Member Reviews

There were some great tips and tricks on this book! It really helped give me some ideas.

Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for this review copy

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So useful for those like me who struggle with tidying and keeping a neat house. The first ADHD struggle is sitting down to read the book in the first place!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for letting me access an advance copy of this book in exchange for my review.

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As an adult who suffers from ADHD, I am always looking for ways to stay motivated, tidy and focused on my work around the house. This book had some really great tips and tricks on how to stay on top of things. For the longest time, I couldn’t understand why I was not getting things done and why my surroundings were so chaotic. This book includes organization skills specially to make your life less chaotic. It was really nice to read that I am not alone and that there is actually a reason why I have some of the habits that I do. I really like the MAGIC method and I am going to be using this going forward. This book is life changing.

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Some really good ideas and helpful tips
Definitely helped me organise and motivate myself to get things done during half term when my routine is disrupted!

I work in a seconandary school that is heavy on the SEN need side and some of these will be perfect to pass on to some students to help them.

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This book is wonderful! To have a book on the topics of organisation and cleaning for neurodiverse brains is a unique angle that is utterly game changing. The book links to a quiz which helps us identify our specific challenges as well in strengths and this information os used to help us ace our home organisation. It feels like a handhold without shame or guilt through an area that is pretty major in our mental health (we spend so much time in our homes, having our homes as clutter free and well organised as possible is major).

The book provides practical strategies that hone in on the specific areas of our home that typically need attention, with manageable solutions that are broken down to minimise overwhelm. The approach uses acronyms to help us focus and stay motivated, also music and tech are considered amongst an array of other (often surprising!) resources, tips and hints.

All in all a great resource!

My thanks to NetGalley, author and publisher for the opportunity to review this book in exchange for an advance copy.

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I received a copy from NetGalley and I'm willingly leaving a review
The author explains in details how the ADHD brain works; I'm not sure if this is necessary since you would already know this, having been diagnosed. Sometimes I felt like Stone was talking to children, not adults. In many parts of the book, I could identify myself or one of my children. I wished the author would have also pointed out what others have to go through when we show either our kryptonite or our superpowers. Point in fact, I just saw my husband pick up all the grocery bags around the kitchen after I emptied them (it's usually the opposite, but he just had surgery). I really like using creative ways to organize. I was happy to see that I was already doing many of the ideas found in the multiple lists in the book and noted a few new ones I wanted to try. The Humor Hero was really weird to me and I won't commit to this (LOL). I think everyone should have an extra set of sheets in case of emergency; it happens at all ages. Also, those sheets need to cool down before you make the bed. The Post-It idea on mirrors is too loud for me (overload). Many suggestions from chapters 4 and 7 could easily all be contained in the TickTick app; it does all that and more - check it out. In the 101 list of hacks, many are repeated as a variation; for ex. Pomodoro (25/5) is the same as the 20/10 Method - just change the numbers. There is something for everyone in here.

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As someone with ADD, staying organized and keeping things clean can be a real struggle. This book has been such a game-changer with its easy tips and exercises that actually help you get organized in a way that works for you. It’s full of 101 creative ideas that make decluttering feel less overwhelming, focusing on simple and practical ways to get things done. Tricks like using visual cues, color-coding, and setting up specific spaces help cut down on distractions and make it easier to stay on track. The book also breaks things down with the MAGIC Method for daily routines and has tons of helpful resources like checklists and links. What I love most is how it turns what feels like weaknesses into strengths, making the whole decluttering process feel doable and kind of empowering.

*Thank you to NetGalley, Marlowe Stone, and Independently Published for providing the opportunity to read this eARC in exchange for a review, but all thoughts are my own*

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I thought this one was ok. It goes for a little about the ADHD brain, which if you’re like me and picked this up because you read everything on ADHD was nothing new. I also do most of these cleaning tips already so I didn’t gain as much out of this as others might.

I received my copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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The description of The Ultimate ADHD Workbook for Cleaning and Organizing by Marlowe Stone states it contains over 100 hacks and strategies that work with your brain, not against it.

The book provides an online resources area with an ADHD Superpowers Quiz. After you take the quiz it tells you what it has identified as your strengths (Superpowers) and as your weaknesses (Kryptonite).

There are also monthly challenges charts, checklists and other materials available there.

I think this book would be best for someone that needs help both in identifying what their strengths/weaknesses are and in learning some methods that may make organization/cleaning easier.

Publication Date August 1st, 2024

#arc #netgalley #marlowestone
#healthmindbody #selfhelp

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I was excited to read his book as a mom of 4 ADHD boys. The layout is pretty straightforward and broken into sections. There is a 'quiz' to take online but I wish there was one just in the book. A lot of the book is information about ADHD so if you are just starting the journey it could be helpful. I found most of the suggestions and tips to be things pretty commonly suggested and redundant. I did like the last fourth of the book where some newer ideas and information was presented. Especially the link between ADHD and video games soundtracks! ovrrall, I would gift this book to a mom who is new to the world of ADHD but just recommend borrowing for those long in the trenches.

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This was a really great read. I have suffered with ADHD in adulthood and this really helped me to settle my thoughts.

