Member Reviews

This book is only 98 pages but packs a punch. Creepy dolls, creepy house and some supernatural beyond the grave vibes. This is definitely one you want to read. Thank you Netgalley and Amazon Original Stories for the ARC in exchange for my review.

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I’m never sure how to review short stories. I ended up giving this 3 stars. I did enjoy it, however I felt it would have really been a great novel if the story had been fleshed out more.

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This was a such a fun little short story! Lisa Unger can really weave a story with just a few short lines. I loved the mystery - the creepy dolls and Vivi. I liked the idea of how small this academy and area felt - because everything was a bit exclusive. I liked how light and respectfully some really tough mental health things were tackled. Quick and creepy, this was a fun and perfect fall read!

A huge thank you to the author and publisher for providing an e-ARC via Netgalley. This does not affect my opinion regarding the book.

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Nice little palate cleanser, surprisingly thorough for a short story! Perfect for busting a reading slump and totally appropriate for spooky season

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When reading short stories, I usually end up feeling rushed and unsatisfied. This story is not that case. This author did a wonderful job of creating this intricate, fast-paced, yet thrilling story. Between the AI house, the girl in the garden, and the replica doll of the dead sister, this book definitely had its spooky moments. This book is labeled as horror but is more a fast-paced mystery/thriller. Is perfect for a quick palate cleanser.

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While this might be a short story it really packs a punch. Well-developed characters & an eerie plot. The perfect read for spooky season.

★★★½ ROUNDED UP ⬆️⭐️
I want to thank NetGalley and Amazon Original Stories for the opportunity to review this book.

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I don’t know how the author did it, but she managed to fit an entire novel into a short story! I didn’t want to finish this! Action, suspense, and drama….all packed into a story that’s done almost as soon as you e started it. Loved it!

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I have loved 0ther books by Lisa Unger and I was so excited for this one and it didn't disappoint, as the danger progresses I got more into the book and read it very quickly.

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Thank you to Netgally and Amazon Original Stories for a free ARC of The Doll's House in exchange for my honest review.

This short story was just what I needed:
- Spooky haunted house
- Unsolved missing girl case
- Creepy puppeteer and his merry gang of creations

I enjoyed the eerie elements, as well as the pacing of the short chapters. Everything flowed really well and kept me from putting it down. This was also my first from Lisa Unger and I will definitely be picking up more from her.

An easy 4⭐️.

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**3.5 stars**

It was the creepy cover that attracted me to this. This was a good short little read, perfect for spooky season. Ms Unger put a lot of detailed character development in such a short story I’m intrigued to read one of her books now. I did guess what was going on I still enjoyed it.

I’d buy this for $.99 or $1.99 especially if already was a Lisa Unger fan.

**Thanks to the author and publisher for the e-arc I received via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.**

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Great short story, kept me intrigued and didn’t drag on. Kinda wanted more. This was my first of this author and I will definitely be picking up more

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The Doll’s House was an excellent and suspenseful short story that I’m grateful I had a chance to read. I hope author Lisa Unger publishes a book of short stories such as this, or at least structures her future novels in the same way as The Doll’s House. I’ve enjoyed previous novels by Ms. Unger, but this shorter work contained many elements I enjoy about the domestic suspense genre, as well as a gothic mansion setting that I adored. I was captivated by the story from beginning to end. There are many surprises throughout and I finished it in a few hours.

Thank you to NetGalley and Amazon Original Stories for providing me with an ARC of this story for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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I love this author and was excited to read this short story! I loved the creepy vibes the author gave us and thought the plot was executed very well, and was written great for a short story. I did find it a little predictable but I still really loved the story. I 100% recommend this book!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Amazon Original Stories for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review. This short story officially publishes on 9/12/24!

If the author decides to add more to this and release it as a full novel, I will be one of the first in line to pick it up. The premise was so interesting and, although dolls have been popping up more in thriller/horror novels as of recently, this was using them as a plot device in a different way which I enjoyed. Even though it was a short story I was intrigued by the characters and the plot itself was creepy. Having a lot of plot in a short story must be difficult for authors, but this one was one of the best I’ve read. One of my only issues about this is that I wish it was longer, in order to round out some of the lingering questions that I had at the end as a reader.

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This was a good quick read. I almost wish it was longer! I loved the plot. It kept my attention. A short story is nice to read every now and then. I really enjoyed this one!

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I can tell this is too spooky for me after the first 25%, which is a testament to Ungers good writing. Thanks so much for the eARC

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This got me out of my severe reading slump!
I’ve really enjoyed what I’ve read by Lisa so far, but I really liked The Doll’s House.
I was entertained throughout the story, learning about Scout & Jules navigating their relationship during grief, also as Jules tries to open herself up to a new relationship.
I even liked the side characters and the mystery.
Between the dolls and Vivi, this gave the perfect spooky vibes going into the fall season!
I flew through this story & I look forward to more!

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The Doll's House by Lisa Unger is a great short read. I enjoyed it a bunch and had it finished in two nights of reading before bed. It is sort of spooky so if that bothers you before bed perhaps read during the daylight! Jules and her daughter Scout move in with Jules' new husband, Kirin. Scout is not very enthusiastic about the move to say the least, but she comes across a doll and it turns out to be one of Kirin's late sister.

Scout begins to look into Kirin's sister and as she does, she begins to wonder if she and more so her mother are in danger.

This book was great at creating a spooky atmosphere for a story that had you guessing if anything is real! It truly raised my pulse! I recommend this to anyone who likes a quick, spooky read!

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This was a great short story. I have only read one other thing by this author, and this was written just as well. I gave it 3 stars only because I would have loved it to be a bit longer. And I had a few questions in regards to the end but those were more for my personal gain haha. at 85 pages, this is a fun twisty read. I was in a reading slump and decided to try this and I am glad I did!

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Lisa Unger is a great story teller and this shorter tale was good but doesnt give you the chance to build the characters and the mystery. I will read anything she writes but this is not among her top 5. Thanks for letting me read

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