Member Reviews

Susanna Kearsley is a treasure. I have been reading her novels for over a decade now and have loved every one of them. The King's Messenger's was just wonderful. I absolutely loved the characters and the alternating points of view. Kearsley's writing is simply gorgeous.

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Susanna Kearsley is far outside my preferred genres (YA Fantasy & Contemporary YA Romance), but I absolutely ADORE everything she writes. So I was very excited to receive this ARC from NetGalley!

I don’t even like historical fiction, and I just eat up anything she writes. Her ability to take real historical events and effortlessly weave in fictional characters that are believable and easy to love is unmatched, and The King’s Messenger is no exception.

The plot is simple and full of suspense. Logan and Phoebe are strong main characters, the story has multiple POVs and moving parts, but I was never lost or confused.

Overall a 3.5, rounded up to a 4.

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Andrew Logan is my favorite protagonist of the year!

What a wonderful read. So well researched, and the characters, historical and fictional alike, just leap off the page.

I really enjoy this period of English history, so I loved the insight into poor Prince Henry and his parents - especially Queen Anna's portrayal as someone so brave and spirited.

The romance was also very sweet, and Phoebe's growth was a relief as I found her pretty immature at the beginning of the novel.

The action itself can be a little slow, but I enjoyed the intrigue and small mysteries. And I'll say it again but I cannot say it enough - the characters!! I love this cast so much and I felt like I was leaving behind my good friends as I finished this book.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!!

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Susanna Kearsley does it again! A gorgeous 5/5 for me. Her writing is just so effortless. I loved the switch between characters as we traveled from Scotland to London; I could see and hear the characters from her descriptions. The romance was, as always, swoonworthy.

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This isn’t my first Kearsley book, so I went into it with high expectations and am happy to say I was not disappointed! She does such a phenomenal job researching the history so it is accurately portrayed and writes the emotions of the characters in such a believable way.

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I haven't picked up a historical fiction in quite a long time and this right here is why I love historical romances. We are gifted with three different points of view that keep the story flowing beautifully. I loved the small fantasy additions and the enemies to lovers! A new auto click author for me!

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I’ve never loved historical fiction — Kearsley’s earlier books sucked me in with their flashback-and-forward style mixing modern & historical characters.

But her last two titles have been completely set in the past, and I’ve been IMMERSED. I have the worst book hangover after reading 3/4 of The King’s Messenger today. 😍🥰

It’s a bit romantic, a bit of a palace intrigue, and wholly fascinating! I didn’t know anything really about Prince Henry or Queen Anna (son and wife of King James — he of Bible fame) and I leaned a ton while reading! Kearsley’s research is impeccable, and her writing is completely immersive.

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Susanna Kearsley's many fans (and I am one of them) will be excited to know that her new book is just as readable, just as full of intrigue and well drawn characters, and just as thoroughly researched as her previous books have been. I love books about the Jacobean period of Scottish history, and this one comes at the time period with an intriguing angle: a messenger for King James has been tasked with arresting and bringing home a suspected criminal. Soon, however, the messenger realizes that he has been put in a position to frame the fugitive for murder of the king's son. Thus we set up a situation where there are many layers of relationship and intrigue. The only thing that we are certain of is that, because the first words out of the heroine's mouth are "He is the most infuriating man!", they are bound to fall in love at some point.

The book is told from the point of view of three different characters: Phoebe, the heroine, Andrew, the messenger, and David, the fugitive, with an occasional chapter told by Anna, Queen of Britain. The POV chapters are fairly short and change often, so we are kept current with each character's thoughts in the moment. Of course, each of the characters has secrets which may or may not be revealed.

I loved every minute of this book, and am only sorry that it will be some time until I can read another book by this wonderful author. Many thanks to Sourcebooks and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this advance copy in exchange for my honest review.

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The King's Messenger tells the story of Andrew Logan, messenger to King James I, who is sent on a mission in 1613 to bring Sir David Moray back from Scotland for an inquiry into the death of Prince Henry, the former heir to the throne. Sir David had been Prince Henry's Master Gentleman of the Bedchamber. Henry had died under mysterious circumstances and the question was whether it was illness or poison, something Queen Anna believes David knows. Joining Andrew on his trip to Scotland is a scribe, Lawrence Westway, and his daughter Phoebe, as well as a younster, Hector, who aspires to be a messenger himself. Phoebe does not like Andrew although she realizes during the trip to Scotland that she has no idea when or why her dislike began and she comes to realize that Andrew is an extraordinary person. There is so much more to this story but no spoilers, just a recommendation to read it. Susanna Kearsley's easy-to-read writing style brings the story and the characters to life; I found myself rationing my reading to make it last longer. This is historical fiction at its best - a novel that involves history, court intrigue, a mystery, supernatural elements, and even romance. I loved it.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review. I have been a big fan of Susanna Kearsley's writing since I first read The Winter Sea in 2011 and I did the happy dance when I received this ARC! As usual, her writing did not disappoint.

