Member Reviews

Thank you to Serenity Mountain Publishing and NetGalley for this e-ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
Twelve-year-old Poppy all her life has been taught that Blues are the superior beings to all other colors but especially look down upon Orange. Poppy’s precinct abuts to the border with Orange, complete with warning signs that anyone entering Orange will be shot and the same for anyone crossing from Orange to Blue. One afternoon, Poppy was gathering berries near the border when a bear came after her. In a panic, Poppy blindly ran away, eventually crashing into Marigold. Marigold led Poppy up to her treehouse and when Poppy came out of her panic realized that Marigold was an Orange! With a storm coming, Marigold brought Poppy to her home and Poppy soon realized that her lifetime of indoctrination was wrong. How will she be able to return home, knowing what she now knows?
I cannot say enough positive things about this book. I loved it from start to finish! What a great way to approach the way people view each other. It is a quick read and will certainly hold your attention. I highly recommend this book for readers young and older (grade 3 and up).
#PoppyAndMarigold #NetGalley #SerenityMountainPublishing

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