Member Reviews

I received a copy of this eBook from netGalley for a honest review.

Alexander is sent to a shelter with his siblings and they are adopted without him. He feels lonely until a girl named Elle comes to the shelter and finds his big ears and white patch adorable. She takes him home and the rest we will find out about later I think since there's a to be continued at the end. A lovely, sweet and I suspect true story.

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This adorable children’s book about a cat who waited a long time before being adopted touched my heart. My first cat as an adult was named Alexander, although he wasn’t gray - he was a Siamese. Now I do have a gray cat and I love him as much as I loved my own Alexander. Adorable pictures in a sweet story with the subtle reminder that just because you look different it doesn’t mean you’re not lovable.

I received this book as an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher.

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There is an unwritten rule that if I see a book about cats, I must read it. Mostly, this rule serves me well - including this time. I love little Alexander. I love that he finds a home with someone who loves him as (and for who) he is. I love that this picture book encourages love and care of animals, and recognises the special bond between humans and animals, AND I love that it goes beyond that to address diversity in appearance, and not discriminating against those who look "different".

(Side note: who wouldn't want a kitty with huge floppy ears?!)

I received an eARC via Netgalley and Holzer Books LLC, but if I ever find it in print, I'm buying it. I can't wait to see more of Alexander.

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Sweet story about three shelter kittens from the same litter. Two are gray and get adopted, but poor, funny looking Alexander (big ears and a white patch around one eye) keeps getting overlooked! I enjoy animal rescue stories. I have/ had 5 rescue cats so far!) Illustrations are wonderful. I think it's good for young children to learn about animal shelters.

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Alexander is an amazingly cute cat who wants the perfect home. As a cat lover, this children’s book is one I would have loved to read as a kid. It had a great message that being different is ok. It’s also a great way to talk with kids about how not to discount someone by the way they look. The illustrations are so cute and they are perfect for the story! I highly recommend this book!

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This is cheesy and predictable, which is mostly fine in books aimed at this age group. I do appreciate that there is some educational content (shelter, calico).

The illustrations are apt.

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Loved the artwork and simple enough to understand what was happening in the picture and story.

I read the story to my nephew and while he like the gentleness of it he was very sad when the brother and sister left Alexander and he wasn't adopted with them. It made him really sad and he tried to understand why the siblings couldn't stay together. I wish that was discussed more in the story instead of Alexander just being upset that he had big ears and that's why he wasn't picked.

Glad that Alexander at least got a happy ending and was adopted. I'll have to check out the next one with my nephew

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This was a beautiful picture book. I really enjoyed the art style. But what stood out to me most was the message this book sent.
It follows the kitten Alexander who gets brought to a shelter with his two siblings. Alexander is different from the other cats in the shelter and his siblings because he has big ears that stand out. Throughout the book different possible adoptive families come and look at the cats but will Alexander be chosen even though he is different?
The message this book sends is that differences are okay and that you will find people who chose you for who you are.

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This was all together heartbreaking and heart warming!! I loved this as a story to set up future books I imagine will be filled with the adventures Alexander goes on with his new best friend Ellie. From a readers perspective, I want to go and adopt every cat at my local shelter that was looked over! I think this book can be a great read for families with young children who may be looking to adopt from a shelter to help show how there will be many different animals inside and there just may be one that might not look the way they imagined, but yet is still the perfect fit for their family.

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Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the ARC.
I think this is a nice enough introduction to the concept of pet adoption for younger children.
The illustrations are cute and the ending is handled well.
I know that this is a book for littles, but saying that shelters find homes for all kittens is unfortunately misleading, and black cats are actually the 'least adopted'.
I also think that the reasons that people didn't pick Alexander could have been more varied - for example, I really want a tabby cat, or I really want a brother and sister...focusing on his physical characteristics over and over as undesirable seemed very unkind and somewhat unrealistic to me.
3.5 out of 5

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Alexander is a gray kitten with a white eye patch and big ears. He and his siblings are waiting to be adopted. Alexander becomes more and more sad as other kittens are picked, but not Alexander. When people see him they make fun of his big ears or his funny white eye patch. Even Alexander’s brother and sister are adopted. Alexander just about gives up hope until Ellie arrives and loves everything about Alexander that makes him different.

“Alexander Finds A Home” is a sweet story by Vicky Ann Meier that celebrates differences and those who appreciate them. This seems to be the first in a series in which Alexander will explore the world with his fur-ever family.

This is a great story to help children appreciate differences. It’s also great for cat lovers of all ages.

I received an advance review copy for free from NetGalley and Holzer Books LLC, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Thank you NetGalley for providing me with this arc in exchange for my honest review.

Charming illustrations and a cute story. A great way to introduce children to the concept of an animal shelter and it teaches them why it’s good that they exist.

What I didn’t like was that the kitten who used to live on a farm and was now waiting to be adopted, at the shelter, was repeatedly ridiculed for its big ears. Too many times in my opinion before someone finally loved his big ears and took him home.

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Such an adorable storie with a huge lesson: being different isn't a bad thing, it's what makes you special! And isn't that one of the lessons we want to give our children?
I loved it.

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This story helps convey the idea that it's okay to be different, and that everyone can find their place somewhere. I did feel bad for Alexander along the way, but I'm glad he was chosen by Ellie. Having the title helps, as it's clear that Alexander will find his home! Pet stories just always pull on my heart strings. The illustrations were really cute, and I think kids will love all the kittens!

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This book tells the poignant story of a cat who isn't adopted because of its differences. Although the plot carries a touch of sadness, it's a realistic portrayal that many can relate to. However, the story leads to a heartwarming and wholesome conclusion that lifts the spirit. I was particularly captivated by the beautiful artwork and the charming depictions of all the cats. It's a touching read that artfully blends realism with a message of hope and acceptance.

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A sweet story about a unique cat who is living in a shelter, waiting for a forever home. I especially liked how the descriptions of the animal shelter are positive, not scary or sad (a “special place,” “a safe place for dogs and cats without a home”).

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Another cute cat book!!! Loved how this one highlighted adoptions. Loved how Alexander got adopted at the end of the book. Can't wait to see what happens in the next book!

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What an endearing book!
Alexander, a lovable cat, is a bit different from his other playmates at the animal shelter. He is constantly passed over when people come to select a pet to take home. So many emotions are neatly explored in this book. Kindness sticks out as well as inclusion. Meier exposes her young readers to some sadness, which is so appropriate, but ends on a happy note which is appreciated.

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A nice story with cute pictures of cats and a happy ending. It explains what an animal shelter is and why animals might end up there. It is a good way to introduce the idea that people can have a preconception of others based on a certain category that they fall into (e.g. preferring black cats over grey cats). I love the moral of the story, that people might be mean to you because you are different but the people that matter will love you because you are different. Thank you to NetGalley/the publisher/author for this eARC.

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I read this book with my son and we both thought it was so cute. We love cats and his name is Alexander so w had to read it. It also gets an important message across to children. I definitely recommend!

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