Member Reviews

I didn't love or hate this book it was just meh. I thought the premise was cute (I love Christmas) and enjoyed the banter. However, I found Patrick to be so selfish and it seemed like him and Quinn hid so much from each other it makes me wonder if they were really meant to be. How did Patrick not notice or ask Quinn why he had changed so much since beginning of relationship? And also Patrick's mom treats Quinn borderline disrespectfully and it's never really addressed. That being said I did enjoy Quinn growing into himself throughout the book.

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I’ll take this version of The Santa Clause permanently. When Patrick and Quinn find themselves in a pickle as the new Santa Clause and the Merriest Mister, the inadequacies of their relationship are suddenly insistently magnified forcing them to address who they are independently, as a couple, and as a son/brother. I enjoyed their self discovery throughout the story and loved watching them realize how strong their bond truly was. I didn’t love the miscommunication and dishonestly that led them to be in their situation to begin with. While it was all relatable (saying things you think your partner wants to hear, being who you think your in-laws want you to be, assuming instead of asking, not correcting wrong assumptions, etc.), it’s just not my favorite story driver, and this story relied heavily on it. That aside, I found this story to be low stakes and extremely sweet. The audiobook was really easy to listen to. The narrators were great and I felt that matched their characters impeccably. I think it’s a perfect story for scratching a Christmas itch without going over the top Christmas.

Thank you to NetGalley, Timothy Janovsky, and Macmillan Audio for this audiobook ARC.

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Patrick and Quinn have been married for less than a year, and the romance is starting to fizzle out. Until, on Christmas Eve, Patrick accidentally almost kills Santa Claus. They now have to replace him for the rest of the night... and longer. So they will have to make their marriage work for at least a year to run the toy shop and attend other Santa duties until next December 25 in order to save Christmas... and their marriage.
This is a MM, marriage in trouble romance with magical realism. It made me think a lot of The Santa Clause (the movie). I loved the dual timeline/POVs. I also loved how Quinn appropriates himself the Mrs. Claus wardrobe! This deals a lot with family issues/judgement, and I really enjoyed it, although I would've prefered it was resolved in a deeper way than barely brushed over. This was a very fun Christmas read (and now I want to watch The Santa Clause so bad!).
I received an advance review copy of this book for free and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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The Merriest Misters has me anxiously looking at my holiday decorations in late August. I was gifted this ALC by Macmillan Audio and NetGalley and it truly is a joy to listen to. While the description may come off as “The Santa Clause”, Patrick and Quinn’s stories dive deeper into coping with familial expectations, finding your own identity when you’re now part of a married couple, and the burden and excitement with following your dreams. Along with Patrick and Quinn, Janovsky and the narrators bring you with them in a journey of suspending your disbelief and embracing magic-and finding the magic in an everyday life that had grown stale. This is one book where I really think I would enjoy the audiobook over hard copy as I feel like the narrators really embody their characters. Thanks to Macmillan audio for choosing me for this ALC!

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I was so excited for this holiday romcom, but sadly, it did not work for me. I loved the Santa Clause inspiration and it was fun getting transported to the winter wonderland of the North Pole, but I found myself often frustrated with Patrick and Quinn.

For the majority of the book, it felt like the characters were talking around each other and never being direct with their feelings and hopes. I didn’t appreciated how Patrick would make decisions on behalf of himself and Quinn without ever having a conversation - hosting Christmas, buying a house, loss of employment, becoming Santa, and staying in the North Pole. I understood why Quinn would want space to process the hurt of not feeling like an equal partner in their relationship.

With a lack of growth from Patrick and a lack of communication from Quinn and Patrick for the entirety of the book, I didn’t find myself rooting for their HEA, which makes me so sad.

Also, I didn’t appreciate how Quinn’s mother ostracized and emotionally manipulated him - ignoring Quinn because he was in a relationship and married and she felt unneeded was not okay and demonstrated her emotional immaturity.

I enjoyed the dual narration of the audiobook and appreciated the flashbacks, which gave more context to Quinn and Patrick’s love story.

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I enjoyed the plot of the book and even the "how" of the new direction coming about.
The first bits are all very fun and exciting and I adored how this new adventure gave fresh life to the monotony of a relationship that deserved more.
Quinn & Patrick are superb and I was rooting for them the whole time.
It gets a bit sad in the middle, but don't fret, there is an HEA.
Overall it's a lot of fun to read and to join the characters rediscovery of love.
Much love to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press & Macmillan Audio for my ARC's.

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Timothy Janovsky does it again! I have enjoyed each of his stories. He always creates characters with depth and knows how to tell a story.

Narrators: The two narrators chosen for this story did an excellent job voicing their respective characters and telling this story. They felt right to tell this story.

Story: This story is told in dual POV, which is always a favorite for myself. This story does include flashbacks from the start of the couple's relationship to present. The author does a good job of transitioning past to present, but also when it is a character's voice.