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Disclaimer: I have not been diagnosed with ADHD, but there are definitely some ADHD type things I struggle with. While this book is aimed directly at people with ADHD, I think that it has useful tips that can be used by anyone. It strikes a nice balance between tips for tidying and also breaking down how ADHD works and how to use the strengths to your advantage while thinking about how to avoid the pitfalls. There are some useful things in here I'll take with me. One thing I never will though is the repeated insistence to wear your shoes while cleaning. Shoes are not for inside.

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I don't think I will ever be finished with this. It's a work book and I know I will find myself dipping into it time and time again. Clear, focused, practical and implementable stratagies, from someone with lived experience.

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As someone with ADHD who heavily struggles with executive dysfunction, I'm not a stranger to reading self-help books that imply or promise to teach you the secrets to overcoming your ADHD. So I was surprised when Stone's take was almost completely opposite: instead of overcoming your ADHD, learn to thrive by embracing it. I really appreciated the unique perspective, and while I didn't always relate to the examples given, the bulk of the book was full of suggestions and hacks I could actually see myself using, and benefitting from.

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Marlowe Stone’s *The Ultimate ADHD Workbook for Cleaning and Organizing* offers a compassionate and practical guide for those struggling with ADHD to create and maintain a tidy, organized living space. The book’s strength lies in its empowering approach, encouraging readers to embrace their unique ADHD traits rather than seeing them as obstacles.

One of the standout features is the ADHD Superpowers Quiz, which helps readers identify their strengths and learn how to harness them effectively in their cleaning and organizing routines. Stone also introduces the concept of "ADHD Kryptonite," allowing readers to understand and manage their specific challenges. This superhero-themed approach makes the material engaging and relatable, transforming a daunting task into a more manageable, even enjoyable, journey.

The book delves into the science of ADHD, offering insights into how the ADHD brain functions differently and why traditional organizing methods often fall short for individuals with ADHD. Stone’s exploration of the emotional toll of clutter, including the shame and frustration it can cause, adds depth to the book and makes it clear that the struggle with organization is not just a matter of willpower.

Practicality is another key strength of this workbook. It’s packed with 101 ADHD-approved organizing techniques, tips, and hacks tailored to each room in the house. These strategies are designed with the ADHD mind in mind, making them realistic and achievable. The inclusion of printable checklists, monthly challenges, journal prompts, and other resources ensures that readers have the tools they need to turn these tips into lasting habits.

The MAGIC Method, Stone’s proprietary blueprint for creating manageable daily routines, is particularly noteworthy. It offers a structured yet flexible approach to maintaining a clean and organized space, catering specifically to the needs of those with ADHD.

Overall, *The Ultimate ADHD Workbook for Cleaning and Organizing* is a must-read for anyone with ADHD who feels overwhelmed by the prospect of keeping their home in order. Stone’s empathetic tone and practical advice make this book a valuable resource for transforming your space without self-judgment, allowing you to embrace your ADHD superpowers and live more comfortably.

Thank you to NetGalley. the author, and publisher for an advanced copy to review.

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Both myself and my husband are recently in the process of being diagnosed with ADHD. With both of us struggling to maintain household chores this has been a great read with things we have already implemented. I will be getting a physical copy once it is released.

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I loved this book. I have undiagnosed ADHD, and honestly, it's so difficult to see a project and organizing seems a reach. I was impressed that, perfect for those with ADHD, it was broken down into easy tips, hacks, parts. They are doable, and the 101 strategies are exactly what I need. What a great resource for anyone with ADHD! This workbook walks the reader through the brain science behind ADHD before diving into what is executive functioning and how it affects individuals with ADHD. Examples are plentiful and the information is broken down into understandable pieces. After explaining the science behind ADHD, Stone dives into 101 strategies to help with organization and decluttering your home. These organization hacks are perfect for anyone, let alone neurodivergent folks. I found great use in many of these suggestions!

Thank you to the author and NetGalley for a digital ARC of this title in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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What a great resource for anyone with ADHD! This workbook walks the reader through the brain science behind ADHD before diving into what is executive functioning and how it affects individuals with ADHD. Examples are plentiful and the information is broken down into understandable pieces. After explaining the science behind ADHD, Stone dives into 101 strategies to help with organization and decluttering your home. These organization hacks are perfect for anyone, let alone neurodivergent folks. I found great use in many of these suggestions!

Complete with printable checklists, additional resources, journaling prompts and more, this workbook is a must have for anyone who struggles with cleaning and organization. I thoroughly enjoyed it and will be using many of these strategies in my everyday life!

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ARC Review - Excellent and easy to digest content with ways to implement each idea in your daily life. I will be using the MAGIC method to tackle tasks that I have been putting off for far too long.

The author also provided many valuable app suggestions to help the reader utilize available technology in conjunction with the advice provided in the workbook. I plan to use the timer apps and body doubling apps she recommended!

The chapter about overstimulation and noise was very insightful! I was able to relate to the author’s experience and will try her suggested use of brown noise in the future.

Great book!

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I actually thought this book was really informative and useful. I must admit I skimmed through but I did screenshot some useful sections. In terms of organisation, I’ve got that down but instead of cleaning my house I’ve been sitting in the bath for an hour reading a book. I think to someone starting the journey of working with instead of against their ADHD will really like this book.

Thank you NetGalley for letting me read and review

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