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An enchanting read that beautifully weaves history, intrigue, and romance. As my first experience with Kearsley’s work, I was thoroughly impressed by her lyrical writing style and the depth of her characters.

The vivid descriptions and rich historical detail transport you right into the heart of the narrative. Kearsley's ability to create a sense of place is truly remarkable. I found myself completely immersed in the story, eagerly turning the pages.

Having enjoyed this book so much, I can confidently say I will be exploring more of Kearsley’s titles. If this is any indication of her talent, I’m in for a treat with her other works. A delightful blend of mystery and romance, "The King's Messenger" is a must-read for fans of historical fiction!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Susanna Kearsley’s “The King's Messenger” transports readers to the heart of Jacobean England in 1613, a time marked by political unrest, courtly intrigue, and the precarious reign of King James I. Centering on the complex relationship between King James and his son, Prince Henry, Kearsley skillfully weaves a narrative that is rich in historical detail while maintaining a gripping plot filled with suspense, loyalty, love, and heartbreaking betrayal.

The novel’s protagonist and the King’s Messenger is a Scotsman, Andrew Logan. He’s tasked with serving a warrant and delivering to the King, the man accused of murdering 18-year-old Prince Henry - Sir David Moray, Henry’s Gentleman of the Robes since he was an infant. Andrew and his team, who travel with him (Laurence, his scrivener, and Phoebe, Andrew’s love interest) to capture Sir David, become entangled in the dangerous world of political espionage. As Andrew embarks on his long journey to return Sir David to court, he encounters unexpected allies and adversaries, leading to a series of enthralling escapades that kept me on the edge of my seat.

Kearsley's masterful storytelling brings the past to life with vivid descriptions and well-researched historical contexts. Kearsley captures the tension of the time, balancing the high stakes of royal politics with personal struggles and relationships. The portrayal of Prince Henry, with his youthful idealism and strained relationship with his father, is deeply human and adds emotional depth to the story. Also incredibly moving are several other relationships, such as the Queen’s love for her son, Henry, and her intense desire to keep him close, the profound sadness carried deep within Sir David over his loss, and the love story we see building for Andrew.

Kearsley excels at immersing the reader in the period, from the grandeur of the court to the shadows of political machinations. The novel’s atmospheric setting makes it a pleasure to read for history enthusiasts and casual readers alike, and the “About the Characters” addendum at the end of the book is an intoxicating treat. The dialogue and character interactions are authentic, breathing life into real historical figures for the time period and setting while introducing compelling fictional characters.

“The King's Messenger” is a beautifully written historical fiction that combines intrigue, emotion, history, and a love story you won’t forget. Fans of Kearsley’s previous work will certainly be captivated by this tale.

Thank you to #NetGalley, #SusannaKearsley, and #SourcebooksLandmark for the free eARC in exchange for my honest review of #TheKingsMessenger.

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Let me first say that Susanna Kearsley is MY FAVORITE AUTHOR. EVER. No one will ever surpass her for me. I reread her books yearly. I loved her Winter Sea so much that I almost carry it with me everywhere, like a comfort blanket as a child does. I always recommend everyone read all of her books. But this newest one is absolutely superb. When "The King's Messenger" is published, RUN to the bookstore and stock up, because it truly is the best. What a fantastic work of breathtaking romance, Scottish history, and adventure! (Outlander fans rejoice!)
I truly say that I will read anything she writes, even the side of a cereal box. I am off to read it again, but it was so, so, so good.

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Susanna Kearsley books are always an automatic read for me. The kings messenger was wonderful! Written in multiple pov and with just a touch of fantasy in a historical setting, and an enemies to lovers romance this did not disappoint.

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This was the first book I've read of this author's, and I will now have to track down more books of hers to read! I really enjoyed this book, it was hard to put down (but one has to sleep sometime, even if it is for a couple of hours). I really like that although there's the romance, it does not take over the plot by any means. I also really enjoy the historical and political aspects of this book, it really gives the reader a vivid setting that our characters are navigating. She really put in the effort on research for this book, which really added to it's value, and I love it!!

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