Throughout this story we see how the couple individually figure out who they are and what makes them happy, but also fall in love again. I enjoyed reading about their growth while having fun in the North Pole. The magic around Christmas comes to life through this story.

This book felt like a take on the Santa Clause, but with Newlyweds. I highly recommend this book for the holidays.

Thank you NetGalley and MacMillan Audio for the opportunity to listen to this book.

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It took me a bit to get used to the inflection and timbre of the narrators in this dual POV audiobook. After about 10% I was off and listening. The audiobook really made this book come to life.

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this was truly a joy to read. It reminded me of The Santa Claus with Tim Allen but make it queer and i adored that.

There are deep themes of fixing a marriage on the brink of divorce, so protect your mental health if that is a hard subject for you.

I found myself just feeling joyous and like i was being given a warm hug while reading this.

I can really think of anything i didn’t really enjoy about this book - the characters are likable and you want to root for them, the story plot was cute and fun, and it was a quick easy read.

If you want something that’s more lighthearted and sweet, i would definitely recommend this! 🎅🏼

I really enjoyed the narration of this! It definitely added to the overall story - the emotion was top tier and i really loved the characters they brought to life.

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I will admit I am a sucker for a "Santa is real" story and The Merriest Misters is one of the best I've listened to in a while. Main characters Quinn and Patrick are both lovely men and author Timothy Janovsky shows us their strengths, vulnerabilites and the depth of their love for each other. Their relationship is truly the heart of the story. The journey of each man is wrapped up in Christmas fantasy and fun. I loved Janovsky's Christmas world and how the magic works there. The minor characters were all well-drawn and likable. At a certain point, I began reading more slowly because I knew that the "dark moment" was coming and I just did not want to see these guys get their hearts broken. That's how much I related to them. However, the dark moment had to happen eventually and all was resolved most satisfactorily after a good cry and a few more chapters. While the cover makes this book look like a lot of fun and fluff, don't be fooled. It is fun but It's more like a warm cup of homemade soup that fills you up and nourishes you when you really need it. I come from a conservative small town so I know that many people out there are still hestitant to pick up a book starring a same-sex couple. If you are one of those people, this could be a good place to jump in. This is a "closed door" romance. While there are many signs of affection shown between Quinn and Patrick, there are no graphic sex scenes. Plus, the men's characters are so well developed it is natural to think of them as individuals rather than "gay men." Finally, in this audio edition, I enjoyed that Quinn and Patrick each had their own narrator. The story is told from their alternating points of view. Mark Sanderton and Zach Barela did an excellent job of personifying Patrick and Quinn. I cannot recommend this book enough. If you are a Christmas fiction fan, (and I know you are otherwise you wouldn't still be reading this review) you need to add this to your keeper shelf.

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The Santa Clause is my favorite Christmas movie, so when I saw that The Merriest Misters was a take on that, with a twist, I was immediately in.

I loved the romance in this book because it felt so realistic. I think most married couples can relate to the troubles Patrick and Quinn are facing in their marriage; a deep, passionate love, buried under all the responsibilities and stresses of day to day life. I appreciated how the flashback memories helped to illustrate to us as the reader exactly how Patrick and Quinn had found themselves where they are, as they came to the realizations of where they may have gone wrong and how to fix things.
I also adored that the way they found their way back to each other romantically, was via a one way frying pan smack and reindeer sleigh ride into becoming Santa and the very first Merriest Mister.
All the depictions of The North Pole and all its magic was adorable and exactly what I would want the daily life of Santa’s home to look like.
The third act separation, while not my favorite, was also refreshing because it actually served a purpose in this story. I also enjoyed how the time apart was utilized not only to self reflect regarding their marriage, but their family issues as well. Seeing those resolved was nearly as satisfying as them living there happily ever after.

The Merriest Misters is a sweet, heartwarming Christmas story full of magic and happiness that I really enjoyed. I’m absolutely interested in reading the author’s other work now that I loved this one so much.

Thank you to Macmillan Audio for the gifted ALC via NetGalley.
Publication date 10/1/24

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Had the merriest time. 🎄 This book wrapped me in the holiday warmth I’ve been craving as summer winds down. 🤪

While it delivers all the cozy vibes, it also hits home with more serious themes like:

🎄 Marriage in Crisis
🎄 Role Reversal
🎄Communication in a relationship
🎄 Power of personal growth
🎄 Societal expectations
🎄 Holiday Spirit

Ever wonder what it would be like to run Santa’s workshop while trying to save your marriage?

We follow Patrick and Quinn, who find their marriage on shaky ground under the pressures of life. A chance encounter on Christmas Eve uproots them to the North Pole, where they’re thrown into new roles that test their love and resilience. Janovsky cleverly balances the challenges of early marriage with deeper themes, all set against the backdrop of festive cheer. The dual narration in the audiobook kept me engaged throughout. I received an audio review copy via NetGalley, and these thoughts are entirely my own.

