Member Reviews

What a fun small town romantic comedy, I enjoyed this book a lot. It's the 3rd book in a series, each book is about a sister, but it can be read as a standalone. Maddie is in charge of planning a bachelor/bachelorette road trip for her sister Reese. She's planning it with her sister's fiancées best friend, Patrick, a grumpy Irish bar- and brewery owner. The FMC hasn't got everything figured out yet, she has had 10 dead end jobs and exes and is finding out who she is after the last one. The MMC is a grumpy mess but very likable and a real good guy, loved the pet sheep. They are both in their 30's which I really liked, it made them more relatable to me.
There is bit of open door spice, but isn't too much. It's overall a cute and enjoyable rom-com.
I really loved the readable Irish accent, which adds to the MMC's character and the visualisation of what he is like. I also loved the fact that the writer really takes us on a journey through Ireland. She has clearly done her research.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Thank you so much Netgallery for this e-arc.

I was hooked on their story right away, from the way they met to the way they fell in love. They are so drawn to each other that they can't help but be exactly what the other needs to repair their broken hearts.

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4.5⭐- I really loved this story, the plot and chemistry between the characters roped me in. Loved that this took place in Ireland. I loved the first scene between Maddie and Jake in the hallway of his pub.

The only thing I didn't like is the way Jake handled the scene where he got cold and distant with Maddie. It felt borderline narcissistic and felt like a red flag. I also would've preferred more details into the road trip, since it was one of the main reasons for Maddie visiting Ireland. It felt rushed through and I would've like more scene with Patrick and Maddie interacting during the road trip.

Other than that, I also enjoyed some of the funnier scenes and moments in the story. I loved Soairse! She was one of my favorite characters.

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at first, I found it hard to get into. about fifty pages in, and I was absolutely obsessed. I couldn't stop turning the pages, I knew I would love it and I did. brilliant romance

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Oh my this was fun! Super cute, fun, flirty and a little on the spice side! Cozy! Loved it! Grump and sunshine. Can't wait to read more!

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This was an absolute delight! If you're looking for a fun, only slightly spicy romance with sheep and a loving mmc, pick this up! I had no idea I was a sucker for a "he braids her hair moments" but here I am!

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4.5 Fecking Delightful Stars ⭐
Spicy Level: 🌶️.5/5

We tell ourselves these little lies, conversations held only in our internal dialogue that no one knows except yourself. This book was an actual representation of one of these conversations I often have...and there goes never telling anyone...

Note: This is an interconnected standalone which means, like me, you can read it without having read the previous two books...but obviously those romances HEA will be present in this...

I have always said that if anything bad happened in my life that left me completely alone, I would move to England and work in a pub. And while our main character doesn't necessarily go to England, she goes to Ireland. Maddie (Madison) has pulled out of her hospitality program and found out her "summer fling" who she thought was more, was cheating on her... afraid to tell her sisters she fleas to Ireland to plan the perfect road trip bachelorette for her sister. The best man (who lives in Ireland) is meant to help her, but he is avoiding her emails. But there is no way he can avoid her in person right? On her first night, she kisses a random stranger in the hallway of the pub she is staying above... turns out that stranger is none other than Patrick - the elusive best man... he also happens to own the pub and room she is staying in.

𝙏𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙨 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙁𝙚𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨:
There are just some books out there that speak to your soul. The book might not be perfect but, it just hits every little thing you want to see... This book was like that for me. It spoke to my soul.

Maddie doesn't know what she wants out of life when she arrives in Ireland. All she knows is the hotel business is not for her. Despite this, her personality is determined and spontaneous with this freeing sense of independence and freedom that can't make you do anything but smile and like her.

Patrick is textbook Grumpy in the GrumpyxSunshine dynamic and I LOVE IT! Sworn off dating after his ex messed him up, he very rarely doesn't have more than one encounter with a woman (aka he owns and bar and uses it as a hookup source for one-night stands). But there's just something about this feisty, smiley American woman that might speak to his soul. I love their dynamic together. I love how she slowly whittled away his tough exterior, and how she was able to thaw his frozen heart allowing him to experience life again and have fun. His coating mechanism was burying himself in his work, stuck in a rut and going with the motions pulling him in 50000 directions. I love that Maddie was able to help him reprioritize what he wanted and I love that she was there to support him. She recognised his silent cry for help, even though he couldn't see it himself. Their dynamic is everything a relationship should be. These two had their own, unique lives, but they just empowered each other to be greater. It was also sweet how this grumpy man just looked after Maddie and made sure she didn't kill herself more than once with her reckless behaviour...

