Member Reviews

This was my first time listening to (or even reading) anything by Sarah Ready, but I found it to be a delightful and endearing read, though it had its share of shortcomings. I was struck by the book's overall charm and light-heartedness, which made for an engaging and pleasant experience. The characters were well-drawn, and their interactions were infused with a warmth that kept me invested in their journey.

However, while the book had its strengths, it also fell short in a few critical areas. The story’s depth and complexity were not as robust as I had anticipated. The initial setup was promising, with intriguing premises and relatable characters, but as the narrative progressed, I found that it lacked the nuanced development I was hoping for. The middle portion of the book, in particular, was a bit of a letdown. It became increasingly entangled in a web of twists and turns that, rather than enhancing the plot, made it feel convoluted and difficult to follow. This complexity, while intended to add intrigue, ultimately made the story less coherent and harder to stay engaged with.

On a positive note, the ending of the book was notably heartwarming. It wrapped up the story in a way that was both satisfying and sweet, leaving me with a sense of closure and contentment. This conclusion was a highlight of the book and demonstrated the author’s ability to deliver a gratifying resolution.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Sarah Ready, Swift and Lewis Publishing LLC, and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review. Engaging with new authors and their works is something I truly value, and I appreciate the effort that went into crafting this story. Despite its flaws, it was a worthwhile read.

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This audiobook brought back the feelings I had when I first started the series. The mix of romance, fantasy, and mystery was exactly what I was hoping for. The story had just the right balance of surprises and magical elements, creating a world that felt both enchanting and unpredictable. The mystery kept me engaged, eager to hear what would happen next.

I felt a deep connection with the characters. Their emotions were so authentic and relatable that I couldn’t help but become invested in their journeys. I cared deeply about what happened to them, much like I did in the first book. This was something I missed in the last two installments, where the characters didn’t resonate with me as strongly. It was refreshing to reconnect with that sense of emotional depth and involvement.

The experience of this audiobook felt like a return to what initially captivated me about the series. The magic, the intrigue, and, most importantly, the characters, all combined to create a story that left a lasting impression. Fans of the first book will likely find that same spark here.

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I went into “Wished” a bit hesitant due to a romance reading slump, but this book was exactly what I needed to reignite my love for the genre. The plot was unique and it kept me hooked from the start, and although it took me a while to warm up to the MMC, I enjoyed how the story progressed. The narration was absolutely fantastic and enhanced the reading experience by a lot. My only minor issue was that the story dragged a bit between the 65% to 75% mark, but it picked up again afterwards, and I was fully invested in knowing how it will end.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ALC of this!

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3.5 stars Thank you NetGalley for this ARC. I flipped between the audiobook and ebook. This is the fourth book in Sarah Ready’s Ghosted series. I have really enjoyed the other books in this series. While I did have a good time while I was reading this, I wouldn’t say this was my favorite out of the four. Max was a little hard to like at the beginning of the book and not the normal “grumpy” behavior. He seemed rude and a little full of himself. I know we didn’t see a lot of him in Fated but this wasn’t what I thought his personality would be like. I did enjoy Anna though. When I read the description of this book, I was super excited but something just felt a little off to me. I can’t really describe what that even is. It seemed a little rushed and on the verge of being instalove. The thing I have enjoyed about the other books in the series is I felt really immersed in the world Sarah created. I didn’t really get that with this book. Even with that, I will absolutely read any book Sarah writes.

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⭐️3.5, rounding up.

This was a cute read, but lacked depth. This is the first book that I have read from this author and I did enjoy it.

The ending was sweet but I have to admit that the middle lost me a bit. It got a little too twisty and convoluted for my taste.

I am sincerely thankful to author, Sarah Ready, Swift and Lewis Publishing LLC, and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you, NetGalley for an advanced ARC and ALC of this book

After reading Switched I was a little worried u were not going to like this book but I did, I have been told by a few people they think this is the weakest book in the series.... now I can see why they say that I do because the story is not as near being like switched with learning more of a connection.

