Member Reviews

A Legend of the Sailors: Book 1, Flame, Light and Song
Adam Wodyk
Genre: Christian, Sci Fi
It was a bold quest but the brave crewmembers of the Nefelgar were determined to find nurit, a valuable ore. Nurit can only be found in the dangerous waters of the Rocky Lowlands in the West Sea. They were successful in their quest, but as they made the return trip to the Port of Agramant, an evil being accompanied the crew on the Nefelgar, spreading rebellion, turmoil, and madness between the sailors. Nightmares plagued twenty-two-year-old chronicler/storyteller Enidor,; he saw evil beings and was on the edge of insanity and is on the brink of taking his own life. All is not lost when the King of Light, Elnarin, comes to his rescue. Will the sailors be able to stave off the darkness, the evil, that permeates every inch of their ship, Nefelgar?
WOW! If this is the first book in this series, I can hardly wait to read the following books. The genre is a mixture of horror, fantasy and thriller. I love the folklore in this intriguing tale. The atmosphere is dark and ominous. I was so caught up in this tale I couldn’t stop listening out of terror, unease, fright and intrigue. There are biblical themes running throughout this tale. The ending offers readers a sense of hope, forgiveness and redemption. Author Adam Wodyk is a genius when it comes to world building. The characters are well fleshed out. Don’t miss this tale.

Thank you NetGalley for the review copy.

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