Member Reviews

*thank you to netgalley and the publisher for an early copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*

Love!Love! Love it! Amalie can't do no wrong in my eyes. Love her writing and her storytelling! Multidimensional characters and the world building.When I tell you I ran to read this and she delivered! I definitely recommend this if you are in search for a great fantasy with a great slowburn and engrossing plot! Can't wait to see where it goes next!

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This story is a fun as this cover! Suraya is on a journey of self discovery. She goes into these bride trials wanting nothing to do with this prince and this process. These trials are so crazy. Not just decorum and balls.

When she finds herself on the run with the prince’s half brother, she has no choice but to put her trust in him. They have a sassy meet cute, and I love some good ol’ fashioned chemistry. It's a slow burn with a rewarding fire.

Suraya discovers her own hidden magic throughout this story. She needs to discover the extent of her power and how to wield it herself. She’s fleeing to escape being some else’s pawn. It feels like at every turn someone is trying to use her.

Amalie’s lore includes Indian, Middle Eastern, and Caribbean influences. It feels fresh and exciting. I want to see more. I have no idea where this will go, and I love it.

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I was given this as an ARC from NetGalley. This review might contain slight spoilers. I enjoyed the book, but wish there had been more of the trials at the beginning. It moved fast and that was just brushed off. I also wanted more of Sura working in the forge because it felt important, but once again was just brushed passed. At the bringing of the book I had to keep reminding myself that the MMC and FMC were adults because their dialog felt juvenile. It did mature as I continued reading. I really enjoyed the lore in the book and will definitely be reading the next book mostly because I need to know more about the soul-fated and Darrius… WHO IS DARRIUS AND WHY DID WE NOT GET MORE?

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Thank you NetGalley for this ARC

First of all, how am I supposed to wait for the next book?!? This was such a great fantasy book! Completely unique, excellent world building and magic system. The pacing was perfect I could not put this book down! I loved the characters and the banter and friendships. Incredibly intrigued by the politics and what’s to come. Didn’t hang on a cliffhanger per se, things warp up for the most part but left a huge opening that I cannot wait to see explored. Going to search now for more books by this author.

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Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This book is for sure in my top five reads of the year. I have been in a huge reading slump for the past few months and I literally read this book in a day. It was fast paced with a unique world that I only wanted to keep learning about. I thought the plot moved along well without being too all over the place. This would be for sure one of my recommendations for someone who wants to get into the fantasy genre without being overwhelmed by world building. This book did have similar scenes to some of my other favorite books which is why I liked it so much but it didn't copy them. The author made it her own. The only complaint that I have is that there are certain chapters that don't really get tied up towards the end. I'm assuming they'll continue throughout the next book but it didn't seem to connect much to the story being told other than briefly mentioning the main character. I cannot wait for the next book in this series to come out!

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This is a solid 3/5 stars.

Suraya Saab, (I'd honestly consider her an amateur bladesmith, and I'll get to some of that), is invited to the palace along with 99 other women to vie for the hand of the crowned Prince's hand in marriage.
Her mother, who had passed years prior, has always told her stories of how beautiful it was, but her father and aunt didn't want her to go for secret reasons she only over hears snippets of reasons why. (tsk tsk, secrets)
So, she goes.
There are unexpected "challenges" that await the women, a rebel faction against the crown causes a deadly attack during a ball following one such challenge and she runs off with (guess what, The Crown Prince has an illegitimate brother) Roshan but not after the Crown Prince decides that it's she he wants.

Well, well, well...

The world-building is great. I do enjoy stories based on Persian and Indian Myths and I've been reading more stories like that lately. (Although somewhat coincidentally.)
We have some mysterious shadow (daddy???) guy who intermittently shows up with a POV, someone I can assume is her fairy godmother guiding her with her riddles and meddling.
We have an evil queen and her equally, evil son. I mentioned him, but that shouldn't have been a surprise.

I didn't mind the MFC and MMC. The author does know how to write characters with development and well-rounded with interest.

There is a lot of foreshadowing about Roshan's secrets and because there were so many secrets about herself being held back regarding her own deadly power his, (honestly luke-warm) secret angers her. I wasn't really impressed. This was the one thing that frustrated me.

Back to shadow (daddy???)... His whole deal was basically set up for book two which is of more interest to me. I think that one is going to be more interesting.

