Member Reviews

I really struggled to read this book and pay attention, the cover is really good and objectively I can see it is a good book with an interesting concept. It just wasn’t resonating with me and I should have DNFd it. I powered through and thought the mystery was good. I haven’t done reviews on goodreads for it as I don’t think I deserve to.

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This was an interesting new series that combined a mystical element with Latino identity. The aromatherapy elements were fun to read about. The story was told non-linear which at times I had problems with. I had a hard time really connecting with the characters. It seemed to have a lot of insight into the world of college professors. The mystery had lots of surprises at the end.

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I really enjoyed this cozy mystery. One of the things that really stuck out to me, was that the main character is of Latino heritage, I have never read something like that and I found that to be very unique and cool. The mystery itself was fun and I also liked that it took place in Colorado. Overall, I thought it was interesting and cute. I look forward to reading the next book when it comes out.

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'Scent of Murder' is a cozy mystery about a new professor, Isabella Castillo, returning to work in her home town in Colorado. Issy's imaginative view of the world and study into her Latino heritage drew me in. Carolina Dow certainly put together a creative story here.

Issy spends much of the story guided and counseled by ancestral spirits. As a Christian, I don’t prefer to read these mystical or psychic elements in stories, so I likely won’t continue this series. However, if you are looking for a unique new mystery series, then consider this book.

Special thanks to the Publisher, Level Best Books, and Net Galley for a copy of this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This book started off super confusing for me with just a lot of character introductions and exposition so it took me a bit to get into it. I love a mystery where the MC is also being accused of the crime. It was a good read once you got into it.

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Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to review this title. If you liked Arsenic and Adobo and similar books, this is definitely for you!

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I really enjoyed this book. I like a murder mystery from time to time. Liked the setting and the characters, didn't always like some of them tho. Also i did like them but didn't necessarily connect with any of them. The storyline was good, for me at least it wasn't predictable. I had no clue who did it until the very end when she figured it out. The book for me also felt a little slow, idk, but it was fine. Curious to how the story will continue.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3 stars for Scent of Murder! This light, cozy whodunnit follows professor Issy Castillo through the murder of a colleague in picturesque Boulder. This book has a little of everything: a scandalous workplace romance, a peek into the social politics of academia as a WOC, some supernatural elements, and organized crime. I appreciated the references to Spanish literature, art, and theater throughout the text as well as the numerous words of wisdom/proverbs/saying shared by the characters during Issy’s journey. This story will keep you guessing right until the very end. Kudos to Carolina Dow!

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Love that cover, which drew me in from the start; the setting of Boulder, Colorado; and the unique sleuth, a Latina professor/aromatherapist. This first in the series kept me rapt and waiting breathlessly for book 2. Brava!

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I enjoyed that this was a fast paced mystery read. It was neat, for me, to see the Spanish references and even all of the recipes in the back of the book. I will be saving those for my kitchen.

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3 stars

This was a fun and past paced mystery. I like the twists and turns, and the reveals were fun, but my favorite part was how the story was surrounded by our character's latinidad. It was done amazingly, and it was what made me read this in one go.
And yes, it has some little things I didn't enjoy, but overall, this was a fun read.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a fun, fast paced book but I couldn't really connect with the characters. I did appreciate the use of some Spanish and cultural references though.

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If you like a fast-paced book, interesting characters and a good mystery to solve, “Scent of Murder” is the book for you.
Thank you to the publisher and Net Galley for an advanced copy of this book.

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Overall this was an interesting plot but I couldn't connect with any of the characters. This story is a palette cleanser to get you amped to return to your favorite genre (fantasy, romance, historical fiction, etc.).

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A fun, humorous read with lots of Spanish words, and phrases sprinkled throughout which I enjoyed. This book has many things going on such as cultural references, a supernatural entity, aromatherapy recipes and bilingual proverbs that begin each chapter. The characters are interesting and the setting in a university in Boulder is unique.

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Review to Come

Love the cover ❤️
Description intrigued me…
Author is new to me.

Thanks NetGalley for the ARC

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BIPOC Paranormal Cozy-ish Mystery that features a psychic Colorado Spanish professor and amateur aromatherapist turns sleuth after being found with the strangled theater professor's body.

3/5 stars: This is the first entry in Dow's Issy Castillo Murder Mystery series, which is a BIPOC Paranormal Cozy-ish Mystery that takes place in Colorado and features a psychic Spanish professor and amateur aromatherapist who turns sleuth after being discovered with the strangled theater professor's body. She'll have to navigate academic and campus politics and romantic relationships to uncover the killer. With plenty of twists and turns, Dow has crafted a mystery that deftly balances the suspects, clues and red herrings and will leave you pondering the whodunit until the final reveal. I really appreciate how Dow's plot unfolds and the way the investigation's resolved. Told non-linearly with wit and humor, Dow's writing and character work are excellent; the characters are well-rounded and complex while remaining incredibly likable. Issy's great and love getting to know her and her family and new friends. The paranormal elements are pretty significant. Issy has intuitive dreams and speaks to the spirit of her six-time-great-grandmother, Dona Isabella, who manifests “in person” and as a hummingbird. Additionally, I enjoyed all the info about Latin and Native American culture and traditions and aromatherapy practices. Oh and don't miss out on the aromatherapy and culinary recipes included. Dow touches on some sensitive topics, so take care and the CWs. Overall, this is an interesting start to a new series and I look forward to reading more.

I received this eARC thanks to NetGalley and Level Best Books | Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Titles in exchange for an honest review. Publishing dates are subject to change.

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