Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc!

This book was great! I loved the writing style and I loved the characters and their chemistry. I really enjoyed reading Ash and Bree’s story.

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Ash is head over heels for Bree. It is taking her a little longer to get there with him. He helps her out with the blackmail situation and in the end they both get what they want. He is Damien's son all the way.

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I have a severe love/hate relationship with this book. Well.. more with the moral of the story. It’s very much driven around the main character her problems and experiences. Which is fine, for the most part. But the way how all the events took place made me want to throw things.

Other than the mild disturbance on my behalf, I did somehow find this book okay. Cause J. does know how to put this kind of stuff on paper (which is still kind of insane to me).

If I did do my research, I probably would've read the other books in the series in advance. But this one was surprisingly easy to follow along.

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I didn’t like the timeline and POV shifts in this book. It was confusing and hard to follow. Overall, I had a hard time getting into this book, so it's a no for me.

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Wicked Heat is the next generation Stark
Romance and drama! Bree and Ashton were attracted to each other from their first encounter but Bree kept her distance. When Ashton arrived to town and bumped into her after her new book signing, something seemed off. Nobody knew details about the kidnapping of her and Anne Stark but now she was being blackmailed. Rather than bringing to light the details with Damien, Bree decided that Ashton was her best option, but his help came some conditions.

J Kenner loves to write suspense and romance, and Wicked Heat is full of both!

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2.5 Stars

I was so excited for this book and was expecting some sort of mash-up with the romance of Damien and Nikki and the suspense of S.I.N series, but it all just feel short for me. The chemistry between Bree and Ash was just so-so and while the spicy scenes played into the story line, some of them just didn't meh, especially since I know what an amazing writer this author is. I didn't enjoy the how Bree was written in the beginning of the book and her best friend Aria, I understood the character's purpose, but she was just a little too over the top. I did enjoy how the villain(s) were revealed and the reasoning and how the blackmailers presented their demands, very creative. The turning point that brings Bree and Ash together after their 3rd act breakup was cute, but then the epilogue was rushed.

One of the things that I love about the Stark Universe, is the cameos from previous characters. Noah and Kiki make an appearance, and it seems like it's been awhile since we've checked in with them. Damien makes a very brief appearance early-ish in the book. The fact that Bree is being blackmailed by people related to her kidnapping and they're using Damien and Nikki's daughter who was also part of the kidnapping to get what they want, and there is no reaction from Damien or Nikki at the end of the book made it feel incomplete.

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WICKED HEAT is the fourth instalment in J. Kenner’s contemporary, adult WICKED NIGHTS (formerly Stark World) erotic, romance series. This is former race car driver turned investor Ashton’ ‘Ash’ Stone, and former nanny turned romance author Bree Bernstein’s story line. Ash Stone is first introduced in ENCHANT ME. Bree Bernstein is scattered throughout the interconnected series but for back story I recommend reading LOST WITH ME.

If you have not read any of the previous story lines, there may be spoilers in my review.

NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be triggers for more sensitive readers.

Told from first person (Bree) and third person (Ash) WICKED HEAT follows four months after an almost one-night stand between our story line couple. Approximately six years earlier, Bree, and Nikki and Damien Stark’s daughter Anne were abducted, and Bree is struggling with the loss of memories and ongoing nightmares. Fat forward to present day, Bree is blackmailed with a video of her time in captivity, the only person that can help is the man that she continues to push away. Enter Ashton Stone, Damien Stark’s son from a previous relationship, and the man with whom Bree will fall in love. What ensues is the building but struggling relationship between Bree and Ash, and the potential fall-out as the betrayal against Bree, comes at a cost for our story line hero.

The world building reveals some of the childhood trauma endured by Ashton Stone, and the abuse suffered by our heroine that she is unable to remember. For a price, Ash is willing to pay Bree’s blackmailer, a price that may be too steep for our heroine’s heart.

The relationship between Bree and Ash is a friends to frenemies to lovers. Due to the past trauma, Bree struggles with any emotional attachment or the possibility of falling for a man who could destroy her heart. With issues of trust, and ongoing PTSD, Bree is willing to walk away before ever trusting again. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

The secondary and supporting characters included Noah Carter and Kiki Porter (Wicked Torture 3), as well as Bree’s friends Aria, producer Matthew Hold, and TV personality Maggie Bridge. Aria and Matthew’s story line is next in Wicked Fortune.

