Member Reviews

Thanks to Netgalley for this ARC. This is due to be published 10/10/2024.

I haven't read anything by Lisa Unger before so wasn't sure what to expect. I had tried to wait before reading Christmas things too as it's Halloween first! 😂🎃 However, I was curious and this has been sat on my netgalley shelf a while.

Christmas is there but if you think it's revolving around presents and killer holly then you'd be wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️ There is something symbolic about the presents but that's not the overriding focus and I guess the fact the title is a little misleading only serves to teach us the lesson that all is not what it seems!!

This suspense thriller demonstrates that you don't always really know those around you as well as you think you might. And, small towns may seem like everyone knows all your business but there's still secrets!!

Really enjoyed this. Less than 200 pages so a smaller book than a lot that I read. However,bits a big story with a load of detail so you do get sucked in with no hint of it wrapping up until the last moment.

Really enjoyable read for a lazy Sunday morning 😁

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What a great Christmas read. I love a good Lisa Unget book and this was no exception. Full of twists and turns and keeps you guessing.

Thank you for the opportunity to review

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This is a short entertaining festive psychological thriller from Lisa Unger, perfect for those looking for atmospheric murderous chilling reads in the run up to Christmas. It has all the ingredients you might expect as the nights get darker, such as an apparently picturesque setting with its ice and snowy blizzards, an isolated lake house, and a well known true crime podcaster who turns up. With a traumatic and haunted past, Madeleine Martin is running The Next Chapter Bookstore. She is an emotionally and physically scarred survivor left for dead a decade ago, in nightmare events where her best friend Stephanie was killed, whilst 2 other friends, Ainsley and Sam Wallace, disappeared.

Evan Handy, Madeleine's boyfriend at the time, was convicted and imprisoned for these heinous crimes, but other women have disappeared since, including Lolly, a college drop out, in the present, as the anniversary for the dark events draws closer, could Handy possibly be innocent? There are dual timelines, multiple perspectives, strange presents through the years, as Harley Granger, the podcaster is intent on investigating the cold case, raising the unwelcome prospect of Madeleing having to relive the terrors of the past. Madeleing's father, was the Sheriff obsessed with the case, but has since suffered a stroke. Will the truth finally be uncovered?

There are twist and turns galore in this most engaging of mysteries, Unger provides us with a monstrous killer in a Santa mask! With time running out, Madeleine is keen to help locate Lolly, joining with her best friend, Badger, along with Granger and law enforcement, with matters starting to conclude as the past and present finally start to connect. A great festive crime read for fans of Unger and others who enjoy the shivers of a disturbingly unsettling Christmas mystery. Many thanks to the publisher for an ARC.

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Ten years ago Madeline’s best friend was murdered and Madeline was attacked and left for dead. She has tried to forget this terrifying ordeal and get on with her life. Now a podcaster Harley Granger turns up looking into this crime and starts asking questions.
A chilling tale that kept me guessing.
Thank you to NetGalley and Head of Zeus for my e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Head of Zeus -- an Aries Book for my copy of Christmas Presents by Lisa Unger
Madeline Martin is settled in her own way. She has a bookshop which she loves and a couple of friends and can almost forget being left for dead when she was a teenager. But now true crime podcaster Harley Granger has come to town and is intent on dragging it all up again.
Is Madeleine brave enough to relive that night and finally get the peace she has been looking for.
A great read with plenty of twists on the way.

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Wasn’t an easy book to get into, but I became more and more intrigued as the story unfolded. A dark and twisted plot with an unexpected ending. Well worth reading.

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Harley is determined to research the cold case of several girls disappearing in Madeline's town for his podcast. As Madeline is the only one who managed to escape the killer Evan, she is definitely one he wants to talk to. But Madeline doesn't want to talk. This was my first "Christmas" book of the year and it definitely wasn't the happy holiday book I thought I'd start off with. Needless to say, I enjoy twisted holiday books too and this mystery had me intrigued throughout. This was a good read that I would definitely recommend!

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Seriously dark and some real heart pounding moments, I doubt I will ever see Santa in the same light again.
Some fantastic storytelling by the author, it took me straight back to my teenage days at school in atmosphere and effect. The excitement of a new kid starting at your school, the first feelings towards a boy and the elements of danger, elicit parties and having secrets. The chilling and sad parts are very well handled and expertly written, the mystery and darkness of girls going missing from your hometown and the scars left by a murder which send ripples through the decades and never quite heal for those still living who lived through them.
The darkness and evil of a character was well portrayed and I too got mixed feelings about whether to trust them or not so I gelled well with their girlfriend in this. Also despite the clues to the perpetrator I didn’t guess the ending but it knitted together beautifully with reader hindsight.
Absolutely recommend this, definitely a page turner and a snappy race to the end tale.

