Member Reviews

Thanks to Bold Strokes and Netgalley for this copy in exhange for my review.

I've read quite a few of Frame's books, including others in the same series as this one, though I think I may have missed one or two. I love the combination of fantasy with a little futuristic thrown in (nothing in the realm of sci fi, but definitely not tech you'd find today). Anyway this childhood friends to lovers, second chance story follows Princess Teddy Buckingham and Summer Fisher. Introduced when still children and finding an instant connection, they were by one another's side well into young adulthood. But Summer, who suffers a childhood illness made worse by stress, grew scared of the scrutiny brought on by being with the future Queen. Fears and anger and stubborness kept them apart for many years, until Teddy's sister Annie, Summer's best friend, asks for help in getting Teddy prepared for the future.

The entire cast (except two characters, if you read the book you'll know who I mean) both familiar characters and new ones, are utterly charming and adorable. From the beginning it's obvious Teddy and Summer still have feelings for one another, but their own personal demons keep them apart and keep them from talking and truly understanding the other. When they finally do reconnect I couldn't stop smiling.

My only draw back was the end, maybe the last 20% of the book, felt a bit rushed, but this might have been that I just wanted more of these characters and seeing how they settle back into their lives together.

All in all a really great book and installment in a great series.

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There are some things in this book that I really, really loved. In fact, there was a fair chunk of it – from about 60% to about 95% - that I thought was brilliant, where I was completely invested and on board with these characters.

For that final portion of the book, I thought the main character, Teddy, had so much more presence and agency than she did for the first half. It thought the way the story dealt with social issues was really good (with the caveat of: there’s a fully funded monarchy) and I really got a sense of Teddy’s journey. I wanted to see her succeed, I was fully rooting for her, and I really enjoyed the different dilemmas she was facing.

Prior to that, the story just kind of… meandered. There was loads of setting-up to do, including a sub-plot with another girl that fizzled out rather than having the strong conclusion it could have. Summer was so clearly perfect for Teddy, but there was just a lot of waiting around from the reader’s perspective, hoping Teddy would catch up.

There were also a couple of plot points in the latter half that didn’t get to be fully fleshed out. There was a whole thing about Teddy having to do the state opening of parliament, which would have been a nice conclusion to the book, but instead it happened off screen and we never got to see the resolution of her moral dilemma about it.

Overall, I was left frustrated and wanting more from this book. The sections that were good were really, really good, but the book as a whole fell flat for me.

I received a free copy for an honest review.

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4/5 Stars, thank you so much for the ARC.

"Royal Expectations" is a delightful dive into the world of modern-day royalty with a refreshingly human touch. The author has done a fantastic job blending the allure of royal life with real, relatable emotions, making the characters feel like more than just figures in a fairy tale. I found the protagonist, especially, to be someone you can root for—flawed yet determined, struggling between personal desires and the immense weight of duty. The pacing is smooth, allowing for moments of grandeur and intimate self-reflection to unfold naturally.

One of the highlights of the book is how well it balances the romantic storyline with the protagonist's personal growth. Rather than being a simple love story, it delves into the complexities of expectations—both royal and personal—and how they shape decisions and relationships. While the plot isn't without its predictable moments, the emotional depth and authenticity of the characters kept me engaged. I appreciated how the story managed to be heartwarming without being overly sweet or simplistic.

That said, there were times when the secondary characters could have been fleshed out more, and I found myself wanting to know more about their backgrounds and motivations. Still, "Royal Expectations" is an enjoyable read, perfect for anyone who enjoys a mix of romance, self-discovery, and a peek behind the palace curtains. It’s a satisfying escape with enough emotional punch to keep you thinking about it after you've turned the last page.

