Member Reviews

A heart-rending story that was full of compassion and depth of characters. Really deep and hard to read at times but a wonderful storyline.

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Great book from Luke Roberts. I really enjoyed both the story and the characters. I felt the ending was a bit rushed and that slightly spoiled the book.

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This book isn't my typical read but the back cover had me interested and kept my interest throughout. I mistakenly thought this was a book was defined as a Christian fiction read, but realize now it's not. There were swear words woven throughout that should be brought to the attention of readers as some won't read books with swear words. I didn't think they were necessary to understand the mental health of the characters using them. The topics were tough reads but the author did a great job of handling them with care.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Netgalley and all opinions were my honest evaluation.

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Are you interested in learning about a family torn about and how they rebuild? If so, Two Brothers is the book for you. It was a great read.

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