WICKED HEAT is a story of betrayal and greed, obsession and determination, acceptance and love. The premise is dramatic, captivating and emotional; the romance is seductive; the characters are desperate and broken.




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I was hoping for more romance or chemistry from this book. I feel like the main characters had so much more potential! I was able to guess who the villain of the story was, or at least one of them, from pretty early on.

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I'm a big fan of JKenner and the Stark series. I've actually had the pleasure of meeting her at the Ripped Bodice in LA, so this mention has extra special meaning in this book.

Overall liked this book, although I thought it was a bit too long with Bree's flashbacks in the end. I had the extortionist figured out quickly, which doesn't happen very often for me with this author. Thought Ash and Bree had alot of chemistry, which definitely happens whenever a Damien/Nikki referenced book comes into play, even though these two never really made an appearance. Looking forward to the next installment.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC copy of this book.

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Thank you to netgalley and Oliver Heber books for the opportunity to read this E-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Immediately suspicious of Aria because of how hard she's trying to convince Bree that Ash is the blackmailer. I was happy that she was not the blackmailing her best friend though! I really loved the on page chemistry between Ash and Bree, the clicked right away and are so good for one another. Ash realizing what Bree needed in being the one in control when not even Bree realized was beautiful. Every woman deserves to be cared for and cherished in such a way. I thought all the characters were well developed and had good growth through the story. I was very invested in figuring out the mystery of who the blackmailer(s) were, the suspense that took almost the whole book was phenomenal. I felt like I was in the story as a fly on the wall, honestly some of the best writing I've had the blessing of reading.

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4.7 stars

This is the fourth book in the Wicked Nights series and continues the second generation of the Stark World with Ashton and Bree. Ashton is Damien Stark’s son. His introduction was a tumultuous one as his thoughts colored his opinion of his father to the point where he was driven by revenge. Bree works as a nanny for the Starks, and she was subjected to a stressful situation along with the Stark’s young daughter. It seems as if her past is coming back to haunt her unless she can come up with three million dollars. From their first meeting, the attraction between Ashton and Bree was evident but her past makes things challenging. Will Ashton be able to get past Bree’s walls? Can he overcome his own past? Once again, Ms. Kenner takes readers on a roller coaster ride that keeps engagement high as the pages turn. The characters are complex and watching the friendship play out between them shows the length they would go to have each other’s back. I cannot wait for more from this world.

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Wicked Heat by J. Kenner is Ashton and Bree’s story and I was hooked from the first page. Their story is heartbreaking, romantic and suspenseful. It has lots of twist and turns with blackmail from when Bree was kidnapped that has her wanting to run but she turns to Ash for help. I loved this book so much and can’t recommend it enough.

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From the beginning we knew that both Ashton and Bree had something going on even though they hid it from themselves. When the past comes back to haunt Bree, the first person that she went to for help was Ash (even though she had her doubts that he would). Unbeknownst to her, Ash would do anything to help her. Would they both get over their insecurities to realize that they were meant for each other.

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5 Star Review Wicked Heat (Wicked Nights #4) by J Kenner

Wicked Heat is the next generation from the Stark World. This is Damien Stark’s son Ashton Stone and nanny Bree Bernstein’s story and it was well written and entertaining.

There are equal amounts of romance and suspense and it’s this that drew me in as it is one of my favorite genres.

From the first chapter Ms. Kenner wove a story that had me hooked. The characters are easy to relate to and you cannot help but become invested in their story.

Many years ago Bree was kidnapped and her nightmares are real. However when her past xo es back to haunt her she turns to Ashton for help.

The banter between these two and the passion added an extra layer to the story.

I received an ARC through the publisher and Netgalley and voluntarily reviewed.

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“I need three million dollars. And I need it in less than seventy-two hours.”

Wicked Heat was a roller coaster ride of a book for me. It was very gripping and kept me invested till the last. All the characters were carefully written. I loved the friendship of Bree and Aria and how they both had each other’s back. Ashton aka Ash, was a wicked and protective man at the same time. His love for Bree was conspicuously known on every page of the book and the extent to which he would go to protect her. I waded through most of the chapters.

The book has amazing F1 references, luxury cars, and New York City & Los Angeles described at its best.

What I liked the most about this book is the interaction of Ashton & Bree, the friendship of Aria and Bree, and Bree’s relationship with her parents.

