Member Reviews

This book started slow, opening with a one-night stand that didn't immediately grab my attention. However, things improved once the two main characters met again and started working together. Their friendship felt genuine and lighthearted, and it was easy to see their connection growing into something more as they fell for each other. This middle portion was the highlight of the book, filled with fun, chemistry, and a steady development of their relationship.

But then, a plot twist hit—and I didn’t see it coming at all. The twist was shocking, leaving me confused and changing my entire view of the male lead. His actions, while understandable to some degree, felt unfair and left a bitter taste. No matter what he did afterwards to make up for it, I couldn’t rekindle my initial fondness for him.

It’s a decent read with moments of enjoyment, but the ending didn’t leave me with the sense of closure I hoped for.

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Cassidy St. Claire's has sworn of data, until she meets Josh Grahm, who is irresistible. After a one-night stand, she believes that she will never see him again until he shows up on the film set that she is working on. It appears that she is working for Josh as his movie is going into production and the studio is allowing him a chance to direct. When he arrives to see Cassidy, his head is in a spin. Soon they find their attraction growing exponentially.
Josh and Cassidy are two complex characters and I enjoyed watching them grow throughout the book. Josh was extremely frustrating at times, where he was reluctant to admit his feelings for Cassidy. Consequently, Cassidy wants this romance to work having had her heart broken before. It was so lovely to see this romance play out. An enjoyable read.
This book I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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A Lucky Shot by Ellory Douglas is a sweet grumpy/sunshine and curvy girl romance!
This was absolutely delightful. The plot was well-paced and captivating from start to finish. The characters were charming and witty. I highly recommend this fun and quick read.

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Enjoyed Ellory’s storytelling! Cass, Josh, and co. are relatable, loveable characters with perfectly developed complexities and imperfections.

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I have to say I am so glad that Cass got her own story! I am very pleasantly surprised that Josh was her matched and how well their story played out.

I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to yell at Josh through my kindle lol. His ‘idea’ of how he could help Cass get over her long-time hook-up was just hilariously infuriating. It was obvious time and time again that they were meant to be!

Without spoiling the ending, I will tell you this! This ending was absolute perfection. Chef’s kiss. Watching Cass struggle through constantly getting her heart crushed, it was nice to see she finally gets put first.

This book is:
* Curvy girl romance
* Over 30 and wanting love
* Forced proximity
* Put yourself first, feel-good vibes

I definitely recommend this book and now need to go back and read book one because I like this writing style! Thank you NetGalley! I am happily sharing this review by my own choice.

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I really enjoyed this book. I thought it was a nice chilled read. Could put down and pick up easily. I loved the chemistry between the characters and jobs the characters have. It was something different for me tonread but I'd definitely recommend

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How couldn't I not like this book, Cass never had luck with dating and men until Josh but she wasn't expecting their work to be connected after she made an exception which is something she rarely does and the one time she actually decided to risk, she never imagined she would also had to work with him... Can they take their hands off each other after that one night that blow their mind?

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I love when a one night stand keeps showing up in your life. Cass meets Josh and their attraction leads to a night of passion. Then they keep running into each other. Can they make this work?

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This book is a whole vibe. I loved the fmc and the fact that she was closer to my age as opposed someone in their 20s. I'm always a fan of grumpy x sunshine. This was such a cute read, and I loved the playlist as well!!

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4.5 ⭐️

“Just once, I want someone to make an effort.” She blinked hard and turned a brittle smile to him. “Do you think I’m asking too much?” An emotion she couldn’t identify hid behind the shadow that crossed his face. “I don’t think you’re asking for enough.”

I devoured this book and I fell for Cass right away. She is so relatable and you just want to root for her.

I wasn’t sure what to make of Josh at first. An MMC who labels women by physical attributes and rates them on sexual positions in his phone is going to have to work really hard to win me over. But somehow it worked.

I can’t wait to read more by this author. Thank you NetGalley for giving me an ARC, all my opinions are my own.

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I could not put this down!! Absolutely hooked from the first page! This book had all the fun tropes, from grumpy/sunshine, slow burn, 30+ and curvy FMC! The chemistry between theses characters was just 🤌! I really enjoyed the dual pov. I can’t wait to see what Ellory writes next!

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A big thank you to netgalley for approving my request to review A Lucky Shot.

I loved the dual point of view and text message bits that broke the story up.
Cass was an instantly likeable and relatable character, to be honest I thought all the characters were great. Josh felt a bit of a question mark at times, but I liked that I was undecided by him.
Either way, the chemistry between Cass and Josh was delicious and I happily devoured it up.
I have given it 4.5 stars rounded up.

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Really enjoyed this book!
First of all, as a Canadian girl, loved that it was set here. Second of all, love a dual POV. And lastly, spice was 👌🏼

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The novel starts Cassie on a double date with her boyfriend and friends. The date does not end well and Cassie realizes that her boyfriend is not the one for her. cassie and her friends decide to take a much needed girls trip to vancouver where she meets Josh. Josh and Cassie immediately hit it off and spend the night together. They go their separate ways and keep in touch for a little bit. The novel then fasts forward to current time where Josh is working on his next movie and cassie ends hired as the head of costume department. I liked the characters in the novel but felt the story was slow at times.

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This book had me from the start.

Cassidy is beautiful, charming, funny and draws you in. She is the type of girl you can feel yourself being best friends with.

Josh is hot, sexy, stubborn and all the things that make you want him!

The chemistry between these two characters were off the charts, and you are constantly pleading with them to get their shit together.

The spice was spicing for me and the ending had me in tears. There was a small little bombshell thrown in there that kept the story on its toes that I didnt see coming but really enjoyed.

This book is from the same world as A better proposal however can be read as a standalone.

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Lucky Shot has some of the most relatable characters I've ever read. You want to hug Cass everytime something happens to her and you want to cheer for her when she realizes what she deserves. The banter between Josh and Cass is so fun to see as their friendship grows.

A work place romance but with a twist.
I love that this take place on a movie set and I love even more that it's the behind the scenes people that are the focus. I hope we see more of their friends from on set in the future

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This is such a great read, I ate it up and just couldn’t stop turning the pages. The characters in the book are fun and three dimensional with Cassidy being the absolute star. Cassidy is bright and kind and open and brings that to the plot, she is contrasted with grumpy irritable Josh who slowly opens up with Cass in his orbit. The gentle giving of Cass is taken for granted. The plot is happening on a film set with friends and exes and stars a plenty making a real strong cast.

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A Lucky Shot

Thank you for letting me have this arc! I couldnt put this book down! I completed it within a few days of reading it. I was hooked from chapter one. I realate to cass alot in this book, she is a bundle of joy. When cass and her freinds go to a film fest weekend she bumps into Josh, they both hit it off right away and end up having a night one stand. But due to work they both are in each other's paths again. They are highs and lows. I loved the plot twist in this! Josh is a consent king and I love the nickname he gives her. In the end it was a very cute story and so glad I read it.

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Can true love come from a hookup? Talk about chemistry!

Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC. All comments are my own.

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Cassidy and Josh had one night together. They ended up working together later on his film set.

Love Cassidy and Josh together. Great romance. Terrific banter. Such a satisfying ending.

Thanks to the publisher for the arc.

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