Member Reviews

I really felt for Emily and her stuggles. Coming home for her Mother's funeral it seems the she will face the past too. Heartrending and emotional, this a well written book that I loved. Caroline is a great writer and hasa gift for displaying emotion in a geuine way.

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Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book. Emily returns home after being gone awhile. She runs into Rob who was her ex. I liked getting to know the different characters in this book.

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I received a free copy of, The Child I Long For, by Caroline Finnerty, from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Emily is back in Ireland after running away to Australia, after the loss of her child. This was a heavy read but an intriguing read.

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3.5 stars.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, given to me by Boldwood Books via Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
3.5 stars.
An emotional, raw, heartbreaking account about loss and grief, “The Child I Long For”, by Caroline Finnerty, is also about healing, hope, second chances and new beginnings.
The story is mostly about Emily’s struggles with a terrible tragedy and how she was lost for a decade for her family because of it.
There are poignant moments, reflections and scenes about this particular kind of loss. It almost seems as Emily is punishing herself for the tragedy.
It’s when another loss happens that Emily realizes that she can’t go on running away.
I liked how Emily and Karen (and her family) reconnect.
Rob and Molly are a godsend to Emily, although this almost seemed too perfect.
I felt because of having only Emily’s POV and all the emphasis on her pain that Rob’s suffering is minimized.
I liked the setting – New Zeland, Ireland.

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What an emotional heartbreaking story. She has to go to heal but coming back she’s pulled in to something that could break her heart again, or will it heal the all…….
What a great story this author has written. So much heartbreak and guilt but also forgiveness and love. A must read for fan of women fiction.

Thanks to NetGalley and the author to read this story.

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A lovely read. Not to be read if you are feeling very emotional. A story mainly featuring Emily and Rob who are married but due to circumstances Emily ran off to New Zealand a few years ago and has come home for her mothers funeral..

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What an emotional heart tugging book! "The Child I Longed For" is a story about Emily and Rob and all the things they go through together and separately. I will leave it at that as I don't want to spoil the book but all I can say is that it is written with so much deep emotion that I cried several times during the course of reading the book. I'm both heart wrenching and heart warming all in one and a must read for anyone who loves romantic emotional reads!

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Emily and Rob have a turbulent past history. When tragedy struck and they lost their most precious thing everything went bad. Emily loved onto another country settling in New Zealand.
Now returning to Dublin 10 years later for her mothers funeral she encounters Rob again and the old feelings resurface and she struggles with the fact he has a daughter.
With misfortunes not far away the two need to together face them.
Great read heartwarming and well written as you would expect from Caroline Finnerty.

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Emily runs away, instead of facing the things that life has given her. She is back in Ireland, after her mother had a stroke, and passed away before she got there. At the funeral, she comes face to face with her past, and her sister accuses her of going to run away again, instead of facing what she truly wants. It is an emotional story, that will keep you reading. It was heartbreaking, and I so wanted her to decide to stay, and not run away. But, I can't tell you which one she did, Only she can make the choice to change, face the things she has to face, and choose to put the work into changing the things she will have to do. That is a hard thing to do, but she knows what running away does to her, too.
I received an ARC from Boldwood Books through NetGalley.

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What a brilliant family drama from one of my favourite authors, a sad, heartbreaking but beautiful storytelling all wrapped up together.

The characters were so well developed and I felt by the end of the book I knew them all personally, such a great read.

Thank you to Netgalley and Boldwood Books for this brilliant ARC which I have no hesitation in recommending.

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Gelato book, I read all in a day I couldn’t put it down. It teaches you the power of second chances and the bravery it requires go grip them with both hands. I above hall Adore the characters of little MOLLY. I highly recommend it

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What a heartbreaking but beautifully written book, I absolutely loved every second of this book, it really captured the emotions of Emily and Rob.

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Awww I absolutely loved this book. Be warned though you will need some tissues in my opinion.
Highly recommended.

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I have no tears left! What a fab book! Loved every minute of it! Highly recommend thanks for
Early read

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The Child I Long For was a heartwarming story about second chances, the things most important to us, and what we are willing to do to get what we want.

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