Member Reviews

This book…wow! A dark and disturbing thriller that had me desperate to read just one more chapter. A cast of shady characters, a gripping story, everything I want from a book! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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From the synopsis I thought this was going to be a typical missing child police procedural but I couldn't have been more wrong.. Yes a young child goes missing at the beginning of the book but instead of focusing on the investigation and the officers involved this story deals with the effect Summer's disappearance has on her family. It was a very emotional read with some truly heart wrenching scenes and not what I would normally choose but I enjoyed it all the same. I think I'll probably stick to detective thrillers for the most part but I might just be more open to trying the occasional family drama in the future.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book.

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Read and reviewed in exchange for a free copy from NetGalley. This was a beautifully written, emotional read, which unusually for this genre, made me cry. Written from the perspective of the mother of a missing child, Craven skillfully and sensitively explores the aftermath of a young child getting kidnapped and the effect on her family. The characters were excellently written, flawed, frustrating at times, but ultimately very believable, although I would have liked to see more about Georgia and maybe Wade, Merritt, and Gus. I'm looking forward to reading more by this author.

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"The Day She Vanished" is a heartbreaking and heartwarming family drama that centres around a family of 5 that soon becomes a family of 4 after a trip to the local amusement park... The book is written with such pure raw emotion that I just couldn't put it down. Being a mother myself reading this book tore my heart in two just imagining going through what Greta went through. A must read for anyone who loves a good family drama!

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Interesting book. Not exactly what I expected and a little slow to start but just hang in there. It will be worth it.

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5⭐ honestly couldn't put it down.

Really beautifully written as it navigated the anxiety and grief the family was feeling. I was captivated and on the edge of my seat, just as anxious to find out what happened to Summer.

I consider this a quick read, it's perfectly paced and all of the characters feel well-developed. The author does a great job capturing the emotions around something that is one of every parent's biggest fears. Have your tissues ready!

Thank you, NetGalley for the ARC copy to read and review.

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a bit of emotional read and a story that most parents will relate to.
a lovely day out ends in disaster when the 5 year old daughter disappears.
full of suspense and emotion.

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It’s a regular day at a theme park, where Wade and Greta have brought their three kids - Merritt, Gus and Summer - for a little family time. After going on rides for kids all day, Greta begs Wade to go on a rollercoaster with her. The line isn’t long, the ride takes less than a minute, and they can still see their kids most of the way. Merritt, the oldest at age eleven, is tasked with watching over her two younger siblings. As the parents stood in line, they kept glancing over, and nothing was out of the ordinary.

It wasn’t until they got off the ride that they noticed Summer, their five-year-old, is gone. Merritt had been playing games on her phone (something Greta didn’t like to behind with), Gus was watching the game, and Summer slipped away. After frantically searching for her, the police are called and an Amber Alert sent out. Late that night, when the police finally make them go home, it hits them: Summer is gone.

The family immediately breaks down. Wade isolates himself from and ignores Greta, as he blames her for wanting to go on the ride. Greta is treating Merritt the same way, for being on her phone instead of watching her sister. As the weeks and months go by, Wade and the other two kids are trying to get back into life, but Greta can’t function without knowing where her daughter is, or if she’s even alive.

Missing children are a common mystery/thriller plot, but this was still suspenseful and entertaining. The author wrote well, showing how each member of the family is dealing with their grief, and how a whole city gets involved (in both good and bad ways). This is definitely a quick read and a page turner! 4.5 stars.

(Thank you to Bookouture for inviting me into this book tour! “The Day She Vanished” is slated to be released on September 25, 2024.)

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Ooh this book was really good
The girl called Summer has gone away
She is 5 years old
Her parents who are Wade and Greta Goodman
They have to get her back or not
I had an ARC

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I found this hard to put down. It tells the story of how an inoccent family day at a theme park turns into a living hell as summer disappeared. The writing was full of raw emotion as each family member feel apart alone and the family ties started to unravel. It gave a very truthful raw insight into how people cope how kids cope and hiw the media and wider community respond. I read it in a day and it left me feeling touched and blesses I has been part of a fiction story that is also sadly true in a lot of places. I foubd yhe usagecof statistics within the plot very clever. It had me angry happy and sad.
Thank you do much netgallery and publisher and author for this 5 star read. Highly recommended tine flew

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I’m a bit torn with this book. Yes , I liked it but I couldn’t really get into it all. Found it a bit slow and long. I did finish it but maybe it was just me.

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Are you still allowed to have fun when you are married for 17 years and are the mother of 3 children? The answer to this question is a big yes! I would even add that you have to have fun form time to time because that is what will recharge your batteries and make you a better parent. But boy oh boy, Greta, you never ever leave your children unsupervised by an adult you know and trust,please! And in an amusement park of all places. Not for 5 minutes, not even for 30 seconds!

I do understand how Greta must have felt and felt the urge to do everything she can, but I really disliked her behaviour towards the people she should love the most. She is rather selfish and puts her own needs before everyone else's. This is a one way into loosing a lot more soon if she does not see the light pronto.

This is a heartbreaking story about how a few minutes can turn your world upside down without the slightest idea whether it all will fall into place again. 

Is Greta on the verge to push everything to the curb or will she redeem herself and pull herself back on the road to a happy future?

I had a love-hate relationship with Greta, but she most certainly is the star of the book. 

Wonderful storytelling, deserving a 5 star rating.

Thank you

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Family and friends…intrigue and mystery…this talented author has written a page turner. Realistic characters keep the story moving quickly. Thanks Netgalley

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