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Prologue seemed a bit stiff but loved how it ended and leading on to chapter 1. A bit overwhelmed with all the name checking in chapter one!
The girlfriend is so bad, I’m sure people like that exist and the author did a good job of explaining why one main was with someone so awful, but she was awful.
I enjoyed the book and enjoyed some of the plot turns. I got a bit emotional at some of the emotional bits. I said at the start that the prologue seemed a bit stiff, perhaps stilted would be better. Possibly to fit in with the class of main. Some word choices had me raise my eyes as they didn’t seem to fit in. Overall I enjoyed it and the wee bits of emotion have me round up to a 4 from 3.5

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2.5 stars
Starting this book, I quickly realized it was part of the serie and that I was missing so pieces. I understand, this universe was about to queens and as a consequence, this book happens in the future. The writer tried to implement futurist elements of technology, which was a bit strange.
Regardless, this is a second chance novel and royal romances are something I always take pleasure reading. The chemistry and the tension between Teddy and Summer were good. The scenes making them close again, taking care for each other, worrying for each other were very sweet. The good has a good pace and is easy to read.
Nevertheless, the book didn’t really work for me for several reasons : there were some mixing of POV inside a seame chapter that threw me off. (Spoilers) Summer and Teddy eventually changed their mind about their feelings and got together key scene making the plot not fluid for my taste. And finally, I wish Pandora and Kurt had some karma punition because it left me a bit frustrated.
Overall, an enjoyable book, that lacked that little something.

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Five years ago Princess Teddy and Summer were madly in love planning a life together. Now Teddy is a playgirl and Summer wants nothing to do with her.

But now Teddy's Mother's are insisting she buckle down to her job as heir, and worse they're forcing her to work with Summer to organize it all.

Good romance, decent read. I found it hard to feel much empathy for the elder royals, nor did I much like Teddy. Summer was OK at least.

The villainess arc just... trails off oddly, which is very weird with how big it was played up.

3 out of 5 stars, it's OK but didn't blow me away.

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The time has come to face the royal responsibilities that come with being the crown princess. Can Teddy do it without the support of her childhood best friend? The only girl she ever loved and the only one that broke her heart?

I received an advance copy from Netgalley for free and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

It’s time. After years of shirking responsibilities that come with her title as crown princess, Teddy needs to stop partying and hopping from woman to woman. Soon she will be named Princess of Wales, the first step in taking the crown from her mother Queen Georgina. Teddy is not ready. Not at all. She believes she is a failure to her parents and to her country. But most of all she misses the support of her former best friend and first love Summer. After their horrid breakup she has run into Summer a few times, seen as she’s Teddy’s sister Anna’s best friend. But their interactions have been fueled by anger and hurt. Now the queen wants Teddy to work with Summer to ensure she is ready to take on her new formal role. This will be hell..or will it be heaven?

I was disappointed by this story. I really liked the previous books in this series, but this one didn’t live up to the expectations I got from those other ones. Especially the story of George and Bea was really good. The premise of this new story is great. But there are more than a few loose ends. For example the plot Teddy’s ex is cooking up with her former PA. There are even chapters from their point of view, but there is no big bang after that. It just creates the prospect of drama but then sizzles out. The heat level I have come to expect from this author was also lacking. Sure, there are two short scenes, but they leave me as a reader wanting much more.

That being said, it was fun checking in with familiar characters from previous books. Teddy and Summer are great characters. The hurdles they have to overcome to, once again, find each other felt real to me. It was clear from the start that they would not be able to ignore the pull they feel towards each other. I think they do deserve a more engaging story.

Will I ever read another book by this author? Yes! As I’ve said, I really liked her other work. This one might not have done it for me, but I hope you will trust me when I say, this is the odd one out.

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This is the latest book in the Royal series and it fell flat to me. The characters were not well developed, just barely skimmed the surface. I felt like the writer was telling us all about the angst and not showing us. I enjoyed the other books in this series, but I couldn't connect with this one.

Princess Edwina (Teddy) Buckingham is on the verge of becoming the Princess of Wales and she doesn't want to. She fights back tooth, but ultimately ends up listening to The Queen aka her mother who tells her it is her duty and goes ahead with the planning of Teddy’s investiture. One of the people tasked with helping with the plans is Summer Fisher, Teddy’s first and only love interest who rejected the lifestyle years earlier.

Summer thought she dodged a bullet when she broke things off with Teddy especially as it seemed Teddy had no trouble being with woman after woman after their breakup. I found it interesting she didn't want the attention but stayed on as an assistant to Teddy's sister Anna even if she avoided Teddy, she still had attention. That was odd.

