Member Reviews

This was a solid historical fiction, but not as good as We Were the Lucky Ones.

If you are already a fan of Georgia Hunter, you will probably like this one! This is a story of friendship, motherhood, survival, and second chances. Esti and Lily are best friends living in Italy as war breaks out in Europe. They are Jewish and get by with fake IDs. When a situation arises and Esti begs Lily to take her son, Theo, with her to escape danger with plans to meet up at a different location, Lily nervously accepts. What happens through the rest of the novel is Lily making decisions, traveling, and ultimately protecting herself and Theo while waiting for Esti's return.

What I love about this novel is that it's set in the Italy theatre of WW2. The setting is such a big part of the story and I really was immersed in each location. I also really like the sweet trust and relationship between Lily and Theo.

I wasn't too keen on the whole part with Thomas when he came into the picture. I get that it showed a side of the GI experience with falling in love during the war, but it just seemed too perfect that I was distrusting most of the time. But it turned out to be such a silver lining in the end.

The end was bittersweet. It really showed a side of the war that is forgotten about. The wondering, the waiting, the what-ifs. Holding out hope but also needing to move on, but also always searching and hoping and waiting. How do you move on but hold on at the same time? What a beautiful tribute.

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This was my first book by Georgia Hunter and I REALLY enjoyed it. I've read quite a few historical fiction novels set in the WWII era, but never read one based in Italy, so I found it really interesting to get a glimpse into life in Italy during those awful times and I felt like I learned SO much. I always love a book that teaches me something new. I'll admit, it took me a few chapters to become invested, but from then on, I felt like the pacing of the book was really great and kept me captivated. There were so many great characters to root for, from Lili and Esti, to Thomas, and of course, Theo. I also loved the relationship between Lili and Thomas, and how it supplemented the overall story but didn't take away from it at all. I do agree there were some unanswered questions in the end- but to me, it felt like the perfect ending for these characters and left me feeling fulfilled.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book for my honest review.

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I was a huge fan of We were the Lucky Ones and I enjoyed reading One Good Thing. I appreciated receiving an advance copy of this novel from the publisher through Netgalley. I have read many World War II novels, very few are set in Italy. I was very interested in the way the Italian people reacted to being forced to follow Hitler’s policies. I thought it was interesting to see the role of the Catholic Church in helping to protect Jews.
I realize that many Jewish people disappeared during World War II. It was still hard to have so many question marks at the end of the novel. I would have preferred an epilogue a few years later that discussed adjustments after the war and maybe tied up some loose ends.
Overall I think the novel tread the fine line between being entertaining and being too graphic about war atrocities very well.
I think this novel will appeal to many readers.

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A WWII novel following Lili, an Italian Jewish young woman. I initially read this book due to my love of Hunter's first book. While I don't think this novel is up to par with her breakout book, I still enjoyed the story and learning about how the Holocaust affected Italian Jews.

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One Good Thing
by Georgia Hunter
Pub Date: March 4, 2025
Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
I love the cover of this book!
From the New York Times–bestselling author of We Were the Lucky Ones, an unforgettable story of hardship and hope, courage and resilience, that follows one young woman’s journey through war-torn Italy.
Somehow, I,was not expecting to be so swept away by One Good Thing. Hunter creates an amazing sense of place, transporting readers to World War II Italy. I felt the sting of each goodbye Lili and Theo make just a little bit more than the last. I needed to reach the end but feared where the characters were going to find. One Good Thing is a worthy follow up to We Were the Lucky Ones.
I highly recommend this emotional book!

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One Good Thing is another epic Georgia Hunter novel! Such a well-written story about another tragic aspect of WWII. Well developed characters who suffer through this intense time.

Thanks to NetGalley and Penguin Group for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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Set in Italy as World War II begins, a story of two best friends, Esti and Lili, who are separated as the Nazi’s begin to take over, restricting the rights of anyone they deem to be Jewish. In the process, Esti has been wounded and needs to remain behind, while Lili needs to leave as soon as possible with Esti’s young son, and with the Nazi’s checking every person possible, she makes the decision to walk with him, rather than take the train. It is a long and grueling journey, but she eventually finds a place where she can stay, if only for a while.

Although their lives are not ideal, they encounter others who help, and despite the obstacles along the way, there were nuns and priests who offered some help along their journey.

A story of friendship, family, loss, war and the ability to continue on, despite what they have lost, memories and finding a path to a new life.

Pub Date: 04 Mar 2025


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I received a free ARC ebook of <i>One Good Thing</i> from NetGalley in exchange for an unbiased review.

Hunter's novel takes readers to prewar World War II Italy where best friends, Lili and Esti, appear to have a very bright future. Esti's marriage to Nico and the birth of their son, Theo, draws the two women even closer. But as Jews, Hitler's looming threat and Mussolini's Racial Laws are a constant threat.

When Germany invades, the two women and Theo flee their homes as Esti forges documents for the Underground. Eventually Lili must care for Theo on her own as the two journey south toward Allied territory.

Hunger, cold, and terror are Lili and Theo's traveling companions. Who can be trusted? How much risk can Lili take with a toddler in tow?

I've read lots of World War II historical fiction; this novel excels at presenting the ramifications of war far from the battlefield.

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Set in Italy during WWII, two close friends are tied together forever by their experiences under the oppression of Mussolini and the Nazis. Esti and Lili meet during college and forge a close friendship, and as conditions deteriorate in Italy as anti-Jewish laws are enacted, they decide together to help others and resist. Both women show incredible strength and bravery through unimaginable circumstances. This is an engrossing book with a powerful message of love, friendship and perseverance in the face of true evil.

