Member Reviews

This charming sapphic romance is as heartwarming as a Hallmark movie, but with a refreshing twist. The two protagonists, Claire and Stacie, are not only strong and thoughtful but also incredibly kind, making their love story both relatable and inspiring.

Unlike many romance novels that rely on clichéd drama, this story focuses on the genuine challenges the characters face, such as moving to a new country and managing the responsibilities of being a full-time caregiver. These real-world obstacles add depth and authenticity to their journey toward a well-earned happily ever after. My only critique is that the ending felt a bit rushed, with the resolution of the third-act breakup squeezed into the final chapter.

Despite this, the story remains a delightful and heartfelt read that I enjoyed.

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The way the two main characters were written was amazing. You can feel the emotion right off the page and the chemistry they had with each other hooks you from the start.

The characters build at a good pace and you can connect so easily with them that I couldn’t stop reading. I wanted to know how the journey ended but also wanted more then I got there.

Thanks to NetGallary and the publisher for providing this eArc in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley & Bold Strokes Books, Inc. for allowing me access to this e-book! Back to Belfast by Emma L. McGeown will be released on September 10. It's a cozy and delightful exploration of self-discovery and unexpected connections. Claire and Stacie, both main characters and POVs in the book, swap lives and cities. This book captures really well the excitement and challenges of stepping out of one's comfort zone while skillfully weaving in a blossoming romance. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to read a charming story with heartfelt moments that keeps you rooting for love to overcome distance and time.

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Back to Belfast follows the main characters Claire and Stacie as they swap roles at work for a fixed period with the purpose of aiding their company and addressing issues with one of their branches. Their agreement means Stacie will be moving into Claire’s apartment in Belfast, Ireland while Claire takes over her space in Vancouver, Canada. While things are off to a great start for Stacie, Claire seems to be having a more challenging time. As the two begin to connect more, it’s clear that their feelings extend beyond a professional working relationship. The problem is, they were never meant to be in the same place, but could they be?

First off, thank you so much to Emma L. McGeown, Bold Strokes Books, and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

I absolutely loved how cute and cozy this read way overall. It felt like a feel good romance movie in some respects, and overall I really enjoyed getting to know the main characters as well as the supporting characters. It had a lot of sweet moments but Emma also did a great job delving into some heavier topics such as grief, addiction, and coming out to unsupportive family members.
I loved the differences between the main characters lives up until that point in regards to their relationships with their families and friends, and their cities because it made for a really interesting dynamic when they were getting to know one another. You could see them helping each other to grow in different ways which was so beautiful to read.
I think the friendship aspect of the novel was my favourite part and I honestly wished so badly they all existed and that I could be friends with them too! The way they took Stacie in and loved her just as they did Claire made my heart so happy!

The reason I couldn’t quite give this a five personally was just that the end felt a little rushed and left me with some questions. With how much HR seemed to be unhappy with relationships in the office, it seemed odd that they so easily accepted transferring Stacie to Belfast at the end knowing they were dating especially with how much Jane and Nuala avoiding PDA to throw off HR with their own relationship outside of them avoiding people from her family’s church. I wish we got to see Stacie reunite with her friends and an update on how it was working out with Jane. I also felt the end with the time skip and how it all worked out to be a little quick and easy to predict.

Overall, it was a cozy read that kept me interested from the first page. I thoroughly enjoyed this beautiful sapphic love story!

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As you will have likely read in the blurb, Claire and Stace exchange places for a while and then they exchange feelings.
Told by these two characters’ POVs, this is an inclusive romance with authentic and respectful representations of being a carer for a loved one, family issues, mental health and the corporate world.
Overall, what stood out for me was the strength and authenticity of the characters’ voices. I also enjoyed the modern settings of Belfast and Vancouver. It was nice to see supportive side characters as well.
Character building and plot 3/5
Prose 4/5
Mood 4/5
3.5 stars

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This book offers a heartwarming take on the classic life-swap story. Claire and Stacie’s journeys in new cities are full of personal growth, unexpected challenges, and a budding romance that feels both genuine and inevitable. The contrast between Claire's search for freedom and Stacie's need for space creates a compelling dynamic, making their eventual meeting all the more satisfying. A delightful read that balances lighthearted moments with meaningful insights.

