Member Reviews

Witness 8 is the 8th book in the Eddie Flynn series. Prior to this, I have only read book 4 (Th1rt3en) which I read as a standalone and absolutely loved! Witness 8 has surpassed all of my expectations, and has quickly made its way to my top 5 this year.

I loved absolutely everything about this book. The storyline, the characters and everything in between. The MC is a badass lawyer and ex-con, and it is so entertaining to read. The book was 415 pages of endless twists and it had me hooked the entire time.

Cavanaghs writing style is 🤯🤯 in these books. The amount of detail and knowledge describing the court cases/ crime scene investigations and all similar details were all so descriptive and fascinating. I literally felt like I was watching a Law and Order episode on my TV.

Overall, this was a spectacular read and now I’m going to go back and read the rest of the Eddie Flynn series!

Thank you so much @netgalley & @atriabooks for an ARC of this wild read.

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Number 8 in the Eddie Flynn series, this mystery is about Flynn and his associates trying to save a doctor wrongly accused of murder. Eddie Flynn is the rough around the edges attorney who used to be a con man and now tries to save others who are innocent. There are a lot of viewpoints in this story, probably too many at times and I kept waiting to get back to Eddie. One of the viewpoints is from Ruby, a young woman who works as a nanny and house cleaner for a group of wealthy people in a neighborhood Ruby once lived in. I think the readers were supposed to root for Ruby but her actions regarding a child were straight out child abuse and I couldn't get behind her at all.

There are really three stories here: Eddie helping out Dr. Johnson who was accused of murdering a woman he barely knew and had no reason to kill, a plot to kill Eddie started. by some police officers and Ruby and her quest to steal money from people. Eddie's story introduced us to the interesting Mr. Christmas who is a quirky hitman obsessed with Marlon Brando and how all of these stories come together is due to the craftmanship Cavanagh shows in all his books. The book dragged a bit in the middle as many new characters were brought into the fray and several groups of killers were after Eddie. As usual, the courtroom scenes were my favorite as Eddie and his associate Kate picked apart the case brought by the ambitious DA, Castro. Cavanagh shines in his courtroom scenes and I was wishing for more of them and less scenes of Ruby and her very odd behavior. The ending was exciting and all of he pieces came together in a surprising way. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for a copy of this ARC for review.

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"Witness 8" is the latest installment in the Eddie Flynn series, characterized by its rapid pace and abundant action. The narrative introduces a host of compelling characters, including Ruby Johnson, a nanny who becomes a key witness to a murder. Interestingly, Ruby's employer finds themselves on trial for the very crime she witnessed. The story culminates in a shocking twist that will leave readers astounded.

Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for the ARC to read and review.

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Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of “Witness 8” in exchange for an honest review.

Steve Cavanagh’s Eddie Flynn books are one of the best legal thriller series I have ever read. “Witness 8” is an other superb entry in the series, this time finding lawyer/former con man Eddie and his team defending a family man falsely accused of the murder of a neighbor. In the process, Eddie finds himself in the crosshairs of Manhattan mobsters, rogue cops, hitmen, and the ruthless District Attorney. Meanwhile, Eddie’s dearest friend is fighting for his life, while a troubled girl working for the accused’s family wreaks havoc on his case.

Fast-paced, suspenseful, witty, and moving at times, “Witness 8” races toward a twisty and satisfying conclusion. Highly recommended….here’s hoping for many more future entries in this fantastic series. Five stars.

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I liked this! It was a change from what I typically read, but in a good way. The plot was fast paced and had just enough twists to keep me on my toes. My only complaint is that there were SO many characters and plot lines that I ended up mixing them up if I read too quickly or without paying enough attention. Good read though! I’ll definitely check out this author again.

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Ruby used to belong to the Manhattan elite, but now works as a maid following her father’s troubles. One night she witnesses a murder on her street, and instead of calling the authorities, she is quick to form a plot to help herself.
This book was part of a series and reading it as a standalone probably was not the best idea. I am sure I missed out on a lot of backstories pertaining to all the various characters. However my main issue was that there weren’t many chapters dedicated to Ruby, and her character’s story was what made me choose to read this book. All and all it was a fast paced book with a twist I did not see coming. Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Well I didn't realize this was a series I just thought the back cover as well as the cover art were great so why not read it and review it. First Ruby is nuts I love her character, i dont love that she's a liar and conniving, i love that she has a goal and shes determined to get there. But yes she be crazy and a liar and then this lawyer has to figure out what's happening and why she's not telling the truth. Basically it sounds like a Law and Order episode but its soooo much better than that.

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I didn't realize when I started reading this that it was the 8th installment in a series, and I with Netgalley had done something to note that. I love this author, but I had not read the prior books.

I read this as a standalone so my insight on it might be skewed, but I found that there were way too many characters that I couldn't keep straight, but it may be easier for someone who has read the other books. I thought the plotlines were good, but there seemed to be a lot of POVs and I wasn't sure that they were all necessary.