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I love books that take place during WW2, which is how I found Georgia Hunter and We Were the Lucky Ones. I didn't love this as much, but it was still a good story. Every time I read what Jews went through during the way, I am still amazed. You will love Lili and Esti's story's.

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Italy. Yet another Holocaust novel, but... This one was not as gruesome or depressing many of the other Holocaust novels which focus on the horrors of the camps or the extremely dire living situations [though food and shelter is often the issue in this story]. Starts in 1941 with two fast friends who meet as students at the University of Ferrara--Esti and Lili. Esti is married to Niko; they are Greek and have an infant son, Theo. Mussolini's Racial Laws declare them inferior as they are Jewish--they carry as best they can, until Germany invades Italy and they are in occupied territory without much hope. Niko leaves to go to his parents. Esti and Lili flee to the countryside--first to a villa, then to a convent [where they pose as nuns!]--one of many steps on their journey. They have false IDs but never feel safe. When an incident occurs wounding Esti; she convinces Lili to flee with Theo. And so it begins.

Lili and Theo meet up with [other] helpful nuns and priests along the way as well as some friendly country folk and partisans. This was a fast, compelling read for me. I was always interested in the story--the paths they took, the obstacles along the way, Primarily Lili's story.

Friendship, family, [Lili's father, Massimo] love, loss, perseverance, survival. Falsifying documents, serving as a courier of information, and always seeking information on Esti,

A different take on the Holocaust as I have not read many novels that focus on Italy during this time.

And, no mush until about 3/4 through, when an American soldier enters the scene [no more information from me!]. I was hoping this would not end in the neat and tidy and thankfully it did not; I found the ending acceptable.

Be sure to read the Author's Note.


Solid 4/4.25.

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Best friends Lili and Esti are struggling to survive in War torn Italy. As the Nazi’s take over, the friends band together, moving from place to place with Esti’s child. At each place, they do their best to help orphans, and forge identity cards. When Esti is wounded, Lili takes her child and flee’s, determined to survive.

This book was fast paced, with well developed characters. Lili and Esti were both dynamic and interesting. I thought their efforts to survive and help others were moving and heroic. I do wish the story had highlighted some other characters, or found a way to expand the story beyond their friendship. Despite this criticism, 4 out of 5 stars.

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This a beautifully told piece of historical fiction and a testament to the power of survival and resilience. It was an emotional read that will stay with me.

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One Good Thing by Georgia Hunter is a wonderful and stunning WWII era novel. Just wow.

I loved the author’s first book, so I couldn’t wait to read this gem…and gem it is.
Here we are immersed into WWII and the horrific experiences of those that lived in Italy faced, namely the Jewish citizens and population. The main characters were beautifully written and portrayed. The emotions, trials, fears, and experiences were heart wrenchingly described and I felt as if I was there during many parts within the novel.

It is such an amazing book, and I feel lives up to the author’s freshman novel, We Were the Lucky Ones, and that is certainly saying something.

I highly recommend.

5/5 stars

Thank you NG and PENGUIN GROUP Viking Penguin | Pamela Dorman Books for this wonderful arc and in return I am submitting my unbiased and voluntary review and opinion.

I am posting this review to my GR and Bookbub accounts immediately and will post it to my Amazon, Instagram, and B&N accounts upon publication on 3/4/25.

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I couldn’t wait to dive into this book and ended up reading it well before the release date—it was impossible to put down! Georgia Hunter has firmly secured a spot on my list of favorite authors. “One Good Thing” is a story I’ll be recommending to everyone I know, and following it up with this latest work has only solidified my admiration for their writing.

Don’t miss a single book by this author—they’re unforgettable!

I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book provided by NetGalley.

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Georgia’s depiction of the tragedy and torture of what people endured during WWII is so engrossing and I was so excited to read her second book after enjoying her first one. This story of friendship, sacrifice, motherhood, and the power of survival was engaging and informative. I highly recommend it!

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I honestly tried to hold off reading this book until closer to the release date, but I simply couldn’t. Georgia Hunter has pretty much catapulted to the top of my favorite authors list. We were the Lucky Ones is a book I can never ever recommend enough. And to have that one followed by this book forever cemented her writing in my heart.
Absolutely do not miss any book this author writes!!

I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book provided by NetGalley

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I devoured this book. I love Georgia's style of writing and have been waiting for another. One Good Thing did it for me! It is the genre that interests me and the story line was beautifully crafted. 5 stars!

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Another fascinating novel from Georgia Hunter; this one set in Italy in WWII. For me not quite as engrossing as 'We were the lucky ones' but that was a hard act to follow! I did think it could have been shortened quite a bit to its advantage; the last chapters especially seemed to be dragging out the inevitable and summarizing all the past events unnecessarily. It was short of an edit or two; especially some rapid tense changes from present to past and back but I am sure those sections have been ironed out now. It is always good to read a novel that educates without it appearing like an information drop, and I certainly learned a great deal about the horrors Jewish people faced in WWII Italy. Lili and Theo were heart-warming characters, as were the secondary characters. The US influence was interesting and I imagine reflects the author's own sensibilities and love for her country. Perhaps we will see a sequel one day as Lili and Theo settle in America (hopefully with some trips back to Italy and Switzerland!

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I received a complimentary copy of this book "One Good Thing" and all opinions expressed are my own. Historical fiction and a good one! I loved this book. It was so interesting and I looked forward to reading it each day. The ending felt rushed or unfinished. I want more....

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