Member Reviews

The premise of this seemed interesting but the main character wasnt really likeable so I just could not get into the book unfortunately.

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Really enjoyed reading this. I think we’ve all been Cleo at some point in our lives and I really was cheering her on all the way. I loved how she handled herself when bad things did happen and I don’t think she gave herself enough credit throughout the book.

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I really enjoyed this book! I wasn’t quite sure what to expect but this storyline was fast paced and Cleo was great. I read this book in one setting, it was light and fun and a sweet rom com. I really enjoyed it. Thank you netgalley and publisher for the advanced copy. I give this book 4 out of 5 stars.

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Looks/sounds like a cute book but I couldn’t get into it and felt like the same style of something else I had already recently read.

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I was unsure what to expect from this book as it was unlike any other I had read, but it did not disappoint.

It was fun, relatable and I wanted to keep reading. Cleo, the main character was likeable and quite real which made the book work in my opinion.

Very much like the rom coms of a few years ago. Thank you!

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If you've ever felt like you're not a real adult, don't worry, Cleo also doesn't feel like a real adult. When she bumps into her high school crush, Paul, on the street, she finds out her former friends have all done impressive, successful things and she doesn't measure up. She works in the same fish and chips shop, she still lives at home, and she doesn't know how to drive. But she has a plan: her grown-up to-do list! By the time she sees Paul again, she'll be a proper grown-up and they can live happily ever after! But it never works out just that easy does it?

I absolutely adored this story. Cleo was a hilarious main character, and I enjoyed going along with her on her adulting journey because I too am an learning to adult. She was relatable in trying to figure out how to plan her to-do list and finding out each entry has like 3 other steps before it lol I loved all of the side characters as well: James, Gran, Russell, Jed, Arlo, and Claire were all fantastic!
The only thing I was really disappointed with was that Cleo spent so much time thinking about Paul. But that's it. It annoyed me quite a bit though. I also didn't understand some of the British, but I'm definitely not British fault.

Overall, if you enjoy books with lists, or great character development, or the TV show Baby Daddy (minus the baby, focusing on Ben Wheeler becoming responsible), you'll probably enjoy this one!
Thank you to Hera and NetGalley for the chance to read this! All opinions are my own :)

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I enjoyed reading The Grown-Up To Do List by Jennifer Joyce. You will fall in love with all the characters. I received an ARC of this book courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and given freely. Happy Reading!

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I read this book in one sitting , loved the storyline .
It was mainly funny but with a bit of family drama,upsetting parts and romance.
Reading this book put in front of my mind to be grateful what you have , I’f you like it , and it’s for you stick with it, don’t change for anyone .
The main character was loveable, witty, strong , but lacking self confidence.
I don’t normally rate books as they never have everything for me , but this one ticked all the boxes for me . It’s a strong 5 star plus from me:

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This book does it exactly what it says on the tin. The cover tell you all you need to know, light-hearted, Rom-com that’ll make you smile.
This was such a fun, easy read. Gave me the perfect getaway from my usual genres and left me feeling warm and significantly cheered up aft we finishing it.
I was a bit dubious in the beginning (was it a bit TOO cringey? Etc..) But nope.
It was perfectly balanced, characters were good, and altogether made it the relatable and entertaining read we have before us.
Will definitely be recommending this one.

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I actually really enjoyed this book! I wasn’t sure if this book would be for me or not, and initially I found it to be a slow start. However I soon fell totally in love with this book and found it reminiscent of romcoms of my childhood which I absolutely loved!

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Thank you Netgalley for allowing me to read and review this book. These opinions are completely my own.

I wasn't sure if I would enjoy this novel as. I'm about 20 yrs passed its demographic. I was wrong. The Grown Up to do List reminded me of late 1990s-early 2000s rom-coms. The perfect guilty pleasure for a 40 yr old lady.

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4.5 stars rounded up because this surprised me.

Cleo is 25 and is essentially an overgrown teenager, still living at home with her mum doing her washing. A chance meeting with an old high school crush becomes the catalyst for Cleo to grow up in anticipation of his return in three months time.

This was a delightful surprise because I found the first chapter a bit painful and thought it was going to go over-the-top with many cringey moments. Luckily it was not like that at all. I adored Cleo and her journey, from her bullet journal lists to her slowly creating a found family with her colleagues. She starts off as a bit immature, such as her irrational dislike and rudeness with James, her gran's lodger, but luckily her grow. I really loved their slow-burn friendship. With Cleo, James get a chance to be inspired to reclaim a bit of himself after having his first kid at 17 forced him to grow up fast.

This was a gentle, funny and charming story about Cleo coming into her own and realising that what she has is just as valid, and that what she thinks everyone has is an illusion. Cleo was such an endearing character I finished reading this book with a big smile on my face and left wanting more.

Thanks to Hera and NetGalley for the ARC.

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Occasionally I leave my usual genre to read something different. This totally ticked all the right boxes. Couldn't put it down

Thanks for the opportunity to review

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Well, the feeling of growing up isn't the best, but it can be! A cute romcom about finding a long lost friend, or well, Crush. Definitely worth a read, its quick and easy! <3

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Cleo meets an old school crush and realises that she is not living the life she wants or thinks she wants.
She constantly makes to do lists and she finds that her world seems to have shrunk and everyone she was at school with seems to be living a busy fulfilling life.
She is working in a fish and chip shop and she feels there is more to life what happened to her dreams?
But is everyone really living the life they say they are?
Cleo creates a grown up to do list to try and improve her life.
I found Cleo to be likeable and funny.
It is a quick read and I did enjoy it.
Thanks Netgalley and publisher.

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This was a short, quick and decent read overall! There were some parts of this book that made me laugh and felt relatable as a girl in their 20s. This book was cute and light, but really predictable and I just did not relate with Cleo at all. I honestly didn’t even really enjoy her as a main character and that made this book harder to get through and truly love.

Thank you NetGalley, the author and Hera publishing for this copy in exchange for an honest review.

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So I ended up not finishing this book, for one particular reason, and that was because I did not relate to this book at all. I am turning 25 this month. I expected this story to be relatable as a 25-year old, but it wasn't. I do believe this could be a fun story to read if you're older and you're "looking back". It could also be relatable if you're 25 and don't have a job you enjoy/you're still living at your parents house/you still have a major crush on someone from college/high school. However, all of these things did not apply to me. I did enjoy the writing style though!

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I loved following Cleo's journey and to witness her go through the motions and idea of what adulthood is meant to look like and to see her discover that she can her own goals without these expectations.

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I’ve never read anything by this author before but I have to say I really enjoyed this book! I didn’t love Cleo’s character to begin with, I felt she was quite whiny but then again I was probably the same at her age?? I loved her character development and all the side characters too! The only thing I would’ve changed is maybe about how quickly she realised she loved James, I maybe would’ve liked to have seen a bit more build up. A really quick and easy and fun read which I would recommend.

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2⭐️ Thank you to NetGalley and Hera for an advanced copy of The Grown-Up To Do List.

Cleo runs into her old high school crush Paul and while they are catching up she realizes that she feels stalled in her life. She wants to impress Paul and catch up to all of her old friends who have done so much more with their lives than she has. She makes a list of things to do to change her life before the next time Paul comes back to town. Slowly she starts making changes to her life but she still feels like she cannot figure out what she wants to do for her career. But is everything she wants right in front of her?

I was not a fan of the main character Cleo, she did not come off as relatable. The book was kind of predictable and fell flat for me.

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