Member Reviews

Cleo is stuck in the past after given up her dream of travel to care for her ill grandpa. She is still in her high school job, loves at home, and relies oj her mom to do her laundry. A chance encounter from her high school crush has her re-evaluate her life and take steps to becoming a grown-up. Does anyone ever feel like they are a grown-up?

This book was slow to start and a bit predictable. But over the course I started rooting for Cleo and hoped she would see that being true to herself was the most grown-up thing of all. Loved the secondary characters of Gran and Claire. Everyone at the chip shop was a laugh. I appreciated that you could really see Cleo grow, even if she couldn't see it. I really loved how multi-faceted James was. But, I could have used a bit more; more of James, more of the end which felt like we smacked into a wall rather than concluded the book.

Argh, I so hated Paul. And the whole reunion with her best high school friends made me mad because they were so thoughtless.
You could really picture this seaside town and what lvijg there would feel like to a teenager and then a young adult. How seeing the town could shift as you age. This book really made me want fish and chips. I'm glad I read it as I never read anything of this author before.
3.75 stars. Thanks to Net Galley and Hera Books for this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This is a really easy to read book. That you will be able to read so fast. The main character is so relatable. Such a good book, I loved it.

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Just finished this book, and it was a mixed bag. Cleo, the main character, is this super relatable 25-year-old who’s still living with her parents and working at a local fish and chip shop in her hometown. Her friends have all moved on to bigger and supposedly better things, and Cleo’s feeling a bit left behind.

When her old childhood crush comes back to town, Cleo decides it’s time to level up and do some “adulting.” She makes a list of things she thinks will make her more grown-up: learning to drive, quitting her job, and moving out from her parents’ house.

The start of the book is really charming, and you can totally see where Cleo’s coming from. But as the story goes on, it feels a bit predictable. The ending wasn’t much of a surprise, and Cleo’s journey, while cute, didn’t quite have the emotional punch I was hoping for.

The side characters, like her gran and the new lodger James, were lovely and added some nice depth. There’s a decent message about doing things for yourself rather than just because it’s what you think you should do. Overall, it’s a sweet read, but it didn’t exactly leave me buzzing.

If you’re into feel-good stories with a touch of self-discovery, you might enjoy it. Just don’t expect any big plot twists!

2.5 stars rounded up!

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Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to review this title. Cleo is insufferably annoying for the majority of the book. Having seen "friends" move on, get married, have kids, get the new jobs etc... I supported them instead of wallowing in self pity. I'm still unsure if at the end of the book I like her character or not.

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The Grown-Up To Do List is perfect for fans of Bridget Jones. A perfect rom-com that is a very slow burn, I would have loved a little more of the history of Cleo and Paul. The characters are very realistic and relatable! Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for the free advanced reader's copy. All opinions are my own.

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This was a fun, easy read. Very enjoyable and relatable. Following how Cleo’s character developed was lovely to read.
It was a bit predictable and a bit slow paced at times. But it was written so well it didn’t bother me too much.

All in all, a lovely read!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.
4 stars book from me. Loved the plot and the storytelling in The Grown-Up To Do List and relatable, likable characters,. Loved every single second reading it.

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The grown up to do list was a quick, fun and very relatable story. However it was quite predictable as well as slow so i admit i felt a bit bored due these two reasons and i kept on waiting for the story to go somewhere. I do like the main characters as well as the little lists the story was filled with. Although i was slightly bored with it i did enjoy it overall and i did find multi scenes quite funny. So all in all it was a fun romcom read!

Thank you Netgalley for sharing a digital copy of this book with me in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a good read.
Loved all the characters & is a book that I will recommend to others.
Thanks for the review copy.

