Member Reviews

A boy and his father take a walk at night, and practice mindfulness through sensory experiences and feeling gratitude for nature. The illustrations were visually pleasing, and the tone felt very peaceful. I think families would enjoy this book for bedtime or when needing to calm down.

I received a copy of this eBook from netGalley for a honest review.
What a lovely look at taking a break and breathing. Thank you night is a great way to pause and reflect on the world around us and remember to be in the moment and breathe. I would highly recommend for a bedtime treat.

Thank You, Night by Dan McCauley is the kind of children's book that really begins with its beautifully illustrated cover. The artwork in this book is just gorgeous, evoking a sense of calm just by viewing it. I appreciated Jo Loring-Fisher's skills a little bit more with each turn of the page.
The story is told from the perspective of a little boy and is as much a celebration of nature as it is about mindfulness, purposeful movement and gratitude. The boy is feeling down and stressed. Nature seems to know what he needs and beckons him outside with a gentle breeze and a tap from a branch on his bedroom window. After taking a moment to breathe first, he heads out for a night walk with his father. Moving through the neighborhood, the boy is able to experience a feeling of connectedness with the earth through walking barefoot, by breathing in and by feeling the evening breeze. As they walk, his father reminds him to say thank you to the grass under their feet, the breeze, the stars for their calming effects and, in turn, to the earth for allowing all of us to be a part of something bigger. By the time their walk ends at the ocean and they head home for bedtime, the boy feels a sense of peace and gratitude.
I did as well.
This will be a title that I will add to our home library for my children. Thank you to the author, the publisher and Netgalley for making this book available to me for review.

This was a really great book. I was really pleased by how well the mental health aspects were represented. Most adults don't seem to acknowledge the stress, anxiety, and other things that children deal with on the daily. They'll say stuff like "what do they have to be stressed about?" as if only adults can experience things in life that bring about these moments. I remember being a child dealing with stress about school, about things going on in my family, about school work, about friendships, about my own worries as a growing child. . . and feeling like there wasn't anyone who understood me. A book like this would've been great. The poetry of the writing made it easier to understand the points being made to the reader with the art accompanying it beautifully. Together they both told a story that teaches kids ways they can see the bright side even when things are rough.

This charming picture book follows a father and son as they explore the night. Sometimes it's hard to shut off the challenges and troubles of the day and this book follows the pair as they explore the night; seeing beauty in dark places and finding calm awareness of the natural world. I would put this book in the hands of parents looking for a gentle good night read or any child who enjoys exploration stories.

The mood and the theme are excellent; this is a meditative picture book about the night and has a soothing quality.
The close ups and some interesting POVs stood out for me.

A timely and beautiful reminder to not just unplug, but get outdoors and explore. This book is a great demonstration of using all of our senses be present and experience the world we are designed to be a part of.

Beautifully written and illustrated! This book is more than just a sweet story—it is also a springboard to discussions on feelings, nature, and how breathing and movement affects us deeply. The questions and tips on gratitude, mindfulness, and movement at the end of the book are an added bonus.

Thank You, Night is a beautifully written and illustrated book that gently guides readers through a calming evening walk in nature. The story helps both children and adults to slow down, appreciate the world around them, and find peace in the present moment. Its soothing words and lovely pictures show how to let go of stress and practice mindfulness. A wonderful read for anyone looking to unwind and find gratitude in everyday life.
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Very calming book. Would definitely read for a kid to go to sleep or if they’re having a bad time. I really enjoyed the artwork as well

This book is STUNNING. I love the story, the art and the writing. It's a sensory experience. Very mindful. Love it. I have added this to our purchase list for our library and will recommend it to others.

