Member Reviews

The Unmasking Workbook for Autistic Adults: Neurodiversity Affirming Skills to Help You Live Authentically, Avoid Burnout, and Thrive is very informative and very engaging at the same time. If you are an adult with autism, particular ASD 1, I cannot recommend this book enough. To me it is THE book to have. I am grateful to the author for writing such an informative, thoughtful, affirming, and helpful book.

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This review may slightly deviate from my typical style, as this is more of a therapy book. Fun little fact: I’m a provisional psychologist who is neurodivergent (ADHD), and I work with neurodivergent individuals. 
The Unmasking Workbook for Autistic Adults immediately reminded me of A Radical Guide for Women with ADHD, a book I love.

Both books offer reflective prompts and exercises to guide readers through self-discovery and personal growth. They help individuals better understand how their neurodivergence impacts their lives and empower them to embrace their strengths, which aligns with neuroaffirming practices. However, I think The Unmasking Workbook takes it a step further in terms of accessibility. The chapter headings are much more logical and structured, making it easier to navigate—something that’s essential in a neuroaffirming book for autistic individuals! I think that this may make it easier for clinicians to utilise.

As a clinician, I’ve found it incredibly challenging to locate neuroaffirming resources created by psychologists. So often, I find myself adapting mainstream therapeutic recommendations into a more neuroaffirming framework. It was refreshing to see that The Unmasking Workbook incorporates some of the practices I’ve already been using in my sessions.

This workbook strikes a solid balance between a strength-based approach while acknowledging the very real and intense struggle that autistic individuals face as they navigate a world that often isn’t designed for them to thrive in. This nuanced perspective is much appreciated, especially in therapeutic contexts.
I particularly loved the section on interest-based areas for "finding your tribe." It’s such a valuable approach, recognising how shared passions can foster connection and support. That said, I would have appreciated a few more burnout and practical tools, but perhaps that’s just me being a bit desperate for all the support in that realm!

I believe this workbook could be used effectively in therapy, but it also holds up well as a self-guided tool. Whether you're working through it in a clinical setting or individually, it offers valuable insights and practical tools for unmasking and self-understanding.

Thank you to NetGalley, New Harbinger Publishing, and the author, Jessica Penot, for providing this ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This is such a great resource that will be helpful for so many, those that are autistic as well as their loved ones - I can't wait to be able to purchase this for my own library.

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thank you to netgalley, new harbinger publishing and the author, jessica penot for the ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.
i am a late diagnosed autistic person. this means that i haven’t had a lot of exposure to neurodivergency affirming therapy- a lot of my help comes in books like this one.
this one is one of the best neurodivergency affirming workbooks i have read and worked through. there is a lot to work on, “case studies” and examples to pull from. i think there is a lot to gain from this book for my fellow late diagnosed autistic folk.

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I loved working through this book, it was really eye-opening for things I never truly understood before. It's a perfect building block and starting book!

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