The main conflict in this book was too easily resolved, but it wasn't a bad read, so 3 stars and the longest explanation as to why.

Thank you NetGalley and Harper Collins for the ARC. :)

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Review in exchange for ARC from NetGalley.

This is one of the most exciting, fast-paced, romantic fantasies I've read this year. It's a perfect balance of action, romance, and lore. Our two main characters are easy to root for, and their chemistry is off the charts. Fans of this genre are going to devour this. I can't wait for the next book in this series!!

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⭐⭐⭐⭐ I loved this book and would absolutely recommend it
🌶️🌶️🌶️Explicit and multiple instances. Most of the scenes weave into the plot and move the plot forward, though some may not

The Starlight Heir is a spellbinding journey that completely captivated me from the start. Inspired by Persian and Indian mythology, the story is full of vibrant, detailed world-building that leaps off the page. Every scene was painted with such vivid color making it easy to place yourself right there with them.

The adventure was everything I hoped for—high-stakes, fast-paced, and utterly engaging. From the moment Suraya, our main character, receives an invitation to the king’s court, the story pulls you into a world of danger, myth, and mystery. This was a page-turner I couldn’t put down.

Suraya herself is everything you could want in a heroine—smart, witty, brave, and honorable. I adored her character from the first page, and she kept me rooting for her until the very end. Her interactions with Roshan, the prince’s illegitimate half-brother, were full of tension and biting bantar, making their dynamic even more enjoyable.

I particularly loved the way mythology was woven into the plot, adding a layer of complexity and beauty to the entire tale. But what really stood out for me were the chapters featuring the God of Night—dark, mysterious, and utterly mesmerizing. I’m already dying for more of him in the next book.

While I adored this book, I did find the ending a bit too sweet. Knowing there’s a sequel, I would have preferred a darker twist with a cliffhanger, something to leave readers on the edge of their seats. I personally would have cut the back half of chapter 29 and shortened chapter 30 to a brief foreshadowing before jumping into the epilogue. I might be the only reader who likes to be left hanging with loose ends though. That said, the journey through this story was worth every moment.

In short, The Starlight Heir is a gorgeously written, high-risk adventure that kept me hooked from start to finish. Waiting for the second book will be absolute torture.

Thanks so much to netgalley and Avon for this ARC!

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This book was BEYOND AMAZING. Finding out who you were always meant to be and everything that happens along the way is what life is about. I am so excited to follow this series and this author.

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Fly through a world seemingly missing all but small jeweled scraps of magic and follow a strong young woman and she finds her life and her fate is nothing like she thought it would be.
A spicy action-packed romance filled with mystery, twists and turns, and some of the best spicy scenes you'll read.
I audibly gasped MANY times for many different reasons throughout reading this story and I bet you will too.

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The cover drew me in immediately and I knew it was a book that I would want to have on my shelf. This book was a great read with all things that fantasy lovers want: myths, magic, romance, interesting characters, and a good plot!

This was the first book I have read by this author and I can't wait to check out more of Howard's catalogue.

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Thank you to Netgalley, Harper-Collins, and Amalie Howard for providing me with an arc of this very entertaining book! The mythology, magic, and romance (even though insta-lovey) were all very entertaining! The characters were interesting, and the plot was great! I'm not really into smut and feel like the parts that had it could have been left out and it would have been a little better as to me it always sounds a bit over the top. However, this is going to be a series and I cannot wait for the second to come out as well! I will definitely pick this physical book up once published for my collection.

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This was pretty good!!

The writing was, at times, a little bit adolescent feeling? Or just a little bit too young for me. But on a plot level, I did really like this. The connection between the FMC and MMC was a little too out of nowhere for me, but everything else was working.

I love romantasies with a prophecy and this really hit the spot on that! Was a little confusing at first with the POV of the god but it start to made sense after a couple chapters of it. It was a fun mystery to unravel too.

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I did not particularly enjoy this book.

The world building was clunky and the characters were underdeveloped. the " bad guys" were cartoonishly evil and our heroine was obtuse, reactive, and myopic
The plot felt both rushed and rambling at times.

This just doesn't feel like a completed and refined story

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I really liked this book and I especially loved the blend of Indian and Persian mythology because those are two mythological systems I know little about. So being able to see it and learn a little about it in this book was really fun for me. I think Howard is really good at world building and it shows with the level of detail that is in the book and how the world around them effects the characters. I greatly enjoyed this book and I look forward to see what else is going to come from her.

