Member Reviews

Rick is a social media star, after a run in with the law, he is send to little village sanctuary to do community service. likeable characters and setting.

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I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This was a cozy, heartwarming book. I enjoyed it a lot!

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Throw together a social media influencer used to drunken nights out and the young woman who is both a victim of his misbehaviour and runs an animal sanctuary and you get... a second chance?

I began this romance novel expecting to anticipate the beats of the plot. They'll begin as enemies and end as lovers, while he'll save her struggling sanctuary through the power of social media to make up for his past transgressions. He'll learn compassion for animals, and she'll learn that social media is perhaps not the root of all evil but a tool that can be used for ill or for good, depending on intent. Roll Hallmark-like credits and feel good, right?

Instead, we meet a shrew (Angela) whose pendulum swings from biting remarks to fluttering lashes to put upon lover and back to nasty attitude. And we meet our social media 'star' (Rick) who does indeed learn compassion, but only towards Angela and the residents of Broclington (purely good) but not towards his PR ex (pure evil). The characters are as obnoxious as they are unrealistic, the enemies-to-lovers arc happens way too quickly, the social media mechanics and career feel like they've been written by a boomer, and for some reason there's fairies? Because of all this, I couldn't get into the novel and I didn't know who to root for. I won't be returning to Broclington.

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What an amazing book - thank you for writing it. This was my first book by Ella but it certainly won't be my last. I loved what starts out as polar opposites but ends up as stellar connections. The characters of Rick and Angela are beautifully described making the story seem totally believable.

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Thank you Netgalley and joffee books for this book arc. It is a good book and enjoyed it. Definitely add this book to your long tbr list worth it.

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc!

What a good book! I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. This is a first by this author but will not be my last! I read this in one sitting because I just couldn’t put it down.

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This one was a bit of a miss for me. I just couldn't connect with the main characters.

I am sure it will find reader who will love it though!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an arc of this book. All opinions expressed are my own.

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A fun filled romance rescue animal story. I absolutely adore chicken butt. Omg my heart melted into a puddle just imagining. I want a chicken butt!!! The characters developed into likeable characters and I was so happy to see Summer again and that she is happy and healthy. Ella Cook writes books with characters that you love and care about!

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Thanks to the Publisher and Netgalley for an early review copy.

I enjoyed this book.

The story is set in Broclington village.

Rick, whilst drunk drove into a cafe, and as well as it collapsing, he also hurt many people. So he’s now in court. But the sentence he receives isn’t what he was expecting, as he’s ordered to do many hours of community service in the community he

When Angela, the one person who was injured by him, is informed, she’s not happy that he’ll be working with her at her sanctuary. But slowly, her opinion of him begins to change and the animals to start to like him too.

But, Rick’s girlfriend isn’t too happy either, and turns up at the sanctuary, just as they were starting to like each other a bit more.

Rick isn’t happy to see her and when the reason why his girlfriend is there becomes clear, Angela asks him to leave..

I recommend this book.

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4⭐️ Thank you to NetGalley and Joffe Books for an advanced copy of Second Chances At The Little Village Sanctuary.

Rick a social media influencer has officially hit rock bottom. He is sentenced to six hundred hours of community service in the little village of Broclington. He meets the owner of the animal sanctuary Angela who is less than happy to have him there. She is recovering from a pretty serious injury that was caused by Rick’s out of control behavior. He begins to turn over a new leaf the more and more time he spends with Angela. But can she forgive his past and really let him into her life?

This is the third book in the Broclington series and I really enjoyed all of the books. It was a very heartwarming story that just makes you smile.

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I received a free copy of, Second Chances at the Little Village Sanctuary, by Ella Cook, from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This is book three of three in The Broclington series. Rick Finnegan has to go to do community service for his crime, Rick is not the most likeable character at all, but Angela Turner who runs the animal sanctuary that Rick is doing his community service at is. A nice read.

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Loved it. A perfect book to escape into. The love element was great.. As for the animal rescue centre.Loved Ernie the donkey and the parrot story will have you bits. A great read. A lovely neat ending . Read it

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After bad boy media icon Maverick (Rick) drunkenly crashes his car into a café in the picturesque Cotswold village of Broclington, he must face the consequences for once. The courts have ordered that he repay his debt to society by means of volunteering within the community that suffered from his accident. He must leave his glamorous life of luxury that he shares with his equally famous girlfriend Yvette and start his community service wherever the council decides he is most needed.