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3.5 stars rounded up.

The Merriest Misters is a cute queer reimagining of the Santa Claus where the conflict comes from a strained relationship instead of anything involving children.

Timothy Janovsky's novels are always filled with heart and humor and this is no exception. It's light on the spice, which fits a lighthearted Christmas novel. I appreciate a romance focusing on an already established couple and how their love can continue to grow and redefine itself. Their conflicts were realistic and the end was satisfying. It's an amazing example of how a HEA can be right for a particular couple, but not for everyone.

Will I listen to this over and over? No, but I enjoyed listening to it the one time I did.

Both narrators did a fine job, but it took me a minute to figure out which narrator/character was which.

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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DNF at 19%.

This book is full of the tropiest tropes and unhealthy behavior. Patrick is "the man" 🙄 in this narrative with all the unhealthy heteronormative stupidness of "being the provider" and not showing weakness and all that other crap. As soon as he and Quinn got married, he disappears into his job trying to "provide" for them. This is irritating in a m/f book but completely obnoxious in and m/m book.

Quinn is the caretaker in their relationship with the stupid and unhealthy behavior of shoving done his resentment and always being the nice one who takes care of Patrick.

And then... the Santa Clause knockoff plot begins and I could NOT stop rolling my eyes. It's not great. Do not recommend.

The narrators were pretty good tho.

I received this as an audiobook advanced reader copy.

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this ARC!!

I really enjoyed this book!! It was so cute!! I enjoyed the setting and all of the characters! I love a good Christmas book!

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3.75/5 story 3.5/5 audiobook experience

Patrick and Quinn are silently, separately, struggling in their marriage. Patrick feels crushed by the expectation of his parents, the recent loss of his job and the daunting task of renovating a fixer upper he convinced his husband to buy in lieu of going on a honeymoon. Quinn is feeling alone, neglected and taken advantage of by his husband, his school (he's a teacher) and his divorced parents. All of these silent battles come to a head when WHAT Santa is real and Patrick has to take over his job for a year?!

I have to say this book was very Halmark-ish which I think some people will love but left me a little meh. This is also a closed door romance which is also not my favorite. Felt very PG but it was relaxing. Definitely a food vibes read.

I did feel that Quinn and Patrick had extremely similar narrative voices so that was challenging and I did not feel that the audiobook voice actors helped that in any significant way. Both voice actors (Mark Sanderlin, Zach Barela) gave good engaging performances but I just feel that the tone of both characters were so similar it was occasionally hard to tell who's perspective I was getting.

Thanks #NetGalley and #MacmillanAudio for the ARC of this audiobook.

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This is such a happy little read. I experienced this book during the heat of august, so it was a nice little reprieve to get me in the joyous mindset of Christmas. I loved how the author unpacked both of the main characters and their journeys both together and separately. While some of the book felt a little tedious and maybe unnecessary, it was overall a sweet story I would recommend to others!

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I absolutely adore Timothy Janovsky's books!!! this is such a cute spin on a holiday favorite filled with so much love, fun, merriment, and joy. Patrick and Quinn are an adorable, loving couple going through a big adjustment in their first year of marriage that has caused many unforeseen bumps. I love the marriage in crisis trope, and this book is no exception! they have so much love for each other, they just need to learn or relearn how to best show it in words, thoughts, and action. its so lovely seeing them find this all while becoming the merriest husbands of the North Pole (aka Patrick becomes Santa Claus) !!!! I had so much fun reading this story, I def feel it will become an annual holiday reread for me!

thank you so much for the alc!

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In this magical, Christmas rom-com we are introduced to Quinn and Patrick as they are struggling to keep their marriage afloat, with work making Patrick forgetful and messy, and the home renovation making Quinn a little crazy their marriage takes a back seat to it all.

And on Christmas Eve Patrick encounters a stranger in his home, who he happens to knock out. Patrick and Quinn set up to save Christmas.

This was a very fun book, it had Laugh out loud moments, heartfelt moments between Quinn and Patrick, and both Patrick and Quinn learned to know themselves better, which in turn made working on their marriage easier.

I would recommend this book if you’re a fan of holiday love stories. Hallmark style! The audiobook was excellent with the narrators giving life to every emotion Quinn and Patrick were feeling.

Thank you to NetGalley for this Arc.

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Patrick and Quinn are a pair of newlyweds struggling to be what everyone else expects them to be. A magical mishap on Christmas leads them to take over the roles of Santa and the Merriest Mister(a.k.a. Mrs. Claus) for a year in order to save Christmas. During this time they learn more about themselves and who they want to be both individually and as a couple.

Their issues are very relatable. Due to outside pressure, they got married too young, bought a run-down house they can't afford, and have jobs they don't like. Their lack of communication and misguided attempts to please each other have only made things worse. They take the opportunity of their year as the Clauses to learn and grow, all within the setting of the North Pole.

This book is a treat for anyone who loves Christmas romances!

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