I won’t let out many spoilers. I want all the book enthusiasts reading this book to be hooked and at the edge of their reading corner while the twists and turns unfold. I recommend this book to all the mystery, suspense, and psychological book lovers. Trust me you wouldn’t be disappointed.
The best spoiler: The readers will be appalled as to who were their extortioners.
quotes from Wicked Heat:
💬“There’s something you might not know about me. I’m a man who’s very good at two things. Solving puzzles. And getting what I want. And just so we’re clear, what I want is you.”
💬A columnist once wrote that he wore a death wish like some men wore a blazer, and maybe that was true. He didn’t like to dive too deep into self-analysis. Chasing the monster was one thing. Sitting down and having tea and conversation with it was something entirely different.
💬some things are wonderful. And definitely worth celebrating.”

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Wicked Heat is a second generation story from the Stark World. It can be read as a standalone but I’m sure if you haven’t entered this world once you start meeting the characters you will want to dive into all the interconnected books.
This is Bree and Ashton Stone, Damien Stark’s son’s journey and this book has been a long time coming. It’s been years since Bree was kidnapped and up until this point we have never got her side to the story. Thinking everyone involved was dead life has moved on for Bree until she starts getting blackmailed……
This is where Ashton comes in so can he keep her safe and in turn win her love. One click to find out.
This is a wonderful romantic suspense novel. It has wonderful characters and the perfect mix of love, passion, drama and mystery. It’s raw, it’s gritty and I highly recommend it.

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Final Score - 3.5 Stars

This book sadly missed the mark for me. As the story progressed and the days passed, I wanted an unpredictable twist to happen, but when you see the writing on the wall and guess who the big bad is, that shine and excitement dulls. I just longed for the book to be finished the further I read. Not even the epilogue generated a happy thought. This felt too rushed (especially towards the end of the book) and all I'm left with is bleh.

I love the Stark Series of books and all the other stories/novellas that have branched from it. This book, however, didn't hit the level one would expect from Stark World story. And I was stoked to read this book, like coming out of my self excited, as this is Damien's son (still can't believe he had a kid that's an adult!) and I expected his story to at least live up to Damien's level or if not, slighly approach it.

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Readers of Kenner’s Wicked Nights are thrilled to get Ash and Bree’s story. And hold on to your seats because their story is a wild one. When Bree starts being blackmailed, she turns to the one she knows can help her, Ash. As I read the book, watching the sparks fly between the two, I saw Bree getting stronger and Ash’s maturity grow into something like his father. Wicked Heat is a breathtaking romance, with lots of suspense, a perfect story for the two we’ve hoped would get together from Ms. Kenner’s past books. Another masterpiece from J. Kenner.

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Wicked Heat by J. Kenner
Listed as book four in Wicked Nights
This story is within the Stark series. I highly recommend you've read at least some of the books or you'll have significant spoilers.

We've known Bree Bernstein for awhile as Nikki and Damien's nanny. This story is her uncovering more from the past than she imagined. And when faced with an impossible challenge she turns to the one man she hopes she can trust, Ashton Stone.

Ash may have the bad boy rap but he's known for being what he wants. And he's wanted Bree for a hot minute. Now he'll take the chance to save her, with strings.

Enjoy the game and be prepared for the flames.

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“You can’t truly know anybody. Not your friends. Not your neighbors. Not your lovers. Not even yourself.”

Betrayal comes in all shapes and sizes. It takes over your subconscious. It paralyzes you. It makes you second guess everything you’ve done and analyze every action and step before you take it. What is reality? What is fear? What control do we really have in the future?

“…what he craved was her heart. Her trust. He wanted to hold her and protect her. To support her. To be the man she turned to when the world became too much. He wanted to be her refuge.”

~trauma~trust~nightmares~reputation~fear~betrayal~ attraction~safety~control~freeing~

“A man whose hands have caressed me. A man I fear I don’t know at all. Who may have betrayed me in the most brutal of ways. He is a mystery, and yet I let him hold my heart in his hands.”

I didn’t realize how much I needed the pieces of this puzzle to be revealed. Understanding Bree and Ash and how their cracks, bruises, fear and strength complete one another.

“I can’t trust my own judgment and now my subconscious is telling me to run…until I can trust myself, how can I trust anyone else?”

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