Angela, after having been badly injured when a car crashed through her local café and subsequently trapped beneath the collapsed building, is in great need of assistance running her animal sanctuary. The physical demands of the sanctuary have proved to be too much for her due to the extent of her injuries, and even with the limited volunteer assistance from within the community, there is always still more work to be done. Despite the odds stacked against her, she remains optimistic and hopeful.

It is decided by the council that Angela could really use the assistance and so, unbeknownst to Rick, he is being sent to work for one of the victims of his crash. While Angela is not pleased with the decision, she allows the assignment by the council. Soon Rick is forced to face the real-life consequences of his misdeeds, and, inspired by the goodhearted nature of the salt-of-the earth Angela, begins to take a closer look at who he is as a person.

The story follows these two, along with an interesting cast of townsfolk, city slickers, and loveable animal companions, as they work together to right the wrongs of the past and build a better future. With a bit of drama, clean comedy, and vanilla romance, this book is cute, cozy, and ready for the Hallmark Channel.

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This was my first time in Broclington but I must admit the book reads really well as a stand alone too.
The title sets the tone of the book, a really lovely second chance romance filled with love, and a cuteness overload from kids and adorable animals.

Angela’s life taking care of her rescue centre gets turned upside down after she’s injured and Rick, the man responsible for that incident has been assigned to serve service hours at her sanctuary.

Rick is a social media star, with a seemingly perfect car, perfect life, and perfect girlfriend but as the story unravels his life gets way less glamorous and way more “real”.

As I mentioned earlier, this is a second chance romance so we kind of know what is going to happen but it’s always really nice to witness how the story is going to go for our main characters this time. This is the perfect book for an helplessly romantic and animal lover like me because, as usual, animals can recognise a kind soul when they see one, and Rick seems to be way more profound than how he likes to appear on social media.

The story moves at a nice pace and kept me interested all the way through, the only thing I didn’t particularly enjoy was the way the author wrote about the social media aspect of it all. The way she phrased Rick and Yvonne’s need for producing new content and creating social media engagement didn’t feel natural or realistic, but more like someone not in the social media industry would talk and refer to this kind of thing… (which I realise this might be the case)

Other than that, this was a very nice and cute read. It took me to a relaxed and calm little village, it lifted my spirit with some of the cuteness and love only animals can show, and it also made me think about how difficult the every day life of a rescue centre can be. So overall, I really enjoyed it and would recommend it.

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This was my first visit to Broclington. It was quite enjoyable and entertaining. Unusual way to meet and develop a relationship. Adorable children and animals add to the charm. Thanks to the publisher for providing a copy via NetGalley. My review is voluntary.

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The third book in the series, this reads fine alone. We follow Angela, the operator of an animal sanctuary who is recovering from an accident caused by a drunk driver. She finds out the driver, Rick, has been assigned service hours with her as his penalty. Rick finds himself wanting to make changes to his life after working with the animals and connecting with them and with Angela. I enjoyed this story and the romance.

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Great to be back in Broclington village.
Rick aka Maverick from social media messed up driving drunkenly into a cafe and destroying it along with injuring many people. The courts decide he should spend time doing community service putting back into the community he destroyed.
Angela isn’t sure that having him volunteer at her sanctuary is the best thing but he grows on her with his gentle ways with animals and the animals all seem to see a side to him that she starts to like.
But problems always arise when things are going too but the two people who should never even have been friends are the centre.
Greta book great series and looking forward to my next visit to the village

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I just love second chance romances. This was exactly what I got in Second Chances at the Little Village Sanctuary.

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I absolutely adored this book! I am delighted it was a ReadNow option. I loved how Rick is sentenced to community service and runs into the lovely Angela. It wa so well written how their paths crossed and I adored the chemistry between the two! I also loved the aspect of the animals. I’m a huge animal person so that was really special as well. It was such a cute fun read perfect for those lighter moments and I will definitely be checking out more from this author very soon.

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