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Madeline Martin has yet to recover from the terrible night a decade ago when her quintet of friends was reduced to two survivors after one friend was brutally murdered, Madeline herself attacked, and two others went missing and are yet to be located.

So when a popular - and possibly unethical - podcaster named Harley Granger shows up in town determined to reopen old wounds, Madeline has no desire to cooperate with him. But then, with the disappearance of another young local woman, events take on a life of their own...

I've wanted to read this ever since the book came out, because Lisa Unger is always entertaining. And this book is no exception. Though I did predict some of the twists (an occupational hazard for a writer who loves reading thrillers), others come out of left field. All in all, highly enjoyable and easy reading!

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A true crime podcaster moves to a small town in order to re open a cold case that has haunted the town for years. As truths are revealed could it be that those who seem to be friends are actually something more sinister?

This was a short novel that packed a massive punch. I loved the small town setting as well as the very well written characters who felt very real even though the novel was quite short. I've read a few Lisa Unger novels and never been disappointed and I'll certainly be reading more. 4 stars.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of the novel in exchange for an honest review.

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I read this book in a day! I've always enjoyed Lisa Unger and this book didn't disappoint!
The story hooked me from the beginning, I saw a bit of myself in Maddie, a book nerd running a bookshop!
Really enjoyed the characters and the building tension to Maddies dad trying to tell her about what he'd discovered and I didn't see the ending, which I always appreciate!
All in all, a super easy, thoroughly enjoyable read!

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Christmas Presents is a pacy little number that I raced through in a matter of hours. It easily pulled me into the story and threw in a couple of nice curveballs along the way. An ideal way to start your seasonal reading!

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This author always delivers. In a well written book full of interesting characters and a mystery which focuses surprisingly little on the perpetrator, she has scored another winner. I loved the focus on the survivors and their families, seeing the impact over time of the original crimes. I also,liked how little trauma p*rn there was, with only the lightest level of information about the new crime which also featured. It’s a really interesting book and I thought one of her best.

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The Winter Solstice approaches will it be a rebirth or still the deep, deep chill of winter?

Just before Christmas true crime podcaster Harley Granger appears in Madeline Martin’s bookshop in upstate New York. Harley has acquired quite the reputation for his investigations that have led to convictions being overturned. Why is he in Little Valley? That will be to do with the case of convicted killer Evan Handy who, on the 23rd of December 2014 murdered Madeline‘s friend, seriously injured Madeline herself and is deemed responsible for the disappearance of two of her friends, sisters Sam and Ainsley Wallace. Is Evan guilty? The small town certainly thinks so. This has understandably haunted Madeline but will she now confront her past and work with Harley in his investigations? For instance, did Evan work alone? Recent events suggest not. How far will Harley go to get his story? Will working with him be a huge mistake?

First of all, although this is set around Christmas and there are numerous references to it including presents and the present day, this chillingly, gritty novella can be read at any time of the year. I love Lisa Unger’s books, I really like the way she writes as she has the knack of immersing me in her story telling immediately. This is an atmospheric read with a plot line that matches the snowy, icy winter weather.

The characterisation is excellent, especially as I feel as if I’m inside Madeline‘s head so you can empathise with how this has haunted her and her pain is palpable. Although she’s anchored to. Little Valley and indeed has made a life for herself, it’s apparent this life is built on quicksand. There’s a stark contrast between how Evan makes her feel ten years ago and the shame associated with that and how she feels in the present day. The other characters are done well too, especially Madeline’s good friend. Badger/Steve.

The storyline is a dark one and it brims with tension which builds well when all the plot strands start to come together. I have a suspicion I know the answer to the million dollar question and yes, I guess correctly which matters not a jot as I enjoy the book throughout.

Add this to your Christmas present list, you won’t regret it!

With thanks to NetGalley and especially to Head of Zeus for the much appreciated arc in return for an honest review.

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Cuando el verdadero podcaster del crimen Harley Granger entra en la librería de Madeline Martin días antes de Navidad, parece decidido a desenterrar un pasado que Madeline preferiría olvidar. El trabajo de Granger le ha ganado fama y riqueza, y algunas críticas serias por sus diversas prácticas poco éticas. Granger también tiene muchas preguntas sobre la noche en que Madeline fue dejada por muerta, la única víctima superviviente del asesino Evan Handy.

Madeline sobrevivió a un atentado de asesinato, pero esa misma noche una de sus amigas fue asesinada por Evan, el mismo que la lastimó y por si fuera poco otras dos desaparecieron y nunca supieron si fueron vcitimas del mismo tipo o si había otro asesino o que fue lo que les pasó.

Una década después desaparece un chica y eso llama la atención de Harley un podcaster que se dedica a resolver crímenes. Hace conexión de este caso con el de Mad.

¿Cómo es posible que Evan esté relacionado si está en la cárcel o será que hay más de un asesino?

Gracias a NetGalley, al publicista y al autor por el ARC a cambio de una reseña.

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