Member Reviews

"I am lucky to have my parents" is a small but very inspiring book about family life with divorce, separation of parents and remarriage with new partners. This book is a guide for parents and teachers who live with children from divorced marriages, to help them understand the changes they are facing.Thanks for the opportunity to read this book on NetGalley.

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Thank you, Papercutz, for the ARC.

This book tells a story about a little girl whose parents are separating. She can’t understand why they have to when then have had the best times together as a family.

Finally she’s come to accept it and is trying to make each day memorable and beautiful with the family she has!

I know that things will not be as easy as this book shows but kids will have a harder time not being able to understand things when parents separate but it is also important to give them time to accept the fact and let them know it’s not their fault.

I love the lovely illustrations! It’s so pretty!

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Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an advanced reader copy of this book. This is something that as a family services worker I can use with some of my kids to show that all families look different and it is okay to have emotions. But it is also okay to be happy about the memories you make with them. The illustrations are beautiful and it is easy to follow.

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The book was beautifully written. The author made careful word choices that were very impactful. Overall, the book was well written and I did really enjoy it.

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This is an excellent book to get or read to your kid when you and your spouse are getting a divorce. It really covers how a child can feel when their parents split up and no longer live together. It even goes as far as to show that sometimes your family can get bigger when your parents find a new spouse. For a lot of kids, divorce can be a very hard time, especially if the child blames himself for it. This is a great book to help with that change and help them understand that people can sometimes just drift apart.

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I Am Lucky to Have My Parents follows a young girl as she goes through the separation of her parents. Though she loves both of them very much, the separation is hard on her but she is able to find joy and comfort in her friends and family. I'm really happy that our young protagonist had a support circle and that the separation was healthy. As far as we could see, neither parent pointed fingers at her to pick a side.

The art is very cozy, and the watercolor texture is a nice touch. It gives it a homemade and personal touch.

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I Am Lucky to Have My Parents is a children's picture book about a young girl who is going through her parents' separation. As a Bulgarian bookseller I was already familiar with it (it's my go-to recommendation for books on divorce for that age group), which is why I was so excited to see that Papercutz translated it in English.

The book follows our young protagonist as she recounts the happy moments she has with both her parents, and how her mom and dad are not always happy with each other. It validates her feelings of sadness and anger at her parents' separation, and shows the young readers that even after such a stressful moments in their life there will be family, love, and happiness. The illustrations are absolutely beautiful and the text is also rendered well to the English by the translator, Borislava Pancheva (keeping the impact of such a short and simple text can be more challenging that it seems). A lot of divorce depicted in media is of the messy variety, which makes "I Am Lucky to Have My Parents" a great book to read to younger kids to model what a healthy parental divorce or separation might look like.

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Every parent needs to be given this book. It was hands down, phenomenal! Just such a big topic and hard to explain to kids- but this book put it together so nicely! The illustrations were darling and the story was fantastic. Wonderfully done.

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The first 80% of this book was gold. With my first children's book on divorce, I'd hit the jackpot.
Then it went from 0-100 (maybe more like 0-1000?) in the turn of a page.

For an older child, I <i>do</i> think this could prove to be a positive tool in processing divorce or a similar upheaval of the family life they're used to.

My concern is that unless parents/caretakers are diligent about keeping this out of younger children's hands a child introduced to this book too young could misunderstand, ending up in a thought spiral over what big changes the book has made it seem will occur soon after the parents' split. The more children's books I review the more I find myself stressing variations of the same point - younger kids take things SO literally.

{Thank you bunches to NetGalley, Radostina Nikolova and publisher for the eARC in exchange for my honest review!}

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This was such a cute book about a really important topic that can be really difficult to talk to children about- separation and divorce. This book would be great for schools to help parents and children talk about what is happening and why.

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What a cute book!!! This book is perfect for parents who struggle to have the conversation with their children about seperation and divorce. This book allows your child/children to understand big changes in their lives, and know it’s okay to talk about those feelings. With simple words and pictures.

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