Overall, I enjoyed the book enough, but I think I would have liked it better not as a standalone. It did however, encourage me to go back and read the series from the beginning.

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Holy moly...what a ride! The twists and turns...*chef's kiss*. I swear I could feel my heart speed up while reading this. The thrill and anticipation was everything in this book. I could not have asked for a better thriller!

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Eddie Flynn is back! I confess to taking a book off in this series after book 6 was a misstep. Presumably book 7 was back to form, but this one (book 8!) definitely was. I was happy to be back in Cavanagh's almost Gotham City-style New York. He's great at creating one-book characters that almost steal the show from Eddie Flynn - I'll remember Ruby from this one for quite a while. I brought this to a long wait in a medical office and it flew by.

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I didn’t realize this was #8 in a series until I was about halfway through! But I was able to read it without any problems, so he did a good job of making it be a stand-alone, if someone stumbled upon it like I did!

This gave me Myron Bolitar vibes, which is definitely a compliment. An ex-con man turned lawyer and his loyal group of associates solve a murder. It made for a very enjoyable read!

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"Witness 8" by Steve Cavanagh is a gripping novel that exceeded my expectations in ways I didn't foresee. Initially, I was skeptical about the book, but it wasn't until I found myself on page 58 that I realized I was thoroughly engrossed. The narrative quickly pulled me in, and from that point on, I couldn't put it down.

The character development in "Witness 8" is nothing short of captivating. Each character is richly portrayed, making their journeys and conflicts deeply engaging. Cavanagh masterfully builds suspense and complexity, keeping me hooked well into the night. The combination of intriguing plot twists and well-crafted characters ensured that I often stayed up late, eagerly turning pages to uncover what would happen next.

This was my first time reading Steve Cavanagh, and I’m now an instant fan. His skillful storytelling and ability to craft such compelling characters have left me eager to explore more of his work.A big thank you to NetGalley for providing me with the opportunity to read this book.

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4.5⭐️ Steve Cavanaugh never fails to disappoint me! This story was so fast paced. I had no idea this was part of a series but it didn’t matter. I enjoyed it all the same. Eddie’s character is so fun and likable. I found this story so compelling I did not want to stop reading!

Ruby witnesses a murder on her way home from work and makes a plan to change her life. Eddie Flynn is a previous con man turned lawyer who is representing the man accused of the murder. He knows something isn’t quite right. He and his team will stop at nothing - not even a hit on Eddie’s life - to solve this crime.

This book had my mind reeling. I loved it.

Thank you to Net Galley and Atria Books for this advanced e-copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Everything I’ve come to expect from Steve Cavanaugh. I love to follow Eddie Flynn and his antics. He always has me guessing what he has planned to bring justice! And he does it with flair!

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I thought based on the cover that this was a standalone software m the same vein as Kill for Me, Kill for You. Instead it is a slightly dated police procedural that inexplicably takes place in the NYC metro area but doesn’t seem at all like NY. I enjoyed KFMKFY but do not love this older book in a series.

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Wow! This will not be my last book by Steve. This was full of so many twists and turns. Eddie Flynn was such a great character, I wont be able to recommend him enough. Ruby felt like someone I knew, relatable but in a “I know someone just like her” method. This book felt like I was sitting in a theater at the edge of my seat watching a suspenseful movie. Perfect for the Fall season coming up. Will be highly recommending this book.

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When I received Witness 8, I didn't realize this was the eighth in a series about Eddie Flynn. Therefore, some scenes were a bit confusing because I didn't know who all the characters were. In addition, there are too many assassins for my taste, consequently I reduced my 4-star to 3-stars.

I enjoyed the chapters about Ruby. Sometimes, I was puzzled at the commands Eddie gave his co-horts. Once in awhile, I'd get an "a-hah" moment before some secrets were displayed. Had to laugh about his asking for gum, why did he want gum?

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This is only the second book I’ve read in the series by Steve Cavanagh. I love that you don’t need to read them in order. The novels follow Eddie Flynn, a con man turned attorney and his awesome colleagues. The books are all well written and so clever. I love the way Eddie thinks. He’s a good guy and wants to what’s best for his clients. There were twists nd turns in this book that you just don’t see coming. I’m going to go back and read more of these novels. I love how they always come together.

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I devoured this book! My second Eddie Flynn book I started with Thirteen and knew this was a series I was going to need to read. I love the characters, the plots and the page turning can't put it down once you start this book brought. I loved how you were kept guessing and the smarts Eddie brings.

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This was a very well written thriller that had multiple layers and multiple storylines that seamlessly came together. Unfortunately, from the synopsis, I thought that this was a domestic thriller, but rather it was a thriller that had elements of hitman, the mob and along with many other types of storylines which I was not prepared for, and do not particularly enjoy thank you to gallery and the author and the publisher for my early arc read!

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