Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley. This was a cute story. My son loved this one. He especially loved the illustrations!

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Robots Don't Make You Go to Bed was a cute, albeit simplistic, story about a boy who just wants to do what he wants to do: he wants to eat ice cream, go to bed whenever he decides, and have as many stories read to him as he decides. He thinks a robot is the answer to all of his problems because the robot will follow his commands. Finally his dream comes true and he gets a robot. He programs it and orders it around but things don't work out how he expects: who knew he would feel sick after eating a giant ice cream? In the end all he wants is his mom and the robot brings her to him. I wish this book had gone a bit further: The ending felt abrupt as he gets his mom and it's described as "the robot finally did something right." However, the robot wasn't the problem -- it was that the boy didn't realize that his mom was making decisions in his best interest. We never got to the point where he realizes how much his mom loves him and does for him. There's no reflection; it simply ends. This one fell a little short for me but 4-6 year olds will enjoy the robots and the idea of getting to do what you want.

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I received an electronic ARC from Familius through NetGalley.
Owen doesn't like having rules. His mom won't let him eat ice cream for breakfast and makes him clean up his toys. So, he wants a robot instead as they won't make him follow rules. To his delight, he wins a contest and assembles his robot. And, it works like he hoped - except it doesn't work exactly like he hoped. Readers will enjoy the humor and quirky illustrations. They may even connect with wishing for a life without rules and then relate to getting their parents back. A fun read for elementary classes that could lead to dialogue and STEAM exploration.

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This book has beautiful, quirky illustrations, and a story that kids will really enjoy, with a message that parents can get behind. A good one to add to your children’s library,

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The uniquely drawn illustrations feel like a more approachable spin on Tim Burton, a take that will surely intrigue children. The narrative easily delves into the idea that one thing, in this case a robot, could solve all of the boy's dislikes about his day, something that most kids definitely have wished more than once in their young lives. It gives a great lesson about being appreciative for what you have, even if sometimes you don't think others have your best interests in mind. A lovely read.

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If you're reading this review, you can likely guess the story just from looking at the cover: a little boy tries replacing his mother with a robot he's won, only to find that a robot just can't replicate the care of a mother. The story is told with simple words and cute, expressive pictures that I found quite fun to look at. And yes, there's a bit of "let children make their own mistakes," too, as Owen tries eating a breakfast of ice cream with his robot mother only to find it makes him sick. The happy ending is as you might expect, Owen learning to appreciate his mother more and that always getting what he wants (or what he THINKS he wants) isn't good for anyone Overall, a solid choice for young children.

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Thank you NetGalley for providing me with this arc in exchange for my honest review.

This was just perfect… Beautiful quirky illustrations that fitted the story so well. The story being predictable to me but it teaches children a great lesson in a really fun way.

At the start we see Owen filling out entry forms to win a robot kit because he thinks a robot will give him everything he wants and do everything he doesn’t want to do. It will be so much better than having a mother.

Owen soon realizes why his mother does and says certain things and this leads to a beautiful and incredibly satisfying ending I loved!

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This was such a fun and quick read. The illustrations did give a bit of a Tim Burton character vibes. It is definitely a great read for kids for its message. I do believe that kids have a funny perspective in the things they think are good in their eyes. An ice cream sandwich for breakfast sounds amazing and like the best thing ever but nothings beats having a fulfilling nutritious breakfast. Nothing is better than having your mom with you, even if you feel like she’s always nagging.

This book will do well at opening kids eyes and it’s kind of funny. I would recommend for everyone to try it out!

Thank you to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for this e-ARC.

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This was a really cute story that has a clear message, but it isn't too overt. Owen gets to go through everything that he thinks he wants, so little readers will be able to follow his journey and come to their own conclusions. The artwork that accompanies the story is really well done, and enhances the overall story. This will be a great story for kids to read, and for parents to share with their kids so they can understand why sometimes "no" is important.

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This story teaches kids that getting everything you want is not always a good thing.
The story is from a little boy's perspective. He's tired of his mom making him eat balanced meals and pick up his messes. He thinks a robot will do everything he asks it to, and he'll be much happier.
It turns out, a robot is no fun to play with because it always wins, and eating huge ice cream sundaes for breakfast makes you sick. And noone loves and takes care of you like your mom (/parent/caretaker.)
It's a good lesson against being bratty.
The writing is entertaining, and the illustrations are in a unique style that's slightly edgy.

I read an advanced copy of this book in order to review it. All opinions are mine.

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I grabbed this book because I thought my daughter would get a kick out of a robot story and we did enjoy it. The illustrations for this book were cute and kept us interested. Or was a quick read but then the enemy got really quick. I needed a smidge more about the grandma lol. We are quickly introduced and then left hanging.
Otherwise, this was a great read and we would recommend it to others.

Thank you to Netgalley and Familius for the copy.

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Robots Don't Make You Go to Bed is a fantastic picture book about a young boy who wants a robot, because robots don't make you clean your room or go to bed on time. I really loved this one! The illustrations are super cute and unique. This is definitely a "be careful what you wish for" story, but it still felt fresh and exciting!

Thanks to Laurel Gale, Familius, and NetGalley for the chance to read and review. My opinions are my own!

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"Robots Don't Make You Go To Bed" is a classic story of "be careful what you wish for"! Owen's mom won't let him eat ice cream for breakfast, or keep his toys strewn all over the floor, or stay up late after reading 6 bedtime stories. But a robot would! This story is very cute and does a great job of showing the consequences of ones actions and what would happen if children actually got what they wanted all the time. I really enjoyed the illustration style of this book, giving it an endearing and whimsical Tim Burton feel.

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Loved the artwork in this book. It was easy for my nephew to follow along with as well as the story that was being told. The message was clear for children understand; sometimes we wish for things that we don't really want. That was nice. It was a cute story. I would definitely buy this for him. He's 8 years old and I feel like it engaged him. We even had to conversation about what he would do if he had a robot.

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Oh I love this book! It's paced perfectly and the plot is super entertaining and teaches kids that nothing everything we wish for is as it seems and also to appreciate your parents! I love a good well-rounded plot where there's a lesson to be learnt!

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This book was beautiful. The illustrations were gorgeous. Full of colour and plenty of detail. The text in the book was simple enough for a child. The storyline was great. Just a child learning that all he really needs is his mum, not a robot. I would 100% recommend this book. The cover is very eye catching too.

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My boys enjoyed this story. It was a nice read showcasing why the answer can’t be ‘yes’ all the time. I loved the illustrations, very Tim Burton/Neil Gaiman!

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Sweet, with detailed illustrations | Kids will sympathize with Owen's complaints and the reasons he wants the robot, and the consequences that lead him to learn gratitude for what he has aren't dire. The robot never becomes scary, and the mother is understanding. The end does feel abrupt, I think kids might like another page or two, maybe mother reading a bedtime story to both Owen and the robot, or Owen pouring cereal for the robot while mom kisses Owen's forehead, but it's fine. The illustrations give kids lots to find interest in, and could give parents good questions to ask their kids to draw them out while reading together.

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Thank you, Familius, for the advance reading copy.

The book needs to be read to kids right away once it comes out!
Because it has become really important to make kids understand what it means when their parents say “no” to things they want all the time.

The book shows the consequences of having a robot which only has the capacity to follow whatever the kid owner says. What if parents say “yes” to everything kids want all the time!

I love the cover and the content. The illustrations are really good. It reminds me of the Adams Family and Caroline. Amazing!

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This was very cute. The illustrations were beautiful. Its a great story about wanting something but finding out that its not what you dreamed about.

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