Member Reviews

Learning curve is a fresh-drama-college romance..
This may sound like a very light read and it is but with a twist of angst -Max Monroe’s signature..
Fast paced, with a lot of drama, and a golden heart MMC character..

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I love Scottie and Finn. That's it. That's the review.

Seriously though, I adore Max Monroe as a writing duo - they write together so seamlessly. Add in the fact that this is a sports romance...well, you got me hooked. LEARNING CURVE was a joy to read. I loved the storyline and the supporting characters (I'm going to need a Blake book IMMEDIATELY!), and it just had all those elements I love from a Max Monroe book - emotion, slow burn and plenty of drama.

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Learning Curve by Max Monroe is a captivating college romance that expertly balances lighthearted moments with deeper, more reflective themes. The story follows Finn and Scottie, two complex characters whose chemistry is palpable from their first encounter. Monroe's skillful character development shines as we watch these two navigate their personal struggles and budding relationship.
The author masterfully weaves together elements of humor, angst, and passion, creating a narrative that's both entertaining and emotionally resonant. The sexy scenes are well-crafted and contribute meaningfully to the plot, while the more serious moments add depth to the characters and their journey.
One of the novel's strengths is its supporting cast, particularly Ace, whose humor provides welcome relief from the intensity of Finn and Scottie's story. The friendships depicted feel authentic and add richness to the college setting.
While the plot takes some unexpected turns, especially towards the end, Monroe manages to keep the reader invested throughout. The unconventional path to the characters' happily-ever-after might challenge some readers' expectations, but it ultimately feels true to Finn and Scottie's unique journey.
My only minor critique would be that the back-and-forth between the main characters occasionally feels drawn out. However, this is a small quibble in an otherwise engrossing read.
Overall, Learning Curve is an addictive, emotionally charged romance that skillfully balances light and dark elements. It's a promising start to the Dickson University series, leaving readers eager for more.

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This book was kind of all over the place, and the author’s note does mention this. Both main characters have alcoholic parents. Finn enrolls at this specific university because one of the professors is a half brother but doesn’t know it. Scottie has a toxic boyfriend and things gets out of hand. Both Scottie and Finn have a connection, but Finn thinks she deserves better.

I really liked the side characters and the friend group that they could trust. When everything blew up, it was heartwarming to see that Finn and his siblings weren’t alone.

There’s a lot going on in this story and I felt like it could’ve been way shorter than what it was.

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Absolutely Loved this book. I laughed so hard at some parts. I absolutely love Max Monroe books. They have made me laugh so hard.

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This book absolutely DESTROYED ME. I was not nearly prepared for the emotions I was going to experience reading it. This is my first book by this duo and I cannot rave about it enough. It was so raw and real and RELATABLE. I can’t begin to explain to you how much I enjoyed this. 5/5 stars!

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Family has brought Finn to Dickson University even if the person who brought him there knows nothing about him. When he meets Scottie, he is attracted to her, but he has family issues that he needs with however fate has a way of bringing them together until he realizes what they mean to each other.

Scottie has come to Dickson University where no one knows her family or her past. She is focused on school and cheerleading and isn’t sure what to do about her feelings for Finn which doesn’t lead to the best actions. When her life is continuously turned upside down it is Finn who is always there for her and shows her what love truly is.

Rather than everything that Finn and Scottie had to go through tearing them apart it brought them closer and only reinforced that they were stronger together than apart. Emotion and turmoil is offset against the humor and great friendships they both created.

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This new series starts off with an emotional story of Finn and Scottie that you will not be able to walk away from. There are so many laughs, tears, family and friends. This second generation series brings back memories and makes so many new ones.

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Wow. I was not expecting this rollercoaster of a book. I thought this would be a fun light hearted story filled with laughter while seeing people from previous books. This had lots of angst, family drama and trauma. This was a long book filled with lots of emotion. Scottie and Finn grow so much throughout the book, and I loved the relationships they built throughout.

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when I was reading I didn’t really feel connected to the characters and why did that ending come out of nowhere??

(thank you Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for a review)

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This story has family and a found family. It has a rare closeness and they know they can count on each other. That being said Scottie and Finn have an amazing story with heart. You feel their emotions, their ups and downs. The unfolding of the the story was beautifully written. I love the interconnected characters and see how their lives have been. This can be read as a standalone.

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This was insane!!! At first I felt like ok this writing seems a little immature but I bet it’s a binge read. I did read it in two sittings and would have maybe gave it three starts if it wasn’t for that random, traumatic ending!?

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Learning Curve- Max Monroe

Rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Spice 🌶️🌶️

Literally no one does romcoms like Max Monroe, and I will die on this hill. They had me cracking up before even the prologue. When they say this is the most bingeable book they’ve written, they’re not wrong. I literally read this 600 page book in one sitting and I 1. Don’t read that fast and 2. Have big book fear so a book this size is usually intimidating to me. I loved every second of it. I missed being in their billionaire world and I honestly felt like coming home when we got to see Ace and the billionaires and the Winslows again. There were so many emotions throughout this one. While I’m cracking up, there’s also a deep, meaningful message about family and abuse and addiction and finding love while and after experiencing those traumas and Max Monroe did a phenomenal job at balancing the emotion with the comedy.

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This book absolutely DESTROYED ME. I was not nearly prepared for the emotions I was going to experience reading it. This is my first book by this duo and I cannot rave about it enough. It was so raw and real and RELATABLE. I can’t begin to explain to you how much I enjoyed this. 5/5 stars!