What I found surprising is that I LOVED this book and it contained a trope that I typically don't like, the dreaded "third act breakup". While the characters had one I understood it's purpose and it worked for me in the story. Patrick needed to realise and reframe his priorities and realise he was miserable without Maddie. I didn't feel irritated that they broke up and I think that actually speaks to how much I loved this book because when one of my most hated tropes appears and I still rate it high... I think the book is brilliant...

ALSO there were sheep... the one on the cover was actually why I wanted to read this book because your girl is lowkey obsessed with sheep... I have a massive collection of stuffed toy sheep on my couch and they make me so happy... so the presence of Turtle and Kitty and all the sheep-inspired decor in this was AMAZING!

▶ Dual POV
▶ Irish Romance
▶ Strangers to Lovers
▶ BridesmaidXBest Man
▶ Small Town Romance
▶ GrumpyXSunshine
▶ He Fall's First
▶ Forced Proximity
▶ Workplace Romance
▶ Sheep Animal Companions

𝙈𝙞𝙘𝙧𝙤 𝙏𝙧𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙨:
▷ Good Girl
▷ View is Amazing (looking at her)
▷ "Out of our systems"
▷ Washes her hair and Plats her hair
▷ He Takes Care of Her after she's injured

Overall this was just sweet and wholesome, and it just made my soul tingle with all the little tropes and micro tropes. It was like the perfect romance tailored for me.

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Thank you for the opportunity to review this ARC.

This was a fantastic cozy, sweet, and snuggly read with the perfect amount of spice. Chrissy pulls you into the Hart sisters world and keeps you hooked with her writing style. It was an interconnected standalone book but I would recommend readers to read book 1 + 2 first.
Patrick is your typical grumpy sunshine MMC and I adored him. He falls first and even though he is in denial, he is honest and you feel all the emotions with him.
Maddie is your typical sunshine FMC trying to figure out her life and piece it back together. I enjoyed the fact that she was resisting and wasn't chasing after Patrick but there relationship is easy and cozy.
They fall into each other without even realising it. One of the best parts about Chrissy's writing is that she has a side goal/plot. In this case, Maddie is planning a bachelor/bachelorette road trip for her sister Reese. It takes you on a journey besides the love plot. Everything is so well researched that it feels like you are there in Ireland with them. Chrissy keeps you on your toes and rooting for the characters! I enjoyed Maddie's boyfriend list that is included and the 3 gifts at the end of Patrick is the best!
A fabulous read and series.

I will be posting my review on goodreads, tiktok, instagram and facebook in the next 2 days.

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I enjoyed this story. It was a fun quick read for me. I loved both Maddie and Patrick. This is my first story by this author and it defiantly won't be the last! Enjoy!

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A great read, the story of Maddie and Patrick. They plan a great Irish road trip, but will what starts as a fling for them become anything more. A great third book in this series.

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Review Published 9/5/2024
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐.75
Spice Level: 🌶️

The sheep-themed flat sounded absolutely adorable! I also loved the fun summaries of Maddie’s past boyfriends, complete with their distress levels and lesson learned. It gave a great insight into how unlucky she's been in love, which mirrors Patrick's own situation. The dual POV was a huge plus because without it, Patrick might have just come across as a bit of an idiot. Seeing things from his perspective added depth to his character, especially when it came to how much he adored his family.

The small-town charm of Dingle really stood out. Everyone being in each other’s business was cute, and I enjoyed how the community was always looking out for one another. It added a lot of warmth to the story.

Overall, this was a cute and sweet read. However, I’m not the biggest fan of the miscommunication trope, and the last quarter of the book felt like one long misunderstanding. I also struggled a bit with the chemistry between the leads - they seemed a little juvenile for people in their thirties. The spicy scenes weren’t too explicit, which I actually enjoyed, and they leaned more into romance, making them quite sweet.

