Member Reviews

Maggie, the Gator Queen is once again at the right place, at the wrong time! In the 2nd book in this series, Maggie is once again looking into a mysterious murder. What started as a work conference, speaking at the Florida Bigfoot Conference, and snacking on a yummy bigfoot pretzel, soon turns into watching a young woman mysteriously die. Maggie, Jack, Alex and Vera are together once again, and the investigation commences!
I read the first book Gator Queen, I enjoyed that book, but I like this story even more. I don't think you need to read the first book to enjoy the 2nd book in the series. The stories are different, and you get enough background enabling the reader to jump into the second book.

I am not usually a fan of cozy mysteries, I usually find them corny, and the dialogue silly. But not with this author. She writes a smart cozy mystery, with a bit of slow-burn romance, plenty of humor, and a little gator-catching thrown in too. I enjoy the dialogue, the characters, and the mystery. The Florida Bigfoot Conference (Yes it's real!), makes for an interesting background, and itself a character in this book.
This truly is a feel-good, smartly written, cozy mystery. I look forward to more books in this series, and visiting these characters and their relationships more in the future.

4.25 STARS!

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I received this ARC from Netgalley for my honest review.

This book was fine but overall I found myself bored less than halfway through. The mystery piece didn't really make sense to me, I wasn't enthralled in the mystery, and the twin sister drove me nuts.

I will not be reviewing this book on my Instagram, but did review on Goodreads.

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There’s a Big Foot conference in town and Maggie has been booked to give a tour and to speak as the Gator Queen. Vera is selling books like crazy – who knew there was so much demand for cryptid romance? Unfortunately, one of the stars of the show has dropped dead on Maggie’s walk. Jack shows up to lend support on clearing Maggie’s name. I love the characters in this series, there’s more than a hint of romance, and there’s general fun and suspense. Fun, new series. Read it!

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I really loved this follow up to Gator Queen! The story continues for Maggie and her sister Vera, along with Jack. Maggie is the local gator wrangler but this book features a different setting: a conference about the dangers of hunting for cryptids, like Bigfoot. As per usual, Maggie finds herself embroiled in another murder, one she didn't commit but is dedicated to solving. This book is the perfect blend of whodunnit and romcom, both of which I really enjoyed. It's laugh out loud hilarious, it's mysterious and suspenseful, it's got romance, and it's also sweet and cozy too. I like that the author continued to explore the relationship between Maggie and Jack, and I really love them together. This series is just so fun and a good time that will have you wanting more!

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Swamp Princess is the second book in the Critters and Criminals series by Tara Lush. Maggie Andrews is invited to speak at a conference dedicated to crypids and Bigfoot. During a tour a cryptozoology influencer ends up dead. Maggie and her criminology professor boyfriend, Jack team up again to help the police solve the case. This book series is so fun. The romance aspect of the book ramps up a lot in this installment. I really like Maggie and Jack together. The mystery was good with plenty of quirky characters as suspects. I will be watching out for further installments in this series.

Thank you to NetGalley and 8th Note Press for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Maggie is a gator trapper in Wahoo, Florida with her twin sister Vera. While a Cryptozoology conference is in town, they ask Maggie to present a session on Florida wildlife and to lead a small hike. During the hike however, a very famous Bigfoot expert dies. But what happened, and why? Maggie has another murder to solve, while trying to help her sister with her new romance bookstore. This was a really fun mystery, and I loved it. The plot was less about gators this time, but I still liked the Florida setting. Maggie is a lot of fun, and her romance with Jack is really cute. I can’t wait for the next one. Thanks to Netgalley for the free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a fun, entertaining read. This story has a good mystery plot and an enjoyable romance subplot. I liked the main characters – Maggie and Jack – and the role they played in solving the mystery. The secondary characters added to the fabric of the story and my enjoyment. The book is easy to read and get into.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Another super fun cozy mystery/romcom from Tara Lush. I really enjoyed the first book in this new series, Gator Queen, but this one was even more wacky and fun than that one. Set around a Cryptid conference, Maggie is a guest speaker, while her sister Vera is a vendor, hawking paranormal and monster romance books.