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Suraya, a skilled bladesmith uniquely positioned to harness the remnants of magical jadu in her creations, initially views the invitation as either a dream or a cruel jest. Her humble origins and technical prowess rather than her social standing lead her to believe she has no place in the gilded halls of power. This instant relatability makes her a relatable protagonist whose dreams of adventure and connection to her late mother propel her into the capital city of Kaldari—a world filled with opulence and secrets. Upon arrival, Suraya soon finds herself entangled not with the crown prince she was led to expect, but with his enigmatic half-brother, Roshan. This dynamic quickly evolves into a compelling romantic tension that is refreshing in its complexity. Roshan is not just a love interest; he embodies the weight of hidden truths and societal expectations that both propel and hinder their relationship. Howard artfully explores the push-and-pull of their budding romance, which is set against the backdrop of their shared struggle for autonomy and identity.
However, the narrative is not solely focused on romantic entanglement. The concept of the starkeeper—a girl believed to hold the power of the stars—adds an intriguing layer to the plot. Suraya’s journey of understanding her own potential and unraveling the mysteries surrounding her lineage is expertly woven within the larger story of unrest between noble houses and a fierce rebel militia. Howard excels in balancing these multiple threads, creating a rich tapestry that keeps readers engaged and guessing. As the stakes rise and Suraya and Roshan flee for their lives following a violent rebel attack, Howard crafts a tense atmosphere filled with magic, danger, and the weight of destiny. Suraya’s struggle to control her burgeoning powers introduces a strong theme of self-discovery and empowerment, resonating with readers navigating their own paths of self-acceptance.
Overall, this book was a delightful read that beautifully merges adventure, romance, and the complexities of personal ambition. Amalie Howard has created a world that feels both wondrous and dangerous, teeming with unforgettable characters and rich storytelling. For anyone who enjoys tales of magical destinies and the fight against societal constraints, this novel promises to deliver an enchanting escape that lingers long after the final page is turned. Highly recommended for fans of fantasy and adventure alike!

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Amalie Howard has been a favorite author for a while now. I love her historical romances and think she does a fantastic job at retellings. So when I saw she was going to be writing a romantasy inspired by Indian & Persian mythology, I was beyond excited.

The Starlight Heir is a pulse pounding adventure right from the start. I found the world and the magical elements fascinating and unique. Howard does a fabulous job with worldbuilding here. I never felt overwhelmed or lost. Everything made sense and it did not feel like an info dump. I enjoyed the lore that inspired the story too.

The characters were relatable and entertaining. I found Suraya's journey to be the most interesting since she is the "unwilling chosen one". Her personality and reactions were the best. I enjoyed the romance between Suraya and Roshan. Roshan falls hard and fast for her and it's so sweet.

A fast paced adventure filled with wonder, lovable characters and love. Would recommend!

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4.25 stars on StoryGraph

A fun new start to a promising romantasy series!

The Starlight Heir is a great introduction into a new series full of magic, betrayal, and love. The magic system is interesting here, and sets up for an interesting sequel. The characters are excellently done and even the side and secondary characters had nice moments to shine and their motivations clarified.

The romance was sweet, and the chemistry was really well done. I felt like our characters actually had things in common other than just liking each other!

The only reason I knocked this book down a bit in rating is because of the absolutely crazy pace the plot takes. I felt like I barely had time to keep up before we were onto the next location. It did keep me reading, but I wished for a little more time to dig into the lore and backstory of the world.

Good start for sure, I’ll be keeping an eye out for the sequel!

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The Starlight Heir by Amalie Howard is a truly captivating blend of romance, magic, and intrigue that I could not put down. I truly devoured this book and highly enjoyed how the main female character Suraya was written.

It includes one of my favorite tropes, the slow burn romance trope which I thoroughly enjoyed. Without revealing too much, the romance choices will not disappoint. There was definitely strong world building that was highly detailed without being overdone or dragging down the pace of the book. I really enjoyed learning the intricacies of the magic system within the book as well.

I enjoyed the pace the book moved at which I felt was fast but not hard to keep up with. It just felt like a good pace for a fantasy book with so much action.

Overall I really enjoyed the book and would definitely recommend it!

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It is so refreshing to step outside western mythology and dip into others not as well known, to this reader at least.

The story was fast paced, vibrant and exciting. It ended too soon and I look forward to the next book.

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