Member Reviews

I do love a book by this author and get very involved. This was different to the other books that I have read, the others were part of a series, This worked really well and I was engrossed a great afternoon read. There was great character development. I cant wait until the next book by this author.

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". . .it's my job as her older sister - her only family - to make sure Isabella keeps her wits about her." - May

May has looked out for Isabella since the loss of their parents. Being a big sister but also a parental figure hoping to help Isabella in her drive to be the future Prime Minister! Isabella always knew she was meant to be in politics and has devoted her life to said dream. Watching out for her big sister as well. The two are very close and want nothing but the best for one another.

But when threatening notes begin making their way into Isabella's life the sisters may have to live under the same roof again. Being able to be near one another and keep each other safe. Only as threats increase and deadly cases that hold possible connections pop up things begin to unravel. Lines begin to blur, suspicions rise, mistrust increasing, and the question of which sister dies in the end. . .

"My sister is dead. My sister has died. And it is all my fault."

The above line is not a spoiler! It's literally from within the prologue that had me stating "yup, I'm going to read this thriller until the very end!" I love the author and how her work has improved with each book! Was excited to get to read another psychological thriller by her! I was hooked since the prologue and the first POV with May had me actually speechless!

Both sisters are very devoted to one another and the safety of the other. They've grown into fine women with stable careers, Isabella already knowing how her end goal in politics will look like. The future Prime Minister! But there's always a risk to one's life whilst pursing politics. So, when the first note comes, Isabella brushes it off. Until things start getting personal and too close to home.

What had me engaged with the story the most is how the perfect, picturesque bond between the sisters began to lose its luster. Unraveling truths and lies to see how the prologue even came about. Beginning to question which sister was in the right and which one is the innocent one. Having dual POVs to really dissect the inner workings and mechanics behind their sibling bond. I loved both of their characters for different reasons and how they were written!

This story is a thriller with deaths, the prologue really jumps into things! Understanding of politics and some of the nasty games that are played within the building walls. Reputations to keep up and the right appearances made. There's language spread throughout the book along with manipulation tactics. Some of the twists and conclusions may be triggering for some readers. Medical problems and a need for trips to a mental institution.

We do get a little bit of a romance; it isn't the main focus though. Sexual tension and attraction plus one of my favorite characters cockblocking as often as possible. Implied MF action or want of it, but it's closed door.

I was able to figure out a lot of the twists and my theories proved correct. The writing though! It kept me engaged and just wondering how this was all going to go down. The psychology involved as well had my interests piqued. I did get angry toward the end of the book until I read the epilogue which had me grinning like an idiot. Partly because I didn't see it coming. The book does end but there are some things that you can use your imagination for. Cannot wait for the next read!

Enjoy the psychological thriller with picture, perfect, loving sisters. . . Don't forget to give the author some stars!

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Firstly, thank you to NetGalley and AR Hurne for allowing me an ARC copy to read and review.

My Sisters Downfall - SM Thomas

This book is a super easy read, but didn’t quite hit the wow factor for me - a very easy 3*.

The pace and writing in this book was spot on, credit to the author immediately, but it did unfortunately lack something I can’t quite put my finger on. This doesn’t mean it isn’t for everyone however! Some people might really really love this.

It is a little bit choppy - I found that if I had to leave and come back to it I was a little confused as to where we were up to - but it was easy enough to get back to.

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This was such a haunting read that had great pace and tension build up, it was very captivating throughout,

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If you’re after a twisty thriller where you’ll find it hard to catch your breath, this one is for you. My Sister’s Downfall features May and Isabella, two sisters, both unreliable narrators, complex and unlikeable. The reader is led to believe the women want what’s best for each other, except there’s an unsettling undercurrent throughout the novel that sweeps us along, particularly towards the end. I found Isabella’s deep ambition (she’s a politician on track to becoming prime minister) particularly fascinating. This is a great psychological thriller which I highly recommend.

Thank you to SM Thomas and Netgalley for my advance copy.

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i can't describe how much i loved this book i could not put it away! I read a lot of thriller and psychothriller books but i never read something like this. The author described the feelings of the characters in this book perfectly it was like i could see into their heads i really liked it. While you're reading this book you think that you know what happened and what the plot is but the ending was so unexpected i would have never thought about that. I really needed some minutes after i finishes this book to realise what i read right now, i loved it!
This is one one the greatest thrillers i have read so far and i would definetely recommened it to everyone who loves thriller, plottwists and the thoughts and feelings of mentally unstable people.

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This book was such a hit! I will be reading more from this author. From the reviews, I was expecting something as thrilling and similar to 'Gone Girl', but in actuality, it was more intense that that. As I was reading, I couldn't decide if it was more like Shutter Island or Split; where the reader wasn't sure which reality was the true self. Great book written from 2 different 1st person narratives. I enjoyed the dynamic between the sisters and felt they truly loved one another. The author did a fabulous job conveying the love between the two, which simply added to the mystery. Kudos to the author for this one!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the author for an invite to read the advanced copy of My Sister’s Downfall.