When one of the 'famous' big foot hunters drops dead literally at Maggie's feet, she finds herself caught up in another murder mystery with her new boyfriend, Jack. Full of action, romance, gator wrangling and two kick ass Southern twin sisters. I loved this one and can't wait for more in the series! Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital copy in exchange for my honest review!

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This is Book #2 in the cozy mystery series. I liked the first book so I was looking forward to this one. We’re back in Wahoo, FL and Maggie ‘the gator queen’ is a speaker at a Bigfoot convention. While on her guided ‘gator’ walk, a woman dies. It was a fun cozy mystery. The topic of Bigfoot was a bit bizarre but entertaining. I loved the romance and the mystery had the usual suspects. I loved Tara Lush’s previous cozy mystery series (about coffee) a lot more but this series is fun too! Can’t wait to read the next book in this series.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

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Gator-wrangler Maggie stumbles into a murder investigation when a Bigfoot enthusiast drops dead during her swamp expedition. As she navigates conspiracy theories, jealous rivals, and her own complicated love life, Maggie must uncover the truth and bring a killer to justice—before they strike again.

This is a fun and whimsical cozy mystery with quirky characters and heartwarming relationships. The plot kept me guessing. The author does a good job of bringing the Florida wetlands and their inhabitants to life.

Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC I received. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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Cozy-ish Mystery in which a Florida woman who runs a gator trapping business turns sleuth after a cryptozoology influencer and Bigfoot hunter dies suspiciously.

4/5 stars: This is the second entry in Lush's Critters and Criminals series, which is a Cozy-ish Mystery that takes place in Florida and features a former zookeeper who's juggling running her alligator trapping business, helping her twin sister's romance bookstore and trying to figure out her “relationship" with a tattooed criminology professor. When a cryptozoology influencer looking for Bigfoot ends up dead she turns sleuth to investigate. With plenty of twists and turns, Lush has crafted a mystery that deftly balances the suspects, clues and red herrings and will leave you pondering the whodunit until the final reveal. With wit and humor, Lush's writing and character work are excellent; the characters are well-rounded and complex while remaining incredibly likable. It's fun to catch up with Maggie, her twin Vera, their friends and family. I also like seeing Maggie's relationship with Jack, who's writing a book about serial killers, progressing. (Be aware the romance is pretty steamy.) And of course one can't forget Maggie's cat, Casty Cline and Harry the iguana. Plus I really enjoy the wildlife info, gator wrangling and Chubbs the golf course gator. While you could read this as a stand-alone, you'll gain so much more by reading the series from the beginning; so be sure to pick up book one, Gator Queen.

I received this eARC thanks to NetGalley and 8th Note Press in exchange for an honest review. Publishing dates are subject to change.

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Snark, fun, simmer, mystery, great characters, I mean really, female alligator wranglers? Oh heck yea! Second in series and going strong. Great characters, snark, I really LOL many times, plus a fun mystery. You can't go wrong with this one, and I hope to see many more! (FTB, but more spice would be nice ...)

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Swamp Princess was a cute and cozy mystery!

I haven't read the first one yet (Gator Queen) and while I think it would have helped me understand the characters quicker I think it's fine that I didn't read them in order.

Maggie is a guest speaker at a cryptid conference. She also had the opportunity to take guests on a walk through nature and unfortunately a famous person in the Bigfoot community keels over and dies. Maggie and her friend (or should I say more than a friend?!), Jack, go on a deep dive to try to figure the case out.

I enjoyed the storyline and I learned a thing or two about Bigfoot while reading this!

Thank you NetGalley and 8th Note Press for the e-ARC in exchange for my review. I look forward to reading Gator Queen and seeing what other books Tara Lush writes for this series.

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We are back in Wahoo, Florida with Maggie and Vera Andrews. They own a romance bookstore and a gator trapping business. Maggie has been invited to talk at a Bigfoot convention. Maggie takes some bigfoot enthusiasts on a critter walk. When a social media bigfoot influencer arrives late and loud. She keeps interrupting Maggie. When Maggie is about to lose it. Kristi Claus the influencer starts to head to a gator nest and then collapses and starts convulsing. Maggie has to wrangle the gator while the paramedics take Kristi away. When they later learn Kristi died. Jack & Maggie decide to investigate.

This book hooked me right away and had me laughing out loud. I loved the chemistry between Jack & Maggie. I just love this series and can't wait to read more.