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Scottie Bardeaux has done everything in her life to succeed, despite her alcoholic mother. Now she is a freshman at Dickson University, one of New York City's most prestigious universities. On her first day of classes she meets Finnley "Finn" Hayes. To say Finn is good looking is an understatement....this man is HOT! Too bad she is dating Dane Matthews for the last two years. When things with Dane start to go south, Finn is there to help and he will do whatever needs to be done to protect her. Before they know it, Scottie and Finn are dating. Things are going great until a huge secret is revealed causing Finn not to trust Scottie. It takes some time but these two find their way back to each other.

Scottie and Finn are having fun hanging around with Ace Kelly, son of Thatch (yes, that Thatch)! and Cassie Kelly who also happens to be Finn's roommate; Julia Brooks, daughter of Kline and Georgia Brooks; and Blake Boden, starting quarterback for the school's football team.. This group is having a great time together.

Just when life couldn't get any better....tragedy strikes and blows their world apart. It will take a lot of hard work and inner reflections until Scottie and Finn can finally find their way back to each other, but in the end true love prevails.

I just loved this sunshine/grumpy college love story. I just adored Finn. He was truly a perfect guy. I loved all of the secrets in his life that came out and how in the end he was so much better for it. I enjoyed Scottie but was thrown for a loop toward the end. I'm glad there was finally a happy ending. I cannot wait for Blake's story with Lexi Winslow, daughter of Wes and Winnie Winslow.

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Finn is starting college but his primary interest isn’t getting his degree. He is an angry young man with a plan for revenge. Little does he know that college isn’t just about classes, sometimes it changes your entire life. Scottie is starting college with big dreams of being a cheerleader and hanging out with her siblings. Little does she know that she is going to meet someone who will change her life forever. Finn and Scottie have a huge journey ahead of them and maybe they might even find love.

Finn’s background is tough. He comes from a broken family with an abusive, alcoholic father. The author rolls out the information about his family a little at a time. I assumed that it would be a major part of the entire book but it’s not. I’m glad the author made the choice to allow Finn to come to terms with his background before the end of the book so that readers could see how he grows after that weight is lifted from his shoulders. The conclusion to the revenge storyline is good and I was glad the author chose that conclusion. Finn has a huge growth curve and he ends up being a great character that I think deserves all of his happiness. Scottie seems like a very simple character at the beginning but she gets a real growth curve later in the book. She needs to find a path without trying to compete with her siblings. I’m glad the author gave Scottie the chance to shed her childish beliefs and grow into an interesting young woman. At the beginning of the story the one thing Finn and Scottie have in common is that they are both on scholarships. By the end of the story they have created a family unit that is fun and interesting. There are bad guys in the story. They help Finn and Scottie grow and develop as people.

This book is a college romance filled with friends and family and lots of crazy drama. This story is full of a lot of drama so be prepared for all the feelings. I look forward to reading more from this author in the future.

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Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. As someone in their 30s, I do see how a young person would enjoy this story more than myself. As far as the writing goes, Max Monroe did in excellent job storytelling and building the characters. My heart broke for these characters in the devastatingly beautiful story. I do feel like this book could have been shorter, it did feel a little long to me.

Goodreads review:
Wow, what a ride.

This book will put you through it. She's thick, at 593 pages there is a lot to work through. Learning Curve is a slow burn new adult novel filled with angst and loads of drama. Finn and Scottie are college students at Dickson University and run into each other soon after arriving. Both come from troubled backgrounds/families and are super guarded emotionally. Finn is the "bad boy" and Scottie is the virgin cheerleader. Their relationship is a constant push and pull.

You are intruded to several other characters that I loved also. Max Monroe did in excellent job building these characters and my heart broke for them throughout the book. Honestly, I felt like this book could have been shortened ALOT. At times it felt like it dragged on and on forever. This is a new adult novel but at times it felt more like high school drama than college. Some events were very unrealistic but made this story memorable. THE ENDING!!! The ending made the whole thing worth it.

Overall, this is a sold 3 stars for me. I do feel like someone younger would enjoy this book more.

Huge thank you to Netgalley for allowing me to read an ARC of Learning Curve.
@hannahwells.books (insta)

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Wow! I absolutely loved Finn and Scottie’s story! The unwavering love and support have for each other is heartwarming. Both have been through a lot, Finn with his alcoholic father and Scottie with her alcoholic mother. I was consumed with this book as soon as I started it. But there were several twist that I didn’t see coming. And never would have guessed the way the story was headed. I can’t recommend this book enough. It is such a heartwarming story. And I can not wait for the next book in the series, or for all of them. This is going to be such a good series!

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Rated 4/5 stars

Learning Curve sucked me in with the angst between the two main characters, Finn and Scottie. I loved both of their back stories and how each of them had things that they were hiding. The growth in both of the characters was very well written.

- Angst
- College romance
- Back and forth romance
- enemies to lovers
- Loved all of the side characters - looking forward to reading their books!

- a little long
- could have ended a bit earlier

Overall it was a wonderful book and I can't wait to read more of Max Monroe's books!

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Scottie and Finn meet on Dickson University’s campus at the start of their freshman year. At the time Scottie had a boyfriend. The boyfriend turns out to be a jerk so Scottie breaks up with him. Both Finn & Scottie have a lot of baggage and even though they have an intense attraction they both push and pull each other throughout the book. The other characters are fun and all become good friends. Can’t wait for books on the other guys.

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