In the end, it was a fun, lighthearted read, despite a few elements not quite clicking for me.

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Maddie Hart has lost nine restaurant jobs since dropping out of college a decade ago, all because of nine relationships gone wrong. When her 10th boyfriend cheats on her, she decides that rather than visit him, she will travel to Ireland, where she’ll hide from her family and plan her older sister’s pre-wedding Irish road trip. There she meets ex-pro soccer goalkeeper Patrick McNulty, who is visiting his parents, sister and nieces, before taking over the family pub and brewery. He is determined not to date. Yet when he meets Maddie, his world is thrown off balance. He wants to keep it platonic but when his pub manager quits, Maddie begs to help. Whilst Maddie’s time in Ireland is limited and Patrick needs to stay focused, the road trip that she is planning might be what they need to figure out whether they have a future together.
This was such a great romance between two characters with great chemistry. I enjoyed seeing both Maddie and Patrick work through the pain of their pasts to find love. Plenty of great secondary characters.
This book I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Since We're Here is book three in The Hart Sisters series by Chrissy Hopewell.
This book has such an adorable beginning in an amazing setting.
A great grumpy/sunshine Irish romance story.
The beautifully written plot and well-developed characters make this novel an unforgettable story.

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Since we’re here è la prima richiesta di arc che mi è stata accettata, e devo dire che oltre ad essere felice, è stata una lettura bella ed interessante.
Nonostante io sia abbastanza una capra in inglese, il testo risulta abbastanza comprensibile (a parte alcuni passaggi, che ho dovuto rileggere meglio) grazie ad una scrittura fluida e scorrevole.
Lo reputo adatto a chi come me sta iniziando la lettura in inglese ed è ad un livello medio basso (come la sottoscritta)

La storia è romanticissima e divertente, Maddie è una ragazza dolce ed impulsiva, caratteristiche che ho enormemente apprezzato. Non si lascia mai abbattere dalla vita, ma soprattutto dalle delusioni amorose.
I momenti critici li affronta scappando, ok non è una bella cosa, ma fa parte del suo percorso di crescita, da eterna ragazzina un pò immatura si trasforma in una donna determinata.

Patrick.. che dire, un bel manzo irlandese ops.. volevo dire ex giocatore di calcio professionista, ora gestisce un pub, produce birra ed ha due pecore come animali domestici… come non amarlo???
Burbero all’apparenza, ma dal cuore soffice e tenero, desidera solamente essere compreso ed amato.

La chimica tra i due è forte, non vi sono eccessive scene spicy, però la loro complicità vi farà volare le pagine e voler vedere i due sempre insieme.
Anche i personaggi secondari, sono ben introdotti ed inseriti nella storia, dalle sorelle di Maddie ai famigliari di Patrick.
Unica nota negativa, avrei voluto più spazio al racconto del road trip che Maddie organizza per la sorella. Si sente parlare per un intero libro di questo viaggio, per poi risolverlo in poco più di un capitolo.

Però.. non si può avere tutto no? Direi che mi ha più che soddisfatta così!!

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thank you so much netgallery for this arc!

i loved this one!! ah!
i have just come back from a trip to ireland for the first time and i am kicking myself that i didn’t get to read this sooner!! i would’ve loved to hit some of these spots on maddie’s road trip during my own trip!! but anyways,

this was such a good romance. i was so into it!
based on maddie, an american with a history of bad relationships, who takes a trip to ireland to plan her sisters bachelorette road trip with a friend of the groom. patrick, said friend of the groom, is an irish guy who works at a pub and a brewery (typical) & has no time in his life for a girlfriend. not that i care about that! because i absolutely needed him and maddie to work out.

the author does such a good job at painting ireland for the reader. it made me miss it!
i loved the romance aspect - i felt that maddie and patrick had chemistry and i truly wanted them to work out.
i loved the storyline and felt that it worked really well and had me hooked.

i finished this in like 8 hours it was that good

i’ll post my review on goodreads!! i also made media about the book that will be posted on pinterest.
i will be posting it as of today Sept 6/24