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This is book 2 in the Critters & Criminals series.

In this book we find Maggie set up to give some talks and show guests the Florida Wildlife at a Bigfoot convention.

Sadly, there is a death, and of course Maggie investigates.

I had a slight feeling about the murderer, but we are given plenty of suspects to choose from.

In this book you will have:

An appearance by Chubbs the alligator
Catsy the kitten
A mention of Harry the iguana

Some sparks flying between a certain bookstore owner and a hot detective

Some raging fires burning between a certain alligator trapper and a hot writer

A new family member (the back story is crazy)

And so many amazing one liners I couldn’t stop laughing!

The book releases 8/20/2024, so be sure to grab a coffee and settle in. It’s a great read!

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Swamp Princess starts back off a couple weeks after Maggie helped find the killer of another Gator Hunter. Maggie has been invited to give a tour of the local wildlife and vegetation at a Bigfoot Convention. Everything is going well, until a Bigfoot hunter ends up dead on her walk and the death was filmed live on social media. Now with conspiracy theorist thinking Maggie may have had a hand in the murder, Maggie and Jack must navigate the crazy world of cryptids to find the killer.

I was so excited to be invited to read Swamp Princess. I loved Gator Queen and immediately started reading this book when it reached my inbox. This book was so ridiculous, and I loved every second of it. The Bigfoot convention was the perfect place for an investigation, and I enjoyed reading about Maggie and Jack's shenanigans as they tried to find the killer. The book delves deeper into the relationship of Maggie and Jack as well as the relationship between Vera and the detective. I loved the evolving relationships between these two couples, and I am excited to see where they go in future books.

The Critters and Criminals series is quickly becoming one of my favorite cozy mystery series of the year and will be impatiently waiting for book 3.

Swamp Princess comes out on August 20th.

Thank you to NetGalley and 8th Note Press for the opportunity to review Swamp Princess. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Wow! What another great read!
This a serious mystery book but it's also funny too.
Maggie Andrews is back in an all new book called of course Swamp Princess. Boy, was I ever excited to see this one!.
I savored this one as much as possible because I was enjoying it so ever much! I didn't want it to end.
Yes, sexy Jack is back too as Maggie's sidekick.
Loved these two so much! They're such an awesome team!
I was even glad to see Maggie's sister Vera included.
Lots of mystery with all new characters that I adored.
I especially loved the gator scene lol. It was funny and yet it wasn't.
I wanted to share a quote with y'all.
Maggie says "that's the thing about jealousy. "Ot blurs the lines between reality and the stories people tell themselves."
And it's very much true. Jealousy causes people to do things they normally wouldn't do. And that's the scary part.
And the one thing Vera learned from all this, "it's that holding onto our own version of reality can be more dangerous than facing the truth. " Enough said.
5 stars for a well written story that kept my attention all the way through. I highly recommend.
My thanks for a copy of this book. I was NOT required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine.
This is a very enjoyable story! I loved it a lot!

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Captivating entertainment. A delightful cozy mystery with a little romance. Amusing situations within a serious murder mystery. It kept me guessing. Wonderful characters. Fun convention setting. Thanks to the publisher for providing a copy. My review is voluntary.

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Swamp Princess is the second book in the Critter and Criminal series by Tara Lush.

I absolutely loved Gator Queen and this book was so good!

I love how this is a cozy mystery romance. Yes, romance, and I am all hear for Maggie and Jack.

There is a Bigfoot (criptid) conference in town and Maggie has been asked to speak as a Gator expert.

While on a walking tour, there is a murder. All eyes are on Maggie, so she decides to poke around.

I really enjoy Maggie and her twin sister Maggie's relationship; they could not be any more different.

The mystery is really well done, and the romance has a little spice. I love how the author incorporates these genres in such a flawless way.

This is a book and series not to miss! I am telling you; you need read this !

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The Gator Queen strikes again. This little novel was another fun, cozy murder mystery from Tara Lush. This one was just as good as the first and just as kooky. I do think this one had a little more romance than the first book so if that's not your thing you may want to skip this one, but otherwise, definitely check this one out. A quick, light hearted read despite it being a murder mystery. I did like the first one a little better than this one but overall still a good read.

Thank you NetGalley and 8th Note Press for access to the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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