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On the surface, Back to Belfast is a cozy sapphic office romance, centering on Claire and Stacie - both employees at the same company, who exchange positions for a short term work assignment, and step into each other’s shoes (and hearts).

What I did not expect was an honest, thoughtful novel about the realities of these women’s lives and circumstances - about the meaning of family (by blood or by bond), about the struggle to maintain meaningful relationships in a modern world, about the struggles of being one’s authentic self without being selfish… I found myself falling in love not just with the main characters, but with their friends, families, cats, and even house plants (seriously, the concern over Bennie made me giggle out loud). Claire and Stacie’s attraction to each other progressed out of friendship in a very natural way - the little acts of caring for each other (cooking a meal, taking care of a friend in crisis, etc) developed their relationship around respect and admiration. Fear not, there is some amount of spice, but it is definitely not the focus of the story.

Both women are strong, thoughtful, and extremely kind. And while we do get our happily ever after eventually, the story doesn’t fall victim to the typical romance drama - Claire and Stacie have to first overcome very real obstacles of moving countries, work visas, being full time caregivers, etc. It makes it all the more satisfying when they reunite, because they had to work to make it happen.

My only constructive comment on the story is that while the small time jumps kept the story moving steadily, it did sometimes feel rushed. I would have loved to see more of Claire and Stacie’s quiet moments, to enjoy watching their feelings develop , especially as they were getting to know each other after Claire’s sudden return to Belfast.

Overall, a very poignant story about very real people, finding the kind of love that wraps your heart in a warm, cozy blanket.

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This novel was awesome! It’s super cute, lots of fun, and there is a cat (although only in a minor role). There were lots of emotions; happy, sad, and everything in between. There were a lot of elements that I’ll describe as clever, which is something I really appreciated and love to see in a novel. The romance was a sloooooow burn which I love, although it was also one with a doomed expiration date which I always find stressful and enjoy a little bit less. Regardless of that, the couple was delightful and they worked so well together. This novel also tackles some more serious issues including mental health issues and the struggles of being a full-time caregiver for a loved one. These heavier topics were handled respectfully and with care.

Overall, I think this was a well-rounded novel with romance, plot, and a core of solid substance. I would recommend.

-I loved the plot device of having the protagonists living in each others’ spaces/lives. This worked well to allow them to “get to know each other” prior to them actually interacting in any significant way. It was incredibly clever and well utilized. Little things like having the same favorite tea, becoming close with the others friends, and visiting the others favorite restaurants and sights.
-The plot felt very organic and realistic, instead of convoluted and contrived. I love myself a silly and wacky plotline, but I also really appreciate something more realistic and grounded.
-The protagonists were so sweet together, complimented each other well and were just a nice couple. I fully bought into the chemistry and see the attraction. Claire’s reactions when Stacie took care of her were heartfelt and hit the feelings right on the nose.
-I really felt for Claire and all of the struggles that she was facing in her life. The author did a great job depicting the reality of what her situation would be like, how hard it can be on a person, and how it would affect them long-term. This part of the plotline added a great deal of depth to the novel, beyond a standard romance.

-A large amount of the conflict and plot stemmed from one character not being able to express what they want to the other character. This wasn’t quite “miscommunication trope” but it annoyed me in a similar way. It made sense in the context of the novel, but I found this to be a weak plot point.
-A huge chunk of the novel doesn’t reeeeeeeally contain much in the way of romance, or even the characters interacting. I loved this earlier part of the novel and it laid the groundwork for what came later, but I feel like there could have been more interaction during this stage. The protagonists could easily have been calling/emailing/messaging/whatever each other (for work!) and beginning to form the foundation of their relationship prior to meeting in person. This somewhat happened, but mostly off-page which was a missed opportunity. As a result I found the overall romance somewhat rushed and I didn’t feel like there was enough development shown to support the eventual emotional stakes.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing a free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Claire Brennan and Stacie Farran swap lives for six months—Claire moves from Vancouver to Belfast, while Stacie heads to Vancouver from Belfast. As they experience each other's worlds, they start to see their own lives in a new light. When Claire has to return home early due to a family emergency, she and Stacie finally meet and find that their online chemistry is real. But with Stacie’s stay in Vancouver coming to an end, they must figure out if their new romance can survive the distance or if they’re heading for a long-distance breakup.

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