Member Reviews

This was a really creative premise - I'm always so excited to read a plot that I don't feel like I've read before. While there were a few areas in the middle that felt a little muddled to me (especially when getting to Part 2, I wondered what on earth was going on) I overall enjoyed the story and had a hard time putting it down between reading sessions

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Such a heartfelt crazy wild ride of a read. This book has everything, and I definitely enjoyed resding it. A slew of characters that are easy to keep track of and kind of relate to parts of their stories.
Glad I was given a change to review this book. Throughly enjoyed reading it.

Thanks to the author, the publisher and Netgalley for an early release of this book.

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I sped through this book in less than a day — ask my annoyed children who wanted me to be reading to them instead lol. This has such an interesting premise, and there are so many red herrings and twists and turns! A truly addictive thriller.

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I wavered back and forth with this title and decided to land it right in the middle, so to speak. On one hand, the author does an excellent job of making this book about young women and their obsession and hunger for love, an obsession to not be able to put down:) The mystery and confusion swirled throughout and kept you guessing. On the other hand, I do feel this book is definitely better suited to the younger female demographic. It's very modern in the way of cultural/societal views on relationships (which is easy to see creates the inner conflict of these characters) and the issue that girls do not understand what love really is, and cannot recognize mentally unhealthy traits because they see it in every one of their peers. However, that also is what makes the story unhinged and like a car crash you can't stop watching. Overall, not too bad! #crossmyheart #megancollins #netgalley #goodreads

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This one really caught my attention and I read this one in under a day! I thought I had everything figured out until about midway through where there was an incredible twist. Will read others by Megan Collins.

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Wow this book ! If you love absolutely unhinged reads this is definitely for you!!

The plot follows Rosie, a recent heart transplant recipient who is anonymously talking with her donors husband via a medical app.

Rosie is definitely a questionable character, but one you can’t help but love!! She has a bit of a wild dating history and trouble with being in touch with reality at times. But she is also a hopeless romantic, a supportive friend and just an all round delightful human who loves quickly and deeply, it’s not her fault men think she’s “too much” .. right?

I LOVED the format of this book. It is split between Rosie’s present day POV, email exchanges between her and the donors husband, excerpts from a thriller authors book, excerpts of poetry and a journal style emails sent from the author to his friend. The different formats flow so well together weaving an overall picture of the story as it plays out in real time.

There are some big twists which come as a SHOCK but there’s nothing that excites me more than a complete 180 in a book plot where I’m left racing to figure out just exactly what is happening before the author reveals it to you.

Overall I LOVED this book, it’s the kind of book you fight between savouring and taking your time with or racing through all the pages because you’re desperate to see how it ends.

This book takes you on a wild ride and I loved every second!! I love Rosie’s character because she makes you feel like it’s okay to be a little crazy sometimes!

Thank you to Megan Collin’s and Atria books for the EARC!

Publish date - January 14th 2025

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4 stars

My first Megan Collins novel ,but certainly not my last. This was such a fun twisty thriller!!!

Thank you NetGalley and Atria books for the arc in exchange for a honest review!!

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This was a good, suspenseful read. Cross My Heart is a fast-paced thriller about Rosie, a heart transplant recipient, who becomes infatuated with her donor's husband. But, as she gets to know him she realizes things might not be a perfect as they seem.
Lots of twists and I didn’t figure any of them out!

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Thank you NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book.

Rosie, a pink haired heart transplant recipient, seeks out her donor’s widower…

Overall, I think this was a fast read with a lot of twists. The one thing that made me knock some stars off was the immaturity of the protagonist. While I understand that it may have played a part in her character, the constant Taylor Swift references were a bit cringey at times. My favorite part of this book was the heart transplant storyline, which I wish was more explored and focused on instead of the secondary characters. In sum, this was a fun and thrilling read, though a bit predictable. 3 stars.

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when rosie receives a heart transplant, she learns her donors husband is a famous author. when connecting to him through the donor portal she develops an obsession with him. when learning the circumstances of his wife's death is suspicious- nothing is as it seems. this book kept me on the edge of my seat and i didn't know what was going to come next. i thoroughly enjoyed this book.

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4.5 rounded up!