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It was interesting but it also made me feel the characters was a bit childish, I know she got stuck on her city and decides to make a change but with 25y she could already had a different perspective of live.. Of course this is a book but in general it was fun to see Cleo growing up while she's committed to fulfill her "Grown-up to do list"

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This book follows Cleo, a 25-year-old who feels stuck in her small coastal town life, still living with her parents and working at a fish and chip shop. When she reconnects with an old high school friend, Cleo is inspired to change and creates a "To-Do List" to become a more responsible and independent adult.Though initially immature and frustrated with her situation, Cleo's journey of self-improvement and growth makes her increasingly likable. The story is filled with humor, charm, and relatable moments of personal development. This fast-paced rom-com, with its short chapters and engaging style, is perfect for fans of chick lit and contemporary romance, offering a delightful mix of laughs and heartfelt moments.

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This was a pleasant quick read novel. I found the story numerous but also thought provoking. It leaves you thinking about the story. I recommend it.

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Thank you NetGalley for the arc in exchange for a fair and honest review.

The Grown-Up To Do List was my first foray into the world of Jennifer Joyce and it certainly won’t be my last.

This was a cute chic lit read. It was somewhat predictable in the way a Hallmark channel movie is. If you like a light, easy read - then definitely check this out!

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Oh my goodness gracious this little jewel of a book has my heart smiling!

We follow Cleo as she bullet journals her way to “growing up”, even though it’s quite a few years past due, and it’s just adorable. She feels left behind by her mates that she grew up with who all seemed to have grown up from the day they parted ways after school. She runs into her decade-long crush and feels it’s time to grow up before he returns to town in three months.

The characters are so so lovable and I was able to relate to Cleo in the very end. She may just find out that all along, she had them all bested in the journey of “growing up” and learning not to base your successes on what others are doing.

A feel good, fiction book for all ages. And now I want to learn to crochet. Like actually.

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First of all, I would like to thank NetGalley for this free ARC. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to find this book. I would also like to thank the publisher of the book, Canelo, for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book. And last, I would like to thank the author of this beautiful book, which is Jennifer Joyce, for writing this creative book. Thank you for sharing this book for an honest review. Thank you so much, all of you.

I found this arc on Netgalley, which is nice because I know the author of the book. I want to give it a try and read this one. It turns out well at first. I thought it was slow-paced, and then I tried to read another chapter again.

I think I like Cleo's personality because she is a funny or likable person. She works in the fish and chip shop at Clifton at sea, and one day, a stranger came into her grandmother's house. She thought it was a murderer, but her grandmother's assured her that it was a close friend of hers. I like the writing of the book, and it has been good so far. It was a kind of chick lit type of book, and it was totally a rom-com. I laughed a little bit at some of the chapters, and it was a fast-paced book. It also has short chapters, which I even liked to read more of. Overall, this book is good and nice, so I will give it 4 stars!

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This is a fun, entertaining read. The more time I spent with Cleo the more I liked her and related to her. Her character development is fun to follow and see happen through out the course of the story. I enjoyed how she came to accept herself and her life. The secondary characters added to the fabric of the story and my enjoyment. The story is easy to read and get into.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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The Grown Up To-Do List was a pleasant, quick read.

When Cleo meets an old high school mate, she realizes how all her friends have matured chasing their dreams, while she is stuck in her teen life, still living with her parents in her little coastal town, and working at the fish & chips. So she decides to change her life, becoming a responsible and independent adult. She has only a few months to show her new self to her friend, so she starts a To Do List.

I have yet to decide if I liked or didn't like Cleo. At the beginning definitely not, because she is so immature to complain about her failing life without committing to change. Then I became her cheerleader when she makes an effort to grow up, learning to not rely on others for all things and taking responsibility for her actions.

I've appreciated Jennifer Joyce writing. The story is humorous, but still thought provoking.

I highly recommend it.

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I thought I would enjoy the book but this book wasn't for me, I had to flip through as the story felt flat to me at so many places. Yes there were some relatable moments and that was the only saving grace.

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This book was fun!

Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for this ARC. All opinions are my own.

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This book started off pretty strong and then quickly fell flat. I wanted to enjoy it so much more, however I feel there were repeated references to TV shows, the same pub, and same dreaded feelings.

I do also understand that there are some children who depend on parents for a lot! Especially at 25, however I think it was a bit unrealistic to not even know how to wash clothes.

Overall, a little too childish for me. I don’t think I was the intended target.

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