Member Reviews

The Clinch by Nicole Disney is son e of my favorite books. It was a no brainer for me to ecstatic about another book by Nicole and Kimberly. I was not disappointed and enjoyed it tremendously. The attraction between Trace and Jax was sizzling. I loved Jax and how down to earth she was about everything. I Enjoyed the journey they embarked on before getting it together. I look forward to more from Nicole. Well Done...

Thanks to publisher Bold Strokes Books and NetGalley for this ARC copy.

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*Exposure* by Nicole Disney and Kimberly Cooper Griffin offers readers a refreshing romance set against an intriguing backdrop. Jax Bailey, a successful photographer in a creative slump, and Trace Logan, a struggling delivery driver with dreams of becoming a film editor, are an unlikely pair brought together by a unique premise: Jax's decision to explore life through the gig economy. The novel’s setting, focused on the fast-paced world of delivery driving in the city, provides a fresh and contemporary stage for their relationship to unfold, breaking away from traditional romance tropes.

Disney and Griffin do an excellent job of contrasting the lives of Jax and Trace, making their growing attraction feel both unexpected and inevitable. Jax’s artistic frustration and Trace’s unfulfilled dreams of returning to school create compelling personal arcs, adding depth to their connection. Their initial interactions, grounded in a shared curiosity about each other's worlds, evolve into something more as they navigate their differences in age, career paths, and personal goals.

The city itself becomes a dynamic backdrop, with the hustle of delivery driving exposing both characters to new perspectives. The spark between Jax and Trace feels organic and real, and as they open up to one another, their chemistry becomes undeniable. *Exposure* is a thoughtful and engaging exploration of what happens when two people from different walks of life collide and uncover something genuine. Readers will appreciate the novel’s fresh setting and relatable exploration of personal growth, creative fulfillment, and finding love in unexpected places.

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Honest, vulnerable, raw and so beautifully real. Can you let go of the past to trust your heart and dive into the unknown?

I received an advance copy from Netgalley for free and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Jax is stuck. Having a very successful career as a studio photographer, she made a name for herself in the business. Something is lacking though. All projects blend together and she needs new inspiration to get her creative juices flowing again. That’s why she finds herself taking a job as a delivery driver, hoping to get to see parts of the human experience that are kept behind closed doors for the outside world. Walking into the warehouse on day one, she meets Trace. Trace is a very beautiful co-worker and somehow Jax hopes she gets to see much more of her. Over the course of a few months Jax and Trace spend more and more time together, eventually crossing the line into friends with benefits territory. Can Jax keep it casual though?

Trace has been working as a delivery driver for the last two years. Not the career path she hoped to be on, but with no money to finish her film school degree, she is putting her head down and working hard until a new opportunity arrives. Trace’s new co-worker Jax is becoming a very welcome distraction. The fiery connection Trace feels to Jax is undeniable. Jax introduces her to the professional world of film and all bets are off. Opportunities are endless but what about her budding relationship with Jax?

This story gripped me from page one. In the beginning the moving from one POV to the other was a little disorienting, but once I got the hang of it the words started to flow organically. Jax and Trace didn’t know the my were looking for each other but with them spending more time together it’s blatantly obvious that this is the real thing. The only problems in their way are their pasts. For Jax it’s being hurt multiple times by people choosing their career over her. For Trace it’s the idea of being tied down and not being able to fulfill her dreams. It looks like a disaster waiting to happen, but both women can’t deny the combustible pull they feel towards each other.

I love Jax! She is down to earth despite being a very in demand photographer. She lives with her rapidly aging grandmother in her hometown Denver and her undying love for her is heartwarming. Jax is adamant about staying in Denver to take care of her grandma. She has a hard time leaning into the connection with Trace, finding it difficult to believe Trace will choose her instead of the glamorous life in Hollywood. The descriptions of her struggle are so intimate and authentic, it’s very hard to not want to pull her into a hug and tell her everything will be alright. It’s heartbreaking to watch her think she’s doing the right thing while being destroyed inside.

Trace might be younger than Jax, her life experiences as an army brat more than make up for that. She has always kept herself from letting people in too deep, wanting to stay flexible to whatever life throws at her. Jax is a complication though. A very alluring complication. Throughout the story Trace learns to trust her instincts. While she is pulled in opposite directions, her feelings for Jax grow and grow and grow. She finds that it isn’t just lust and good company. Jax understands her on a very deep level, both creatively and emotionally.

Exposure is a beautiful and magnetic story of love, ambition and finding a way to combine the two. It’s very hard to put it down once you start, so I suggest you clear your schedule!

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Jax and Trace meet at work as delivery drivers they is obviously an attraction but it takes them both a while to realise it and they have obstacles to over come first.
Written by two others the book flowed well a good read thankyou for advanced copy.

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When I started reading this story, I was afraid it would be told from the perspective of both protagonists, one after the other, covering the same scenes, first through one's eyes and then through the other's. Considering it was written by two women, I think it would have been a bit stressful. Luckily, it was only in the first meeting, and honestly, it helped give a first impression of the two protagonists.

