Member Reviews

This was a blast! I was thoroughly engrossed with all of the characters and storylines! It was my second Steve Cavanagh book (first Eddie Flynn), but it surely won’t be my last.

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for allowing me to read this great story,

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This is my second time reading a book by Steve Cavanagh, and I can now say I’ve become a fan. I always enjoy a thriller with unreliable characters and points of view. I found this book to be really interesting. It kept me on the edge of my seat. I was unable to predict what was going to happen. The ending was really well executed. I’m definitely going to recommend Witness 8 to other readers.

Thank you to Atria and to NetGalley for the ARC.

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I enjoyed this legal thriller featuring ex-con man Eddie Flynn. Cavanagh can tell a story and he creates such great characters. I’d love to see more of his hit man with morals, Mr. Christmas. Will be handselling this book.

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I wasnt totally sold on this book immediately but it was a good read. I admit to feeling confused a few times with all the character's points of view.

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Witness 8 is the second book I have read by Steve Cavanagh. He is quickly becoming an author I find to be a must read.

Witness 8 had a unique concept that kept me intrigued. I was most invested in the scenes with Eddie and Mr. Christmas. If the author decides to continue this series I would enjoy seeing Mr. Christmas as more of a main character. His chapters kept me hooked in this novel. I think this book is a must read for anyone that enjoys fast paced thrillers, multiple view points, and legal thrillers. Thank you to Atria, Steve Cavanagh, and Netgalley for allowing me to read this ARC.

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Steve Cavanaugh is easily becoming one of my favorite authors. This book covered all of the bases - thriller, suspense, and legal drama all in one package. The story revolves around a witness, known only as "Witness 8," who becomes the key to a case with deadly results. Eddie Flynn, a con-man who is now a defense lawyer, finds himself involved with the witness and corrupt officials revolving around the case. Characters were very engaging and I look forward to the next in this series. If you enjoy legal thrillers with gripping court scenes, and plenty of twists, Witness 8 is likely to keep you hooked; especially for fans of fast-paced and intelligent suspense novels.

Thank you to Netgalley and Publisher for the ARC to review.

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Witness 8 is a gripping psychological thriller following the murder of a resident of a wealthy street in NYC in which Ruby Johnson works on. The story begins with us meeting Ruby and knowing that not only does she know who the killer is, Ruby has some issues of her own. This book is actually book 8 in the Eddie Flynn series, which I did not realize before beginning to read, but can absolutely be read as a standalone.

I loved so many things about this book! It was gripping and kept me on the edge of my seat. I liked that every character was some shade of morally grey. I loved Eddie Flynn, the ex-con turned lawyer, and can't wait to read more of his stories.

Where this book fell short for me was Ruby. The book begins as if she is a main character and we will get more of her story but she really is a pretty small part of the larger book. There also may have been too many POVs for my taste. Two were introduced in the last third of the book and were not really necessary to drive the plot along.

Overall I do recommend this book if you are looking for a fast-paced thriller for fall.

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Thanks to Netgalley, the publishers & Steve Cavanagh for the ARC. I have mixed feelings about this book. It started off strong-I was interested in seeing how it all worked out, but closer to the middle it just got... weird. It felt like reading two seperate books with the two storylines, and there was no cohesiveness.
*spoiler-ish alert*....

I'm guessing this will be a series based on the last page. I don't think there's enough to go on with the main character of Ruby and I wouldn't even want to read anything further about her. I always get mad when people dislike books about unlikable characters and rate them lower because of that, but her story arc was just gross. It didn't make sense. Rounding up to 2 stars.

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Ruby witnesses a murder of someone she works for and has become a friend. She even knows who the killer is. You would think that would be a good thing because she can help solve this case quickly. But Ruby has other ideas.

This is my second Eddie Flynn book and I have liked them both. However I would personally read them in order. You can read them as stand alones and not be lost at all. But you miss out on the character development and introduction of new characters.

Eddie Flynn’s character is so interesting and fun to read. I really enjoy his clever ways to get out situations and to help his clients. I will say there has been a lot of characters added since my last Flynn book and I wish I would have gotten a little more from them because I didn’t really understand them as much. But again maybe when I go back and read I will.

Cavanagh has a great writing style for thrillers. He really sucks you in and gives you little breadcrumbs to help you possibly figure out some things that are going to happen but not all of it. I did figure out a couple things before their reveal but not everything.

Thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for the advanced copy of this book!

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I loved “Kill for Me, Kill for You” and it instantly made me want to read another book by Steve Cavanagh.