I loved this book. It's beautiful. It's a simple book. A boy and his father go on a walk and appreciate nature and say thanks to all the natural elements.
I see a lot of books on mindfulness in bookstores. But I think the best way to talk about mindfulness is by telling a story, by showing in a story how nature makes us feel and how being mindful makes us feel.
Children’s books as a genre is very crucial for me. I want children to read books while growing up so that they are in touch with the world of magic and so that they know themselves even if a bit, but I hope they grow up knowing themselves; they grow up knowing to appreciate things and be kind and grateful. That's why I ask for children's books in Net Galley and read everything that I find interesting.
I really liked this book. It's wonderful to read. I am thankful to #NetGalley for giving me a chance to read #ThankYouNight.
4.25/5 stars

What an adorable book. I love that this one teaches kids to be grateful and mindfill if you're little things. It shows kids to show down and enjoy just being in nature and be grateful for the little things in life

What a cute book! The illustrations are simple and calm, which makes it perfect to read before bed. It is positive and showing a child saying good night to various things and showing to be thankful to the little things in our life before bedtime. The ending also provides some questions to discuss and create a dialogue with your child before bed. I think this was a great book and will also be something I would gift to others. Thanks for the ARC!

This was a great book! I think it’s so important to teach kids about mindfulness, especially now that technology is becoming so much more prevalent in their lives. It’s also so important to teach them about nature and the ability to connect with it for the same reason. The illustration style in this book was perfect for the story, and I quite enjoyed reading it and could definitely imagine myself reading it to my young nephew!

“Thank You, Night” written by Dan McCauley / illustrated by Jo Loring-Fisher (5 Stars-Out 10/15/2024) is a beautifully illustrated reminder to breathe and be present when helping your kids settle and cultivate peace, both at bedtime and anytime.
When the boy feels stressed and he can’t relax before it’s time to sleep, he does the good work to acknowledge how that stress feels and then he observes his surroundings and seeks his Papa to take a sensory-laden stroll through the night. The descriptions of his anxiety symptoms, the reminder to observe and be mindful in centering oneself, and the suggestion that being outside can bring peace are all gentle and age-appropriate guides to healthy mental exercises at night, or anytime. The illustrations are soothing and do a thorough job of placing the reader in the nighttime reflection. This is a great story to read before bed and would allow for personal mindfulness exercises between a child and their loved one. There is mention of a series, as this is listed as Book 1 of Thank You World, and I look forward to seeing the accompanying books.
As always, I appreciate the opportunity afforded me to have an early read by netgalley and Teacher Created Materials | Free Spirit Publishing. The opinions in this review are expressly those of ButIDigressBookClub and are intended for use by my followers and friends when choosing their next book. #butidigress #butidigressbookclub #thankyounight #danmccauley #mindfulness #mindfulmovement #netgalley #netgalleyreviewer #arc #arcs

I’ve been using mindfulness in my own life for some time now, and I’m so grateful that teachers and parents are using mindfulness tools in both the classroom and at home. Written by Dan McCauley and illustrated by Jo Loring-Fisher, “Thank You, Night” is another wonderful tool that can help young children apply mindfulness in their own lives.
A young child and his father take a walk in the evening just before bedtime, and during their walk, they practice mindfulness. Notes from both the author and illustrator, Q&A, and examples of ways kids can use mindfulness in their own lives are also included at the back of the book. This is another implement in a parent’s arsenal to help their children, and I absolutely recommend it!
I received an ARC of “Thank You, Night” by Dan McCauley from NetGalley, Teacher Created Materials, and Free Spirit Publishing in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

This is a great book. I think the artwork is wonderful and I like how everything is broken down in simple easy to read and understand concepts. I share a lot of SEL (social emotional learning) resources with friends and educators and this will definitely be a book to recommend to them.

This is a short, sweet, and calming book to help us teach our children mindfulness. Not only can this book help us teach mindfulness, but it also reminds us to show gratitude to the world around us, especially nature. Nature is one of the best ways to reset your body and relax. Something as simple as standing outside and taking deep breaths can help calm your body, as shown in this book. I really liked the message of this story, and I thought the illustrations were very nice too.

Beautifully illustrated and thoughtfully written, this sweet story teaches mindfulness and gratitude flawlessly.
I love how the beginning of the story acknowledges the discomfort that our main character is feeling, a sensation that we as adults still feel, “And my brain feels squeezed inside my head. ‘I don’t want to do anything,’ I think.” The unnamed boy we follow is able to get back into his body and shake off the funky feeling by connecting with nature together with his Papa.
This one definitely has a place on our shelf. I love the questions and explanation of mindfulness at the end, though I was able to draw out that theme before reading the added context.