Member Reviews

If it was possible to give more than 5 stars, this beautiful story would have gotten it! It was everything you could have imagined and so much more. I felt every single emotion that came across the page, my heart broke and slowly started to heal for “Ani”, the pain she felt losing her bonded was felt deep within her soul and mine.

Dealing with the loss of her mates, she is still trying to heal and truly move forward in life. All the while tension between two friends who both have sparked a light within her, that she thought was long diminished.

Ormond, our dragon commander, determined type, eye on the prize, he see Ani as a way to save his home, his people, just the tension between them is definitely real.

Alaric, our dark fae, is a walking temptation both physically and magically. Dangling power right in front her, will she be tempted to follow through…Their chemistry is off the damn charts!

*why choose
*loss mates
*growth development

Olena Nikitin was able to once again create an astonishing world full of magic and raw emotions. I was captivated from the first chapter. Nikitin has this ability to design such a complex web of storytelling, you forget you aren’t actually in it.

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Annika fakes her own death and hides her identity until her encounter with a dragon exposes her to the commander of the dragon riders, Orm. He wants to bond her to his dark fae necromancer Ari but she chooses to bind herself to the dragon.

A very unique magical world and terrific world building. A very complex relationship with Ari, Orm and Annika. There is no clear cut bad guy or good guy. The camaraderie of the cast is terrific. Really enjoy it.

Thanks to the publisher for the arc.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book and was so grateful for the opportunity to read and review this before release day. It is clear a lot of time, love and skill has gone into the making of this book. It's a high fantasy book with rich world building and magic systems and features Slavic mythology which I was not previously familiar with, but absolutely loved. It's a 'why choose' romance, and features a strong FMC who is in her 30s. YES. An FMC in her 30s!!

This book will break your heart and then rebuild it again. It jumps straight into the action from page 1 which was so thrilling. As this book is high fantasy, you can expect there to be a lot of different elements and terms that you need to learn - this is aided with helpful sub notes and a glossary. Personally I read this book slower than my usual speed, but I felt this was needed to fully understand. Admittedly, with such a large amount of things to absorb over the course of the story, at times I did get a little lost and needed to go back and re-read certain points before continuing. Despite that I still kept turning the pages and getting more and more invested.

The romance is slow burn and our two MMCs are so different, and yet work so well.
One thing I would like to point out is that at times when reading it felt like the character development was lacking a little, specifically with regards to the build-up of the relationships. I think more fluidity here could have aided (i.e. their thoughts about one another, even if they were unsure) this. This may be the one aspect that constant switching of POVs may have hindered, but otherwise I greatly enjoyed multiple POVs.

The cliffhanger was well done, and I am looking forward to the conclusion of this duology!

I received an advance copy of this book via Net Galley, and I am making this review of my own free will.

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'I will give you my all—my fire, my magic, and my life. Just stay with me. I don't want to dwell in the dark again.'

"Oath of Betrayal," book 1 of Olena Nikitin's new The Cursed Bonds duology, is a stunning entry into high fantasy, brimming with epic world-building, a unique magic system, and Nikitin's signature fascinating blend of Slavic mythology. The story centers around Annika Diavellar ("Ani"), a powerful yet broken mage, whose grief after losing her bonded mates is unmistakable and deeply resonant. The emotional depth of Ani's journey as she grapples with her past while being torn between two compelling men who just happen to also be friends—Ormond Erenhart ("Orm"), the formidable Commander of the Dragon Riders, and Alaric'va Shen'ra ("Ari"), a dark fae necromancer—adds layers of complexity to the narrative.

The world-building, as I mentioned, is fantastic, with a rich, immersive world where dragons soar and magic pulses with life as dark forces stir while the kingdoms’ defenses fall apart. The inclusion of Slavic mythology, as always, is particularly refreshing, adding a distinctive cultural texture that sets this book apart from other fantasy novels. The "why choose" romance also is handled with finesse, balancing the relationships between Ani, Orm, and Ari in a way that feels organic and authentic.

Orm's character is a delightful mix of strength and tenderness, his protective nature offset by moments of vulnerability that make him completely endearing (the man is a total cinnamon roll), on top of just being a hottie. On the other hand, Ari's dark and brooding persona is closely explored, giving readers insight into the motivations behind the actions of yet another beautiful, conflicted man. The interactions between these two and their developing bond with Ani are both intense and heartwarming.

The supporting characters are equally memorable, with characters like Vahin (Orm's dragon) and the various friends Ani makes along the way, each adding depth to the story. I particularly enjoyed Katja, a down-to-earth, no-nonsense herbalist; Bryna, a half-orc, promiscuous, and hilarious blacksmith; and Ian, an injured ex-dragon rider who serves as a barkeeper—though no one compares to Vahin (total Tarin vibes for those who've read "Fourth Wing," he's everything and I refuse to accept any other answer).

Finally, Nikitin skillfully handles the grim aspects of the tale (see list of content warnings below) with moments of levity and camaraderie, making for a well-rounded reading experience. And while the romance is a bit of a slow burn, the tension is palpable, making the spicy scenes worth the wait! The cliffhanger ending leaves you eager for the next installment, promising even more excitement and drama to come.

Overall, "Oath of Betrayal" is a must-read for fans of high fantasy and fantasy romance ... almost like a Sanderson novel with just a bit of *spice* added to it. Olena Nikitin has crafted a tale that is both epic and intimate, filled with heartache, passion, and the promise of redemption. I can't wait to see where the story goes next!

Content warnings include death, violence, domestic abuse, torture, the threat of war, and grief.

PLEASE NOTE: I am the editor of “Oath and Betrayal.” As such, I acknowledge my bias but have made every effort to remain objective in this review.

Expected publication date is 12 September 2024.

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