Member Reviews

I love cats so this book was a perfect and fast read for me! I can’t wait to continue Alexander’s adventure! I was getting so sad because everyone was so mean calling his ears and spot weird and large. His sisters gone without him!

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This is a cute story about a kitten that got put up for adoption. While it's kind of sad, it's teaching children that being different is okay, and thst what some people may consider your flaws, others may love about you!
The illustrations are well done.

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This cute picture book promotes embracing being your own unique YOU!

Alexander Finds a Home is the first book in a new children’s picture book series by author Vicky Ann Meier and illustrated by Mentari. It features Alexander, a young kitten, and his two siblings, who go to a cat shelter to find their forever home. All the kittens at the shelter are different from one another: various colors, long fur or short fur, large and small. One by one, each kitten is picked by a visitor to the shelter to come to live with them at their home, except Alexander. Each prospective owner has some features or characteristics they are looking for in the new pet: a specific color or gender or even whether they have a sibling they can adopt as well. But one day, a girl comes in, and in her eyes, Alexander is exactly the kitten she’s looking for.

The story is upbeat, and the kittens are optimistic about going to the shelter. Alexander does get a bit anxious when he begins to think he may not ever get selected, but the happy ending comes quickly. The narrative is simple and easy to follow, so even younger children can enjoy this one. The illustrations are clean, clear, and adorable. I am delighted to see this is a planned series of Alexander’s further adventures.

I recommend ALEXANDER FINDS A HOME for young children and lovers of picture books featuring kittens.

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This was such an adorable read! The illustrations are amazing. I was almost in tears reading this story especially because no one was choosing Alexander and he was the cutest. I can’t help but think how true it is that many pets in the animal shelter get to watch others find a home and never be chosen 😭. I’m so glad there was a HEA.

I love this story and I think everyone else will too. It’s a quick short read that is perfect for bedtime!

Thank you to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for this e-ARC.

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This is a cute and at times sad book about a little kitten left in a shelter waiting for his forever home. I would definitely recommend this lovely illustrated children's book as it touches an important issue of animal welfare and hopefully opens children up to being kind to animals and help with animal rescues. It also tells kids that it is OK to be different.

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A cute little book about a kitty needing a new home. It was a little sad the owners kept the mommy cat and dropped the kittens at a shelter and that Alexander’s brother and sister got adopted together, leaving poor Alexander all alone. My daughter felt bad for him.

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I look forward to reading more of Alexander’s adventures with my little one in the future.

This is an endearing tale of acceptance and learning not to judge. Everyone is unique.

The illustrations were fantastic and really brought Alexander to life.

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This was a very cute and short story. I love kitties so really enjoyed this. They were so cute. Was a bit mean tho how they kind of made fun of him, and seperated him from his family. I would never. Love how he did find his home. Curious to the other books.

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“Alexander Finds a Home” was such a cute book! I loved the morals of the book, that everyone is unique in their own way and to not judge. I thought the illustrations in the book were well done and adorable. Truly enjoyed this, and would love to read this to all of my nieces and nephew! Thanks for the ARC!

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This is a cute book and I appreciate bringing attention to animal shelters. It was odd that the only think people thought about when they wanted a new pet was the color of the fur. When I volunteered at a rescue, there were so many different kinds of choices, like feisty kitties and playful ones. Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Holzer Books LLC for this Advanced Reader’s Copy of Alexander Finds a Home by Vicky Ann Meier due to be published March 15, 2024.
Alexander is a playful kitten who lands in the local animal shelter after changes at his farm home. He makes fast furry friends but starts to lose hope as he watches potential adopters pass him day after day. Will someone adopt him?
This was a cute book – even though the ending is predictable, it teaches a good moral lesson for children – that everyone is different and different can be good. Also, there is someone for everyone – you just have to find the right person!
A great children’s book!
#NetGalley #VickyAnnMeier #HolzerBooksLLC #AlexanderFindsAHome

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oh this was adorable, i'm so glad alexander was able to find a home with some who appreciated him no matter the differences, and i think that's a great real world moral too.

possibly the only thing that i don't love is the art style, but that's completely up to personal preference. i hope to see the next books and how alexander gets on with ellie!

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As a cat mom to a perfect gray cat, I loved the story of Alexander and Ellie in "Alexander Finds a Home". When Alexander and his siblings end up in a shelter awaiting adoption, Alexander is constantly overlooked because of how he looks. Patrons constantly remark at how gray cats are boring, and his white patch is funny and his ears are too big. Until Ellie! I think this is a great lesson on how we may not be everyone's cup of tea, but we are someone's idea of "perfect", like Alexander was Ellie's idea of perfect.

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.I asked my four year old what he thought and he said “it was good!”. I really liked the illustrations as well as the message. Would recommend for cat lovers!

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This book was so lovely. The story was very sweet and the ending was nice. The colour was stunning throughout the book and the illustrations were amazing, the images were so crisp. A great tale of inclusion and finding love and care. A perfect read for a cat lover.

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Such a sweet story that teaches young readers about how we shouldn't judge others just because of their appearance

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I am a good amount of confused why on one page we have a description of different types of cats, and the next page, in the same shade as the “white cats” from the previous page, text says Alexander’s brother & sister are grey?? They aren’t? Unless I’m missing something??

This is one of the rarer times where I love the storyline, but the graphic design is what lets me down a bit - I don’t know why, but sometimes the text just doesn’t look like it sits in the right spot - like it goes *over* the window in one page so it looks a bit busy

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Really sweet little story. It was sad that the kitten was made fun of - but I liked the book highlighting that everyone is unique. The illustrations were cute. My boys enjoyed the story.

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I love that the author brings light to animal shelters through children’s fiction. One star for that! Add another star for the beautiful illustrations throughout the book! Final star for the theme of loving those who are unique!

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An adorable little story about kitten Alexander who was put into a shelter and waits to be adopted - but most people aren't too fond of the white patch around his eye and his big ears. However, in the end girl Ellie sees him and he is just the perfect cat for her.
The story is the first book of a series about Alexander's adventures and i'm sure this will be a cute series.
This book was cute and cozy, too. I would have loved a bigger overall message for it to really stand out but it will be an enjoyable read with adorable illustrations.

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