Member Reviews

I am not going to give a summary for Fractured State, as unfortunately, I've DNF'd this novel. I tried to give it several goes, starting over and going through the first chapters only to grow bored. I realized, with enough evaluation, that this novel had several issues. Some are personal, like the fact that the novel doesn't follow the ordinary norms of science fiction and thus started off in a way that didn't immediately make the genre recognizable. Others are more dynamic, such as the fact that this story is, in my opinion, not very well written. The punctuation is so frequent and incorrectly used that it oftentimes grows distracting when I read. I have to read slower to be able to understand what is being said, and many of the sentence fragments alongside run-on sentences could be fixed with more attention to where those lines might be split. I also found it difficult to grow attached to the voice of the narrator. At times it seemed like the character was speaking, other times the author. It went from first to third person in places and made it hard to keep track of what was going on. The transitions, also, were difficult to get though while keeping track of the plot. I've never DNF'd a book before, but it wasn't possible for me to get through this considering the major number of errors and stylistic choices within it.

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