Member Reviews

A cute little story that I very much enjoyed.
Finishing this book in one afternoon was a pure delight.
I felt like I was a part Kylee's family and friends. I really enjoyed in getting to know each character.
Especially Henry and Annabelle. It's sad how they lost their parents at 4 but they still had lots to offer us readers. I laughed at some of their antics.
I love these heartwarming stories. They bring me joy
And leaves my heart feeling full and satisfied.
I appreciate the value of forgiveness in order to move on.
Sometimes it's hard but it's a must to give us a peace of mind.
I really enjoyed this story. 5 stars from me.
My thanks for a wonderful read. I was NOT required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine.

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Kylee has spent her life feeling like she had to compete with her sister Mia. So much so that she left her hometown to make a name for herself in New York. She was successful, but was she happy? When an accident kills both Mia and her husband, Kylee has to head back to her hometown to take over guardianship of her sisters twins. She plans to stay only for Christmas , that is until she runs into the twins godfather, Evan. Evan blames himself for not being able to save his friends and is determined to me make sure the twins are okay. So when the inexperienced Kylee comes to town, Evan finds himself constantly overstepping out of concern for the twins. With time they find they both love the twins and they need to work together. But as Evan and Kylee spend more and more time together feelings start to develop. But Kylee has no plans to stay in town. And Evan has no plans to ever leave. So where does that leave them, and the twins?!

I loved this story. It was just a sweet read and I read it all in one day! I think in the beginning I expected one to be the hero and the other rescued. But really both Kylee and Evan are both struggling personally and they need each other and they need to do right by the kids. And in some ways it competes with each other, trying to show who is more suited as the kids guardian. But in other ways they balance each other out and quickly become what the other isn't. Sweet story!

I received a complimentary copy, the review is my own opinion and it wasn't required.

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A Guardian Till Christmas is a well written inspirational romance. I throughly enjoyed the plot and the character dynamics. I received an advance ebook from the publisher and Netgalley. This is my unbiased review.

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