I felt like I was losing my mind right alongside of her. The story was very interesting and original. I thought I knew where it was going, but about halfway through, I had to stop and question everything that I read up to that point. I did NOT see that coming!! You will not know what to think or who you can trust. One of the best qualities in a thriller! Loved it! I'm a big fan of Collins' books and they just keep getting better and better in my opinion. This will be a fun read for thriller fans. I highly recommend that you add this to your TBR lists now! You don't want to miss out on this one.
Thank you to Atria Books for granting me early digital access via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review!

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I’ve loved Megan Collin’s since her first novel and Cross My Heart did not disappoint. The twist came out of nowhere and kept me reading to see what really happened.

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Thanks NetGalley and Atria Books for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. I always enjoy Megan Collins’ books, and this one is no exception. It’s a very fast-paced book, and I love the inclusion of some email and text exchanges. I was not expecting that ending. I thought I had things figured out, but I was wrong. I love that in a mystery and suspense book. At times, the book almost seemed a bit repetitive, but it was still a very fast-paced read. It’s definitely worth checking out when it’s released in January 2025.

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Rosie is a little sad ... she was dumped in her wedding dress, needed a life saving heart transplant, her health is precarious and all she wants to find is 'The One'.

When she finds out that her heart came from local, famous author Morgan's dead wife a plan is hatched.

While reading this story I probably rolled my eyes a few times at the storyline. Obsessed girl who only wants to find love? Gets a little too obsessed? ... Not exactly the thriller I was expecting, but then the plot twists start rolling in and I think to myself, 'dang, Collins got me.'

My favorite thing about thrillers is being tricked. I love when I realize I was wrong the whole time. Yes, I said it, I LOVE BEING WRONG.

Although the way too long, pretty unrealistic emails were tiring in the beginning, it all made sense in the end.

This is a hard story to review as I don't want to reveal a THING. A good cast of characters that were easy to follow and manage.

I was really annoyed with the name "Morgan" for a man as I was confused what gender at first as the name can go both ways. And even with that personal annoyance, the author added a little blurb how the name Morgan can be for a man or woman, etc, etc. I felt creepily 'seen' in that moment... much like Rosie watching me... hmm..

Overall, a great little thriller. Not too long. Easy to read. Feel satisfied at the end. What else can you ask for?

Amazon Link - Cross My Heart By: Megan Collins

Stats: 320 pages - First published January 14, 2025

***Thank you to Atria Books and NetGalley for a  copy of the ARC in exchange for an honest review. Publishing January 14, 2025!

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This was such an interesting plot for a thriller! Rosie receives a heart transplant and connects with the widower of her doner over email. This is part romance, part stalker storyline, and completely unhinged throughout. It is hard to know who is being forthright and who has sinister motives. There are also several twists that surprised and interested me sprinkled throughout. The ending was a bit wild and all over the place for me but overall I really enjoyed this book. It was a fast read and I was engaged right until the end! Thanks to Megan Collins, Atria Books, and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I'm so obsessed with this book.
Can't stop recommending it in all my groups and to all my friends. Captured my heart from the start.

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I absolutely LOVED this book and now must read her entire backlist.

Pub date 01.14.25

Rosie receives a heart transplant and through the grapevine, figures out who her donor was. The husband of the donor is a local famous author, and Rosie becomes quite obsessed with him to the point of exchanging emails and even stalking his social media and maybe more…

Absolutely unhinged. My favorite type of thriller. add to your list!! I pictured the “overly attached girlfriend” meme from the early 2000s basically the whole time. And all the references to Gilmore girls/friends/taylor swift!

Read if you love:
-email exchanges
-unhinged narrator
-Taylor swift
-lots of twists


Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for my ARC! Highly recommend!!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for this ARC! *Cross My Heart* by Megan Collins is a gripping psychological thriller that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Collins masterfully crafts a tense atmosphere with her intricate plot and well-developed characters, making each twist and turn feel both surprising and inevitable. The novel’s exploration of trust and deception adds layers of complexity, engaging readers in a web of suspense and intrigue. While some elements of the story may feel familiar to fans of the genre, Collins’ skillful storytelling ensures a captivating experience from start to finish. Overall, it’s a compelling read that will satisfy fans of psychological thrillers with its blend of suspense and emotional depth.