Jumping into the middle of the series was challenging, even though the books can be read on the own. There were a lot of characters and he did a good job explaining backstory but I still felt like I was missing something.

I liked that you have the main story about the murder of Mags but there is also some personal drama going on with Eddie. Overall I would rate this 3.5 stars rounding down to 3. Definitely still interested in reading more by him.

Thank you to Atria Books and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book. All opinions in this review are my own.

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I am honored to have received an advanced reader copy of Witness 8 by Steve Cavanagh. The story kicks off with a murder in a posh New York neighborhood, where Ruby, the witness, has a hidden agenda that might be even more twisted than the crime itself.

What drew me into this story was the characters. Ruby's mental instability and her behavior driven by her “love” for her mother, had me literally slack-jawed at times. Eddie Flynn is another highlight; his Saul Goodman-esque vibe made him my personal favorite. As a law major, I found his ability to exploit legal loopholes for justice both hilarious and thought-provoking, making me question the system’s integrity as a whole. And let’s not forget Mr. Christmas—his moments of mercy added a unique layer to the story. I liked the juxtaposition of a “kind” villain, since it’s something you don’t see often. Kudos to the author for creating such thought provoking & emotionally complex characters.

I also enjoyed how the story switched back and forth between different characters, It kept things from being stagnant. Although, I do wish we heard more from Ruby throughout. It would have been interesting to see more of the aftermath of her crimes through her perspective, as her moral compass was not so black and white overall.

I can’t wait to read more of Ruby’s story, and I’d highly recommend Witness 8 to anyone looking for a fun and twisty psychological thriller.

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This book was amazing! I'm so glad I got selected to read this book! I will be looking forward to reading the next book this author publishes in the near future hopefully!

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Engaging and entertaining, as expected. A recommended purchase for collections where crime and thrillers are popular.

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What a wonderful cast of characters!

Ruby used to live in an elite neighborhood and now she works for them. She walks around the neighborhood invisible, which she can use to her advantage.

Thank you #NetGalley for the advance copy!

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Wow, just wow! Huge thanks to Netgalley for the ARC of 'Witness 8' by Steve Cavanagh - this book was absolutely badass! I devoured it, loving every minute. The character development was top-notch, the plot was expertly crafted, and the twists kept me on the edge of my seat. This is my second Steve Cavanagh book, and I'm hooked - can't wait to dive into more of his work!

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In Witness 8, we meet Eddie Flynn, a former con artist, who is now a practicing attorney who uses all sorts of tricks in defense of clients he believes to be innocent. This mildly interesting novel is at its best during the courtroom scenes and much of the dialogue is scintillating. However, the plot is somewhat contrived and not altogether believable. It is an easy read with many varied characters (judges, hit men, a nanny, loyal friends, etc.) along the way to an unusual conclusion and I thank NetGalley and Atria Books for the opportunity to read and review this book prior to publication.

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This is my first Steve Cavanagh book and it definitely won’t be my last! I liked this fast past mystery, very much a book you don’t want to put dow . Eddie Flynn, con man turned lawyer, is a fascinating character with so many tricks up his sleeve. His dream team of friends (and protectors) made this book entertaining as well! I loved the multiple perspectives of the characters, it gives so much more to the story. Ruby was such a creepy character and I really enjoyed the unlikely friendship she built at the end. This gets 4 stars from me and I can’t wait to read more from the author! Thanks to Net Galley, Simon & Schuster, and the author for the ARC.

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Steve Cavanagh can do no wrong!

I was so excited to see that another Eddie Flynn novel was coming out. Witness 8 has quite aa few different characters. I did keep getting Lake and Bloch confused, but it all worked out in the end once I could keep them straight.

My jaw hit the floor (of course) once I got toward the end. Solid 4+ stars. Not quite 5 because it was a lot to keep track of, but still amazing. 100% worth the read!

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DNF at 9% - it was not obvious from the book description when I requested this book that this is the latest in a series featuring the same characters. It may be the author’s intent to be able to read it as a stand-alone, however I dislike starting series that already have well established character backstories from previous books, I find it jarring to read.

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Book Review: Witness 8 by Steve Cavanagh- 3 stars!

This is a legal thriller that draws you in with the premise “What if the witness was more twisted than the killer?”. Eddie Flynn, a former con-artist turned defense attorney, is so clever that you can’t help to continue reading to see what tricks he will pull out to ensure the best possible outcome for his client. While this was enjoyable read, the over all plot doesn’t hit as hard as it should especially compared to other books in the series. Regardless, I will read anything by this author!

Thank you @netgalley and @atriabooks for this eARC.

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