This was a satisfying read. Isabella was not a likeable character, but that doesn’t generally stop me enjoying a book. I felt May needed to be developed more, we didn’t hear enough of her back story. I liked her but how did she become so dependent on Isabella?

A decent twist at the end that I didn’t see coming, but I did have a niggle that there was something going on with James!

Overall, the second book I have read by this author was a decent read, and held my attention throughout.

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What a great fast paced read. I couldn't put it down. thanks so much for the opportunity to review I will be recommending it to others

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A haunting tale of two sisters. The story starts with a heart pounding scene of one sister watching the other fall from a building surrounded by a crowd of on-lookers. You don’t know which sister was watching and which was falling, while the story unfolds, alternating chapters from each sisters point of view leading up to the fateful prologue scene.

I really enjoyed this book. Not only did it keep me guessing, but also surprised me more than once. The last third of the book was nothing short of phenomenal. It was a terrific view into the secrets kept within families, the denials we use to cope with out daily life, and the desperate attempt to create a sense of security and control in our paths, no matter what the cost.

There were times where I felt the story lulled a bit, but the writing style was engaging and felt effortless to read. There was a really creative use of repetition in certain moments of the story and the difference of views from two people experiencing the same thing.

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone that loves exploring family dynamics, mental health struggles, women who are willing to do anything to reach success, and some salacious family secrets that can turn deadly.

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I was hoping for a big payoff after a slow burn but unfortunately I found this book very predictable. None of the characters were likeable and the plot was not very original. Maybe it's because I read too many thrillers. Having been compared to Gone Girl. I was expecting a lot more out of this book. 3 stars.

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This was a different type of read than what I’m typically accustomed to, and I won’t lie, I almost did not finish it in the beginning. When I realized the book had a spin incorporating politics into it, I was immediately discouraged… but I kept reading and I’m glad I did, because that’s what made it unique! It’s a great read with a different sort of twist from your typical psychological thriller. I highly recommend to anyone wanting something a bit different than their typical thriller!

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I LOVED THIS BOOK.. so muh so once I started reading I could not and did not stop til the very ;ast page.

I enjoy family dramas and this book about two sisters who seeming have a good relationship was just brilliant.

There is a massive fabulous plot twist which makes talking about this book difficult. Spoilers spoil don't they.. All I can say is this book is perfect for the upcoming bad weather season so settle down, make a cuppa and just read.. it's an excellent read and hughly recommended...

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At no point did I guess the ending or who was responsible. Not for lack of trying, but literally every answer I THOUGHT I knew, wrong. The story was so riveting and kept my attention. If you are a fan of thrillers and mysteries and books that will keep you up late because you JUST have to know what is happening next, I HIGHLY recommend.
Thank you NetGalley and authors for this ARC.

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Thanks NetGalley for the free ARC! In my opinion, this was a worthwhile read. It’s interesting, entertaining, and suspenseful. However, I felt there was one aspect of the plot that didn’t fit with the conclusion. I also felt the characters were extremely contradictory, but that also added to the plot. I would recommend this novel and I will read more from this author. I give it 3.5 stars.

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Many thanks to netgalley, the author and the publisher for approving my request to read this book.

I absolutely loved this book and found myself very reluctant to put it down! This story involves the lives of two sisters who only want what is best for each other, or do they?

My sisters downfall is an excellent, fast paced psychological thriller that will most certainly keep you on your toes with twists a plenty and an ending that will leave you slightly speechless, this book is an absolute must of you like this particular genre.

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I did enjoy this book and felt that it was a good page turner although I did find it to be repetitive and got bogged down in parts. I was also a little bored by the political backstory.

I figured out the premise of the book pretty early on but the twist at the end was a satisfying way to wrap it up .

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Great prologue! Each chapter told by alternate POVs gives clues as well as the individual’s perspective thus quickly leading the way to the surprising main event conclusion.
I found the dialogue a bit choppy and couldn’t connect with any of the shallow, chaotic, unlikeable characters though I did like the plot premise.
The last few chapters tied it all up and don’t miss the epilogue for the final twist!!
Thank you to the publisher for the opportunity to read this advanced copy. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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This was an excellent book that kept you in suspense until the end. The story of 2 sister’s and how their lives evolve after their parent’s death when they are only teenagers. Both of them seem to have issues but it’s not what you expect and the twist at the end shocked me. I would love to have seen a sequel to the epilogue even if it was a novella.

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The plot of this story was a bit different, which made it interesting. It had the mystery and intrigue of a good thriller but also good writing style. The big twist at the end left me shocked for hours!

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