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When a pen pal relationship between Rosie, heart transplant recipient and the donor’s widow, Morgan, takes off, neither can comprehend what it will bring into their lives. When Rosie starts wondering about her heart donor’s tragic death, sinister events start happening, and she’s pulled into one dangerous situation after another. This thriller could have used better editing for the prose, because while predictable, the plot had promise.

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Solid thriller. It was engaging and kept you feeling a bit embarrassed for the fmc. I enjoyed how they kept the reader confused too until closer to the end. I did feel the first half was a bit slow , I looked and was 50% done and still no real plot development had occurred. I enjoyed the poetry the author added and created for our belated Daphne.

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I really enjoyed the first 75% of this book! It was just the book to get me out of a reading slump. I related to the main character because I've been perpetually single and insecure about it. I liked that the book was broke up by text messages and emails. I also liked how fast paced it was. However, I knocked the book down a couple of stars because of the ending. It seemed to go a little off the rails there at the end. If the ending had been a bit cleaner, I would have rated this one even higher. Overall, I definitely thought it was worth the read!

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Wow, what a great book! This is a thriller that kept me up reading way past my bedtime. The twist midway through this book shocked me, which I absolutely love in a book. Up until the end, I didn’t know if the main character could be trusted or not. Can’t wait to read more from this author!

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The story hooked me instantly - a woman, who was a recent heart transplant recipient becomes obsessed with her donor’s husband. I thought I knew what this story was about. I would have been satisfied with that, but this story was much more than I could have conjured up. There were plenty of shocking twists that had me screaming WHAT?!, all the while delighting in the turn of events! This book was fun donning my detective cap, a crime within another crime, like one of those nesting dolls, each time you open one, something shocking jumps out to surprise you, including one particularly juicy gasp-inducing one.

While this story had me on the edge of my seat, this wasn’t just a story about a woman who becomes entangled in her donor’s husband’s life, it’s also about her own, living that second chance life and coming into her own. While the thrills… thrilled me, I appreciated the story of Rosie who works at her parents’ bridal shop longing for an everlasting one to call her own. I think we’ve all been glimpses of Rosie at certain times in our lives, and she was an easy character to root for, even during those unreliable narrating times! I always felt like she had a good heart.

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Thank you so much to Megan Collins, Atria Books, and NetGalley for this ARC of Cross My Heart.

After reading this book all I have to say is WOW! This book is so incredibly twisty and unhinged. It kept me on the edge of my seat CONSTANTLY. The format of this book is also so incredibly fun. It alternates between multiple POVs, emails, and other fun things like journals. Usually I cannot stand unreliable characters but I always love Collins’ characters!

This book was so, so good. Definitely a 5-star read from me!!

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Wow This Book 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
This book was full of twists that kept coming while I was racing through the pages and couldn’t put it down.

I loved how Megan used her creativity and how she created her characters in this amazing story, I love her writing style and how she just put her heart and soul into her books.

A story of obsession and love is so gripping that will make you turn the pages so fast, I was glued to it since the first page.

It was a fast paced read, intriguing and so satisfying.

Thank you so much NetGalley, Megan Collins and Atria Books for the ARC.

Coming 01/14/2025.

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Hell hath no fury like a bride scorned. Now add in a heaping spoonful of mental instability and you have this delightfully decadent to read story. There are plenty of twists and turns thrown at you and character backstories to wade through, which makes this a great way to spend a few hours of your time.

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I have never read anything by Megan Collins before but was excited to review “Cross My Heart” as the premise was so intriguing—what happens when you survive a heart transplant but become obsessed with the donor’s husband who happens to be a famous writer?

Here, the recipient is Rosie who works in the family bridal shop, which is ironic as she was dumped at the altar. She contacts the donor’s husband anonymously through a match program but she has deduced who he is An attraction between the two ignites but was is Rosie’s agenda? Is anyone to be trusted? Further, did her donor die in an accident or because of the husband’s actions?

Talk about an unreliable narrator. I was able to figure out parts of this story but other twists and turns really stunned me. I would consider this book a standout in a very crowded market and would definitely read from this author again.

Four out of five stars.

Thanks to Net Galley, the author and the publisher for a chance to read this heart-throbbing (pun intended) read.

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