Rosie, the MC, is completely unhinged. A stage ten clinger - but is she evil? Or just desperate to be loved? That's the question I continuously asked myself throughout a majority of this book. I love an unreliable narrator, and Rosie was one of the best. I didn't trust her or her inner circle - which led to me inhaling this entire book because I needed a conclusion STAT.

The end of Part 1 had my jaw on the floor. I did NOT think this book was going in that direction, but I'm so glad it did. I couldn't put this down until I finished it. ADD THIS TO YOUR TBR. I promise you won't be disappointed.

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Are you in the mood for a thriller? Then pick up Cross Mh Heart. It was a good time! I loved it! Pick this one up!

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I'm so glad I gave this a shot! The plot description given is only a starting point and I spent the last half of the book with no idea what would happen. There are multiple excellent twists and suspects galore. I couldn't put it down.

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Cross My Heart is a fast-paced thriller about Rosie, a heart transplant recipient, who becomes infatuated with her donor's husband. But, as she gets to know him she realizes things might not be a perfect as they seem.
I was hooked from the very beginning and when I wasn't reading I was thinking about it! I thought I had it all figured out, but @megancollinswriter tricked me again with her twists!
Cross My Heart comes out in January, 2025! Make sure you get your hands on a copy when it's released!

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Such a good thriller! Engaging and addictive with a unique plot. I loved it!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this arc in exchange for an honest review!

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Megan did it again. Keeps you on the edge of your seat while hiding the twists and turns. The characters in this story were well developed and inviting even when you didn’t want to like them.

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This was my first time reading a book by Megan Collins, and it definitely won’t be my last. Wow, I went through a rollercoaster of emotions while reading this. Here we are following Rosie Lachlan, who works at a bridal shop owned by her parents. All Rosie wants is to find her one true love. After she undergoes a heart transplant, she ends up connecting with a man, named Morgan Thorne, on a platform called DonorConnect, and she believes that she has his late wife’s heart. After chatting with him, she also believes that he’s the one. However, things start to shift when Rosie comes across rumors that Morgan could’ve been responsible for his wife’s death. There were so many points in this book where I thought I knew exactly what was going on. I even felt frustrated at one point because I thought I figured something out. Turns out that I was completely wrong 🤣, and that’s what made this a great thriller. It kept me guessing the entire time, and I highly recommend it!

Thank you to NetGalley & the publisher (Atria Books) for the advanced copy.

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Holy cow, this book gave me whiplash in the best possible way! Every single time I thought I knew what was going on and where the story was going, I was thrown completely off. I audibly gasped "WHAT?!?" at one point, I was so flabbergasted with the turns the story was taking. This was definitely a top thriller for me and I finished it in less than a day, I just couldn't put it down! The premise alone was such an interesting one and then as the story developed, it just kept getting more and more interesting. It's very hard to explain the book without giving away major plot points, so just trust me on this 😂 (There's also plenty of Taylor Swift references and a few Friends references, if you're into that.) I highly recommend this one, if you're a thriller lover like me!

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I see what you did there. You took a typical messy, unreliable narrator and gave her a coke/fentanyl/ecstacy cocktail. DIDN'T YOU!?

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Well, wow! I always see books described as "twisty", then after reading them wonder what everyone else thought was so dang "twisty" about them.... all that to say that THIS, right here, is what sets the twisty mold! A somewhat unreliable narrator - one who at times I had immense sympathy for, and at other times wanted to shake; a huge "Wait, what???" moment halfway through, that will make you question everything you just read; an unexpected murder; and several people who aren't who they claim to be. If those aren't "twisty" enough for you, I don't know what is. This is the first book in a little while that I genuinely had no idea what was going to happen next, and I ate that up! I didn't see the last 20% coming at all, but felt it was a clever way to wrap things up. It's amazing what wild, and yes, "crazy", things that we do as women, just to avoid the "crazy" label. While I don't know if I would have done a few of the things Rosie did, I understand fully how she got to those places and things in the first place. Sometimes something small, like a list of things you know about something can turn into something so much bigger, scarier. I think we have all done something others see as insane in an attempt to revive a dying relationship.... at least, I hope Rosie and I aren't the only ones! All tha to say that Rosie was a character I could relate to and root for; I wanted her and her transplanted heart to come out on top. This is, in my opinion, Megan Collins' best book, and although I think it will sell itself, I know I'll be doing my best to sell it, as well.
Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and author for allowing me the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book so I could provide my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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