I feel bad about not loving Switched but I liked this one and it was more of a fast love and also a fast read, I normally don't like falling in love fast etc but this one was sweet and engaging... but I did enjoy halfway through how things changed a little because a wish was made and they tried to stop it but then he's drawn into the wish which I found funny.

The audiobook narrator did an amazing job

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Thank you to Sarah Ready, Swift and Lewis Publishing, and NetGalley for allowing me to listen to a free eaudio ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This installment was only meh. Max and Anna were both likeable, but their plot seemed to go in circles, probably due to all the philosophical discussion (snooooozefest), and at times it read more like a love letter to French tourist destinations than a novel. It seemed strange that important aspects of Max's life were barely explored---we never met Fiona, his best friend, or rather, Fiona never met Anna; the very tragic deaths of his family was a mere mention. It was as if he was a prop in Anna's story more than a character in his own right. And he took the fantastical shift of his entire life pretty well in stride. Overall a sweet story but narratively off balance.

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I love Sarah Ready.

'Wished' is the fourth in a series of magical realism romcoms. I adored it. This has all the feelings of a late 90's blockbuster romance. Very swoony, a little silly, feel-good. I sat down and couldn't stop, ended up reading all in one go, just purely enjoyable

As with the other books in this series there's minimal crossover with the previous characters- so no catch up on any preexisting plot lines. The 'magic' in the magical realism is super simple. little flukes that throw off the world of the characters.

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This was a Dnf for me and I’ll tell you why. It got so weird so fast. It started off with action right off the bat but but he was angry and then he was horny and it was just way too confusing. Maybe print copy would make more sense but audio sure didn’t

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This magical romance was really good! And just what I needed to brighten my day!

Anne became a housekeeper for Max and basically falls in love at first sight. But how does she get Max to notice her? Read and find out!

Many thanks to Net Galley and Swift and Lewis Publishing LLC for an audio ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley & Swift & Lewis Publishing, LLC for allowing me to access this audiobook!
"Wished" by Sarah Ready is a whimsical and romantic novel that explores the age-old question: what happens when your dreams come true, but not quite how you expected? The story follows Anna Benoit, a house cleaner who’s hopelessly in love with Max Barone, the wealthy and enigmatic owner of the chateau she cleans. Max doesn’t even know Anna exists, but that doesn’t stop her from making a wish to be his wife.
To her surprise, Anna wakes up in a world where her wish has come true—she’s married to Max, and they’ve been living in blissful matrimony for years. But as Anna navigates this dream-come-true life, she begins to question whether the reality of her wish is everything she imagined it would be.
"Wished" is a delightful, feel-good romance that examines the complexities of love, desire, and the unexpected consequences of getting exactly what you wish for. It reminds readers to be careful what they wish for, as the reality might not match the fantasy!
Narration: I like both voices, they really did a good job portraying both characters.

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Ok, yes, I could probably criticize some aspects of this, but honestly, this was just such a fun time.

I'm really enjoying this series by Sarah Ready. Each book has a different, creative magical realism-esque story, and as long as you're not someone who needs to know the why behind the magic, you can just be swept away by the fun story and charming characters. Wished involves parallel universes, and I'm here for it.

This continues Max's story from Fated, but while Fated was a more contemplative, introspective story, this one was pure entertainment. I breezed through the entire book (as an audiobook no less) in less than a day.

I do think this story's main weakness concerns Max's agency in the whole "wish," and while the narrative does attempt to address it, the story probably could have benefitted from 1 or 2 more chapters from Max's POV at crucial points in the story.

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Anna & Max both individually make a wish on a magical necklace and soon their lives are thrown upside down. I loved the hilarious dialogue and misadventures of this novel as it progressed. The rapid acceleration of their relationship was a tad unbelievable to me but it's a novel so we are ignoring that. I loved learning about Anna & Max's lives and what had shaped them into the people they are today.

I definitely recommend you add this to your TBR list.
Thank you Swift and Lewis Publishing LLC and netgalley for the ALC.

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This was the BEST book to listen to while cleaning, and doing laundry. It had all the feel good feels and was just a darling love story.

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