Trace is a 27-year-old who had to drop out of her film editing and video studies for financial reasons. She’s always had a pretty nomadic life since her mom was in the army and they moved from base to base when she was little. Her mom is her only close family. Jax, 39, is a successful photographer who's lost her spark. She's made a name and a fortune in fashion and advertising, but she has more artistic interests that she can't quite seem to find. Jax thinks that working as a delivery driver will help her find new and exciting experiences.

Jax and Trace meet at work, where Trace shows her the ropes. Even though they're so different, they hit it off right away. But with both of them at very different points in their lives, they'll have to find common ground if they want to take a chance on something together. They both have baggage—real or imagined—and fears to overcome.

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I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.

Jax is an amazing photographer who has lost her creatively. She decided to get a job working as a delivery driver to get over her block and to see a different perspective. She meets Trace who working there while she tires makes ends meets so she can go back to school to get her degree because she wants to make films. Jax and Trace feel a attraction but Jax is hesitant because there a age gap and the fact she never done casual relationship before and that’s all Trace can offer because she believes being in a relationship will stop her focus on her goals. Both Jax and Trace have to learn that sometimes putting yourself or someone first doesn’t mean your dreams won’t come true and that your not being selfish for wanting to follow your own path and just because you do doesn’t mean the people you love is being left behind.

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would like to thank netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this book

jax bailey is a photographer but she is in a slump.... creatively she just cant get her mojo back

trace logan has stalled her career but its only short term until she can afford to pay for her classes again in the mean time she does deliveries

jax slump means she is looking for something new and tries out for deliveries....

this is where jax and trace meet....and they start to get closes when they swop delivery stories...

at one of jax shoots trace accompanies her and its there that trace gets her first break....

LA beckons for trace... but jax its the start of her nightmare

not a bad storyline.... and was interesting to see how it all pans out

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Great read. This is a story about two women each in their own way trying to find out what makes them each happy in life ,and in the process find each other. I really liked both main characters, they're both quirky in their own way and each has quite a bit of growing to do in order to get to their happily ever after. I enjoyed reading this story, and I look forward to what's next from this author. I would definitely recommend this book.

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I wasn’t instantly drawn into this story of two women working as grocery home delivery drivers. But I trusted the authors, both who I have read before, to draw me more into the story. Jax Bailey is almost 40, a respected professional photographer and cares for her grandmother. Trace Logan is 27 and has been on her own for a while. She has traveled the world as a child of a career Army mother. She is two quarters shy of getting her degree in film editing. But getting ahead enough to finish her degree is hard. The delivery job is just a holding place for both as they try and figure out what they want next or how to get it.

They have a sizzling attraction to each other but Jax is hesitant because of the age gap. I think the work they were doing made the book feel more gritty than the story actually is. I love the descriptions of Jax’s photos and the excitement Trace feels towards her creative work. It is almost the polar opposite of the mundane routine of their job. I rooted for the couple to figure out compromises that will work for both of them so they get a HEA. It wasn’t a swooping romance but it felt realistic.

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Since “The Clinch” by Nicole Disney is still one of my all-time favorite books, reading this author's new book was a no-brainer. This time it's a collaboration with Kimberly Cooper Griffin, a new author for me.

Being a photographer myself, I was naturally interested in Jax's story. For years she photographed famous women, but somewhere, sometimes, she lost her mojo. Maybe doing something completely different will reignite her creativity.

Trace, about ten years younger than Jax, is a delivery driver with a big dream. But life throws obstacles in her way and keeps her from realizing her dream of becoming a film editor.
When the two meet, sparks fly unexpectedly. But there is the age difference and, more importantly, they are at completely different crossroads in their lives. Unable to resist each other, they agree only to a casual relationship. It shouldn’t be a problem, right? Or maybe love can be the connection to bridge the differences.

Their connection and chemistry feels real, as do the differences that keep them apart. But we all know that feelings don't stick to a script and present these two with unexpected challenges. Their different backgrounds and experiences also bring with them different hurdles and problems that they have to deal with. They have to learn to take risks and overcome the fear of failure, as well as admitting mistakes and standing by them.

POV alternates between Trace and Jax, giving a good insight into the emotional lives and thoughts of the two protagonists. The description of Jax's photographic work is fantastically realized and I especially saw the atmospheric street photos and the portraits in my mind's eye.

A beautiful love story, without unnecessary drama. Not as captivating as “The Clinch” was, but a good story.

Many thanks to Bold Strokes Books and NetGalley for receiving an ARC for an honest review.

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This book offers a captivating exploration of two women at crossroads in their lives, each searching for something more. Jax’s struggle with creative block and Trace’s longing for stability make for an intriguing contrast, and their connection feels authentic and deeply resonant. The story cleverly uses the gig economy as a backdrop for self-discovery and the unexpected spark between them adds a layer of tension and excitement. While the age gap and differing life paths present obvious challenges, the chemistry between Jax and Trace is undeniable, making this a compelling and heartfelt read. Absolutely worth it.

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I was not instantly hooked to the characters in the beginning of the book that started off a bit slow. After a while when their love story started picking up speed, they both grow as characters, and they are so right for each other. Their chemistry is off the charts, but it takes a while for them to really decide that this is right for them and wanting to risk everything and take a chance with each other. The referral to the Schrödinger theory in the book really nails down their dilemma and just the mention of something as scientific like that adds an extra appreciation of this book in my mind. I really recommend reading this book.

I received a free ARC from NetGalley.

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