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Since We're Here follows Maddie and Patrick. Maddie is a restaurant manager with a bad habit of getting into relationships with her co-workers and then having to quit the jobs when the relationship ends. This has resulted in a string of heartbreak and some life instability. After her latest break-up, Maddie decides to go to a small town in Ireland — Dingle — in order to figure her life out and plan her sister's pre-wedding Irish roadtrip. She has been emailing her future brother-in-law's best friend, Patrick, for help with the planning but after he fails to respond, the last place she expects to find him is in an alleyway... kissing her... on her first night in town! As it turns out, Patrick not only owns the pub next door to the flat that Maddie is renting, but he also owns the flat itself. After a few weeks of undisclosed feelings growing and unpredictable situations — namely Maddie landing a job in Patrick's pub, a herd of sheep and a gifted bike — Patrick and Maddie don't really know where they stand with each other. But can they figure it out before the big road trip?

To put it simply, I loved this book. Despite it being part of a series, this was my first book of Chrissy Hopewell's and it definitely won't be my last. There are so many elements of this book that I enjoyed from the grumpy X sunshine dynamic, to the way that family played such a key role in the plot. Not only did I binge this book in two sittings, but I felt sad when it ended! The plot felt fully fleshed, well thought out and easily understandable even without the context of the prior books in the series (that I will be going back to read) which is testament to the writing. I enjoyed the way the characters felt like real people and the setting was just the cherry on the cake. Since We're Here is a love letter to taking chances, following your heart and it never being too late to start over. The easiest five stars in a while.

This releases on the 9th of September! go read it! I posted a fun review on my instagram @thatromancebook if you are interested! Thank you Netgalley!

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Oh this was a feet kicking, giggling into my pillow DELIGHT.

It’s been a minute since I’ve read a contemporary romance where at least one part didn’t give me the ick and I’m so glad this was the exception. Grounded in reality, sexy, funny, sad at times, but overall just very satisfying to read.

When I received this ARC I didn’t realize it was the 3rd in a standalone but interconnected series. Luckily it was perfect on its own and made me want to go back and read the first two.

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Since We're Here is a lovely & relatively relaxing romance set in Dingle, Ireland as well as main topics being the general Ireland landscape & attractions. My bias is that I was IN Dingle, Ireland (as well as the rest of Ireland & the UK) at the time of reading this book, which was n0n-accidental. It is definitely grumpy/sunshine and includes things such as a deeply Irish grump with a soft spot for his nieces & his pet (!) sheep, in pairing with an American who is deeply unlucky in love and definitely NOT in St. Lucia (like her sisters think). 4 stars for this read, which was predictable (hence me calling it relaxing, but I might have loved a bit more twist even with the minor characters) and wonderfully warm.

Thank you to Netgalley & Fox Hollow Publishing for this ARC!

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OMG I absolutely loved this story! It makes me want to travel to Ireland. From the beginning Maddie is fed up with all her past boyfriends and how they each made her quit her current job at that time. After being cheated on by her current boyfriend, with her suitcase packed for Aruba, Maddie decides to travel to cold rainy Ireland instead, to find her future brother in laws best friend, so together they can plan together a 12 day pre wedding fun bridal party trip! On her first night she meets the handsome bartender and asks him for a kiss that makes her feel "alive" . The next day when she finally meetings Oliver's friend Patrick she is shocked to realize that he is the guy she kissed last night . Patrick wasa professional soccer player in England and now he is retired and the owner of a pub. The characters are fun, funny and just so great. I didn't want the book to end! I highly recommend it & cannot wait to read more of Chrissy Hopewell.
I received this book from netgalley ,the author and the publisher as an ARC in return for an honest review.

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For so long, Maddie defined herself and ultimately her own self-esteem by the people she dated. That is why she jumped from job to job despite liking being in the restaurant business because she felt rejected. What she learned when going to Dingle that her exuberant and loving nature is who she is and is worthy of celebration. She and Patrick met coincidentally in planning Reese and Oliver's respective bachelorette and bachelor parties but they stayed because they knew that they were better together. Maddie realized that home is where love is and it was not necessary to move from place to place to find it. What I truly enjoyed was what big hearts each had. Patrick watching a video to braid his niece's hair was heartwarming. This book makes a reader happy. I would like to read about the evolution of their lives.

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