Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this fantasy! A lot of my favorite things about it feel like rather spoilery things to share, so I will try my best to explain what I enjoyed about this book without giving anything away. I am very anti-spoiler (as everyone should be).

This story captured my attention straight away, I was immediately invested (which is always what I want, don't make me force my interest).

Although the movement of the story may be a bit predicable to some people who read a lot of fantasy novels, I still found the actual story quite unique. I liked that whole soul bond element and the interesting and unique characters.

I love the sort of "unwilling chosen one" thing going on. I feel like you really don't see that too much in fantasy novels and I really love that. It felt unique but also shows a different sort of character, their development and their thought process. To me, that feels more accurate to how a person would actually truly respond to being the "chosen one." I also really liked how she handled her emotions and what she was going through (seeing how she was mentally dealing with things). That made her so human and real-feeling.

And the relationship in this book made sense, although I do wish we got a little more information about him upon introduction. The introduction felt a tad speedy to me. But the development of their relationship was very well paced and made perfect sense for the characters and their situation.

And this world's lore and worldbuilding was so cool and so well-done, in my opinion. I feel like I learned a lot but without it being an info-dump.

And this book is so fast-paced! You will speed through this.

I will definitely have my eye out for the sequel!

Thanks to NetGalley for an e-ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review! My review is up on Goodreads and my TikTok (Zoe_Lipman) review will be up at the end of the month with my reading wrap-up.

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I received this as an ARC.

This book follows a young woman as she navigates the royal court amid a courting for the prince. I liked the book for its original plot points and interesting characters.

I think the FMC is an admirable individual and makes the storyline enjoyable.

My only gripe with the story is that the FMC’s soul mate is so briefly introduced that it almost feels like an afterthought. I feel like he either should have been included further or mentioned in passing but have his POV excluded.

I look forward to the next book in the series.

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I read this book really fast and before I knew it I was done. The story line is captivating. The characters are enchanting. I truly enjoyed how their relationship bloomed quickly but they were not instantaneously together. Truly enjoyable read and I'll be watching for the next book.

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I absolutely devoured this book as I was instantly hooked into the lore of this world and the way the plot moved and twisted on the pages.

I loved all the characters but especially Suraya. The was so much strength in her but I also loved how her previously tiny world and humble upbringing somewhat worked against her throughout the book. It made her more layered and approachable and I could understand her feelings through the course of this book when she learned a lot of new things, some good and some bad. The frustration for the unknown is also understandable and you just have to side with her when things were unclear or fell apart. I love it when that happens. And her love for her friends and family just shines from the pages which is fantastic to see. So I don’t wonder for a moment how easily Roshan fell for her. And boy did he fall hard for our girl which was done to absolute perfection.

The worldbuilding in the book is done so well. I loved learning about the customs of the people and how the magic system works in this world. Amalie Howard has a way of painting the landscape beautifully and crafting a beautiful mythology that enriches the reading experience.

The plot moves fast but I had no trouble keeping up as the key players each have a distinct tone. We might learn a lot quickly but I didn’t feel lost, even though not all was resolved in the end in the terms of the plot. I’m very curious to see where this goes next and how some of those unanswered questions will unravel. I’m especially curious to see what the dreams mean, there’s a lot of potential there to really shake up the peace we have now at the end of this book and I am here for it.

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*The Starlight Heir* by Amalie Howard is a captivating blend of magic, romance, and intrigue that kept me hooked from the first page. Suraya Saab, a skilled bladesmith with a touch of magic in her craft, is thrust into a world far beyond her forge when she receives a mysterious invitation to the royal court. What begins as an adventure quickly turns into a dangerous game of survival, with Suraya caught between the simmering tensions of the noble houses and the rebel militia.

The chemistry between Suraya and Roshan, the crown prince's enigmatic half-brother, adds a layer of tension and allure to the story. Their dynamic is as fiery as it is complicated, making for a compelling romance that keeps you rooting for them despite the secrets they both harbor. Howard does an excellent job of building a richly detailed world filled with danger, magic, and the whispers of ancient gods. *The Starlight Heir* is a thrilling read that combines action, fantasy, and a slow-burn romance, making it a must-read for fans of epic fantasy adventures.
#NetGalley #TheStarlightHeir

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This book was amazing! It was just what I wanted in a fantasy romance book! And the cover is absolutely beautiful!

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I LOVED THIS BOOK. It has everything I would want in a romantasy book and I am so happy there's more to the story!

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Thank you HarperCollins, NetGalley, and Amalie Howard for the arc!

Where to even start…. First and foremost, I am SO obsessed with this soul bond vs love concept and I literally would only read the rest of the series for that reason. Without giving any spoilers away I will just say I am SO conflicted as to what I want to happen and I truly cannot stop thinking about it.

Overall, I enjoyed this novel! Like I said above, I absolutely ADORED the new soul bond vs love plot point and it’s something I’ve never read before which is so rare in these types of books! It will definitely be something I’ll be thinking about until the next book comes out. I also always love the unwilling chosen one” trope and enjoy seeing the character grow into his or her own! I did feel like her control of her power came a little bit abruptly toward the end, but was necessary for the plot.

The plot was easy to follow and definitely captured my attention throughout, although it did feel a bit predictable. There were many twists and turns and a good balance between romance/spice & plot imo! But…. I will say some of the banter/spicy scenes made me cringe and would totally ruin the scene for me. The spicy dreams though… *chefs kiss*. Without giving away spoilers…I do wonder if that distinction was intentional for the soul bond versus love plot point….but I cant be sure haha. There were also a couple of “how could you be so blind” moments with the fmc/mmc but I think I can attribute it to naivety of the characters.

Overall, I really enjoyed it and will definitely be waiting on pins and needles for the next book!

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DNF at 40%. Engagingly written and an interesting concept, but a bit more graphic sexually than I was expecting. Thank you to Avon and Harper Voyage and NetGalley for a free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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So I requested this because I am a huge Amalie Howard fan and was convinced that I will read anything she writes. Unfortunately, I just am not a fan of New Adult Romantasy, no matter who writes it. I was really excited because the premise was interesting and includes mythology from other cultures that often aren't represented in fantasy (or when they are, it is done harmfully), but this just wasn't for me in the end. I probably will still buy this for my library, since romantasy is so popular right now.

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