Member Reviews

Christmas for the Home Front Girls is the story I didn't know I needed. There is so much sadness in World War 2 historical fiction. There is so much destruction in World War 2 historical fiction. The loss of life and the numerous injuries in World War 2 historical fiction leave me broken even after all these years.

Christmas for the Home Front Girls reminded me that even in darkness there was light. The girls of the Salvage Yard were happy to do their duty. They worked hard in support of the war effort. The were the epitome of "Keep Calm and Carry On". Their dedication is inspirational.

Some of this story takes place during the Christmas Blitz. The women found ways to help by working in the WVS, ambulance duty and even participating in rescues. The author's words transported me to Manchester. The descriptions of the devasation felt so real. They witnessed such horrors and yet still celebrated Christmas as best the can.

Christmas for the Home Front Girls was so much more than a Christmas story. In fact Christmas was just the beginning of the celebrations and the continuation of challenges. There is so much drama within the pages that the story became real life. There is always something happening. Love decorates the pages reminding the reader that love can make the worst day a little brighter.

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Manchester 1940 book three in this wonderful historical saga.
And the blitz wont break their spirits.
A heart-warming story seeing the home front girls through the war up to the Christmas blitz.
The girls Betty, Sally, along with Lorna are all now lodging at Star House with Mrs Beaumont and working hard at the salvage depot, this book is full of compassion and loving friendship.
I love this series, such an uplifting saga to enjoy, for the coming celebrations, the war wont hold the girls back as they think of their loved ones.
Just beautiful.

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Heartwarming historical drama continuing the story of the salvage girls during World War Two. I really enjoyed catching up with this group of girls they are a great bunch.

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We are back in Manchester with the Salvage girls near Christmas 1940.

Sally is happily married to Andrew, and loves her job as the manager at the local salvage yard.

Betty is happy with Samuel, but still having trouble with her dad’s wife, Grace, who seems determined to keep her away.

Lorna has settled into life in Manchester as a salvage girl. How will she feel when her previous life comes back to haunt her?

I do enjoy this series, I feel as though I know these girls.

Life was tough for everyone during WW2, and through this book, I have learned interesting facts along the way.

There is no mistaking the research that has gone into this story. While there are many light-hearted moments, I also got a sense of the misery, thanks to the bombings, night after night.

This is book 3 in a series that I will always highly recommend.

My thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Another brilliant book in the series. Knowing Manchester makes the books all the more enjoyable and easier to relate too. As with all the books in the series the characters are all easy to like (except the baddies!). The storyline covers lots of different aspects of how times changed during the war and explores the emotions that people went through. I would highly recommend the whole series and thank Net Galley, the publishers and authors for allowing me to review the title.

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Many novels based during WWII have been heart-wrenching and heavy. Christmas for the Home Front Girls by Susanna Bavin is a lighter, easier read. Delving into the lives of three young women and how they handled life on the 'home front', this novel dealt with the battle of the Blitz. While there were scenes of the attack on the England cities/townships and the result of those bombings, I wasn't pulled down into the heavier scenes that are more typical in novels set during WWII.

Releases Sep 30th. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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What a welcome return to the home front girls, one I wouldn’t have missed!
Sally is enjoying married life with Andrew, even learning to cope with the unexpected along the way, Betty is slowly getting used to living away from her dear father Trevor, mainly to keep away from his evil wife Grace who sees Betty as a threat to any attention she should be getting.
Sally is feeling quite comfortable in her role in charge of the salvage yard, even although the dreaded Mrs Lockwood is still on the go (could her days be numbered, I do hope so!) When there is an air raid Sally instantly helps out when someone is trapped, when the rescue squad speak to her afterwards she gets quite the shock on realising that the person is familiar to her, will it be a pleasure/unhappy experience?

I loved the girls were still enjoying staying at the boarding house and being look admirably by their “professional “ landlady.
Refreshing that Lorna was living her life her way and not living up to her parents aspirations.
My favourite character was Samuel, so sweet. Least - I didn’t really have one, that’s a first for me.

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It is one of those books that transports you making you forget about real life and full of delightful characters that spring to life. I actually felt like I was there in the story with them ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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The series is set around the salvage yard where all the waste is sorted and recycled. The three main characters all came from different backgrounds and eventually worked well together.

I'd never even realised that this was being done. The research was, as always, above and beyond. Not just with the recycling but the criminal life that went on with the alcohol.

The women have all found their happily ever after despite being surrounded by the horrors of the war, and I've loved every second of their journey there. Each character has been brought to life by Susanna, so they become book friends.

I just love this series. I do hope there is more to come.

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I’ve always had a great interest in the Home Front during the war, as the war really was won at home as well as overseas, in the air and on the trenches. I’ve also grown to really love the girls in this and have been so invested in their stories from the start!

Rejoining books like these is like checking in with friends, you want the best for them and can’t read fast enough to see that all will come good with them. And during wartime, there are so many challenges to face, with rations, bombs dropping, risk to livelihood and home as well as navigating new and exciting relationships. Truly makes for great reading - especially when they’re written as well as this one.

Christmas time hits the Home Front Girls and all the festive feels come with it. They band together as well to make it through the trials of war but try to retain the magic of Christmas. Not only there but there are many plots afoot, with relationships blooming, the blitz to contend with and a war to win.

It’s a wonderful feel good read, heartwarming and leaves you feeling all warm and fuzzy and I couldn’t have wanted for more!

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CHRISTMAS FOR THE HOME FRONT GIRLS is the third novel in the Home Front Girls series by SUSANNA BAVIN, but it can easily stand alone.
It is an interesting read as we see what it was like living in England during the German blitz and how those left at home, particularly the women, faithfully did what was required of them th help the war effort. The author does not hold back on describing the horrors of war……
Betty, Lorna and Sally work as salvage girls and also as bomb spotters. I like to see their dedication to their work and helping others, as well as their family and friends. They live at Star House under the expert care of Mrs Beaumont……
I enjoyed the novel and will be interested to see what happens to the characters in the next book in the series.
I was given a free copy of the book by NetGalley from Bookouture. The opinions in this review are completely my own.

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