Member Reviews

I can't wait to read the whole book and see how the dtory unfolds!
My only criticism is, that this is just a sample of the first 52 pages. 😃

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Cannot wait to get my hands on this book at the end of September. Reading the sampler has just made me more excited.

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Thank you NetGalley & Faber for providing me with a sampler of this book ahead of its release in exchange for an honest review!

I haven’t read a Sally Rooney novel since 2021 when Beautiful World, Where Are You came out. I definitely forgot what her style of writing is like and this caught me off guard! I am not used to the lack of quotations & such a packed format, which made the sampler slightly difficult for me to read.

However, I think that this is book is shaping up to be exactly what Rooney’s readers love about her novels. It’s intimate, emotional, deep and very psychological. I love how she writes sex scenes between the characters, intimate (again) is really the only word I can think of for it!

“A very strong feeling comes over him then: something inside himself warm and spreading, like dying or being born. He has no idea what the feeling is, whether it’s good or dangerous. It’s related to her, the words she’s saying, his feeling about her words. She said it was perfect.”

If you enjoy complex and multilayered characters with a lot of trauma and flaws and at the core of it, characters who are just seeking a connection and love, then you’ll enjoy this!

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I absolutely adored this sample. Sally Rooney strikes again. I really liked the opening and how this book starts, an unfortunate situation for the characters but written very well. Sally Rooney slowly creates a picture of these characters, their situations and the tone of the book is set. I also am interested in reading more about the chess aspect of the book, it reminds me of the Queens Gambit. I cannot wait until the release date and I can read it all, This sample already has me hooked on the characters and hopefully the full book will not disappoint .

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This was just a sampler but I am a massive fan of Sally Rooney and this has just got me in the mood for the upcoming novel

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I really didn't get on with ' Beautiful World, Where Are You?' after loving Rooney's first two novels. On the basis of these opening two chapters, Intermezzo appears to be a return to form with the second chapter - focusing on the younger brother, Ivan - being especially strong. One of Rooney's key strengths is her ability to write characters who are immediately relatable and well fleshed out; this was clearly the case with the 5 characters we meet in these opening chapters. It will be interesting to see how the brothers' grief at losing their father impacts them as the novel progresses. This has now become a day one purchase for me.

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sally rooney is SO BACK with a bang!! i absolutely adore rooney’s writing and intermezzo just feels like a complete step up for her. the writing is so beautiful. i can’t wait to get my hands on a copy when it is published!

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I got only the sampler and now I am left wanting more. the sampler give me a short glimpse into the life of the different narrators. Sally Rooney has a very unique way of captivating her readers and I am going to be thinking about this book until it comes out and I can read the rest

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This is my first taste of a Sally Rooney book, and I seriously did not understand the hype until now. I absolutely love Sally's unique, direct, and expressive prose. The uncomfortable way she builds understanding and depth to characters is also somehow endearing the characters to the reader. Sally has a way of helping the reader to feel deeply connected but also disgusted by characters, which is such a skill for a writer. I'm super excited to get my hands on the full book on release day. Thank you for the ARC sample copy.

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I have been left feeling so irrevocably blue. Intermezzo has such a different tone to her previous novels, and yet I can’t help but feel the need to sit down with a cup of tea and read this book cover to cover. I feel as though this novel is one to be cherished and savoured.

Rooney does it again and again every time, and to put it simply, she is the writer of our generation. There is no doubt about that in my mind.

I will be the first person inside my local book store on September 24th. I simply cannot wait to delve deeper into the brilliance of Sally Rooney’s new novel.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publishers for this sampler !

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This sampler was not enough, I need the whole book IMMEDIATELEY!!!! From the first couple of chapters, I can tell that this is going to be iconic.

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This was a great sampler and I’m looking forward to reading the novel in its entirety. Rooney always makes amazing characters and the plot seems like it is going to be set up really well in this book.

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The first two chapters have really grabbed my attention; this might be the best introduction in a Sally Rooney book yet. I'm now eagerly anticipating the book's release to dive deeper into the lives of the two brothers, Peter and Ivan, and their experiences with grief and loss, as well as their relationships. Rooney’s writing, once again, is beautiful, lyrical, and deeply moving. I can already tell this will be an emotional read, and the end of September can't come soon enough.

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An excellent and intriguing start- I look forward to reading the final product! Sally Rooney just gets it so perfectly every time.

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Finally, a Sally Rooney that captured my interest! While the iconic writing style took a little while to get used to, the characters had me hooked. She has a way of writing these incredibly lifelike and well thought out characters that after only 2 chapters I was desperate to know more. Can’t wait to check this out when its out!

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Sally Rooney is a master crafter. The way she can write and flick between different characters and yet they feel so unique is a testament to the true greatness of her writing.

Intermezzo is my most anticipated book of 2024 and I feel so grateful to have received this sampler. The first two chapters were the perfect insight into this book. The pace, language and character insights had me gripped and I’m very intrigued to see how each of these develop.

Rooney’s previous works are all heavy on the characters and how human they are. From this glimpse into the lives of the two brothers I can tell this book is up there within her best work.

I am very interested to see how the two very different brothers lives and relationships build and intertwine.

I cannot wait until release day and I will be diving into the book the second I receive it.

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I'm so excited for this book i honestly can't wait to read it fully!!!! this first two chapters set up one of my most likely best book of 2024! i can't wait for the 24 of september!

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Rooney has graced us with - dare I say it - her greatest opener of any of her releases thus far.

Intermezzo is one of those titles, the minute you know it's on a release schedule, you're counting down to it and the sampler has not disappointed. Rooney's characters, plot points, insights into the human experience, pacing, language, are all exquisite, a feat given how incredible her previous releases have been.

The complexity of Peter, Sylvia and Noami's situation, which to some could feel simply resolved, juxtaposed by the naivety and simplicity of Ivan and Margaret's storyline, which, even they explore, can become unnecessarily, or necessarily, complex, are two beautiful narratives I'm already invested in after only 50 pages. There's a parallelism transcendent of the usual language in both narratives inciting intrigue, query, care, and a whole host of strong emotions - something Rooney seemingly conjures with ease in every novel she crafts.

It's safe to say this sampler has done what a sampler should do and I, for one, am grateful for the Waterstones early opening times on release day to get myself down and purchase this such-to-be masterpiece. In my reading, there will be no Intermezzo, that's for sure!

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Sally Rooney is so back.

I’ve been eagerly awaiting the opportunity to request an advanced copy of Intermezzo all year and although this was just a sampler, it has only added to the excitement for release day in a few weeks!

It’s early days but from the few chapters I’ve read, this could be my favourite Rooney novel yet, roll on September 24th!

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Very excited for this sample from the upcoming novel by Salley Rooney. Highly enjoyed Normal People so this is very exciting!

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