I didn't feel like their reunion for lack of a better word was well developed and seemed to quick and off putting to seem genuine. It ended like I predicted it would, but it didn't seem real.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Any time I see a sapphic royal romance you can count me in! Royal Expectations was a sweet, first love rekindled, royal romance that showed a lot of character growth!

Princess Teddy is the heir to the throne and when she was in her late teens she was in love with Summer Fisher! After their relationship was exposed and Summer had a difficult time dealing with the fame that came with being the girlfriend of the heir to the throne. Fast forward many years later and Summer is the Personal Assistant to Teddy’s younger sister and has to take on the task of being PA to Teddy now too after Teddy’s latest ex-girlfriend is doing everything in her power to ruin her.

Overall I really enjoyed reading this book. It was my first from Jenny Frame and won’t be my last. I did find it a bit predictable but I loved seeing the relationship between Teddy & Summer rekindle. I will absolutely be going back to read Jenny’s book about Teddy’s Mothers and how they go together.

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would like to thank netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this book

a new version of the royal family which i have to say was a delight to read

Princess Teddy Buckingham was the playboy of her generation... her exploits were front page news

Summer Fisher has the best job in the world... she is a PA to anne. teddys younger sister but she had also grown up with teddy and they had each been each others first love.... their 5 year plan ended the day their relationship ended...

but teddy needed help she was unhappy with her life and how it was being spread over the front page news not realising that there was someone very close telling them everything

with the looming princess of wales title coming to teddy she needed help to sort out her life and it was decided that summer was going to be that help....

thoroughly enjoyed this different version of a royal family.... though with very similar trials and tribulations that only come with a royal family

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Really good book. This was a great addition to the Royal series. I really liked getting to know Teddy and Summer the main characters of this story. Their relationship was a second chance at romance while trying to come to grips with living in the spotlight as a Royal while maintaining a healthy relationship. This story had romance, drama, intrigue, and angst. All my favorite things about a book. There's appearances of characters from previous books in this series that was great to see how they were getting on in life and we also get a villain or two too help round out the story.. I would definitely recommend this book and I look forward to what's next from this author.

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This is a story about British Princess Teddy Buckingham. Her parents want her to start being more responsible and accept her duties as a member of the royal family. Teddy is struggling to get her life together after her break up with Summer Fisher several years ago instead of accepting her responsibility she is out partying and dating socialite women. Summer has been trying to get her debilitating illness under control and agrees to help out as a PA to Teddy and her sister.

I thought the first half of this story was very formulated and predictable. I have read several other books by Frame in this same royal universe. The second half of the book picked up and more emotion was shown by both Teddy and Summer.

Overall it was an enjoyable and quick read. If you like royal romances you will enjoy this one.

ARC received from Net Galley for an honest and voluntary review.

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This was a cute fairly short read, I've not read book one but had no issue understanding what was going on. I am a bit of a sucker for a royals romance so it was nice to finally read a sapphic one, especially one where the queerness was a non-issue (aka none of that 'the queen can't know you're a gay!!' type thing.

There was a few plot points that didn't really work for me; namely Teddy giving up her whole life and dreams when her relationship with Summer ended but then when Summer came back a week after the break up to apologise she wasn't interested. Also, the fact that Summer stayed working with the royal family despite bailing due to the public attention. I mean since the public knew they were romantically involved one would assume they'd constantly be in the media when seen together at events etc (this never actually happened which was also weird). The plot with Pandora and Kurt was pretty anti-climatic due to how predictable it was and the Summer's health was mentioned a lot and seemed to be leading somewhere dramatic but never did.

However, despite all this,, it was an enjoyable read but ultimately not something I'd probably reread.

Thank you to Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books, Inc. for an arc in exchange for an honest review!

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This is my first time reading this author. So, I don’t know how it relates to another book or compares to her other work.
I loved the plot concept and the queer representation, but overall I felt the book was lacking. I felt things could’ve been more expanded upon. Personally, it feels like a rough draft where more detail and explanations still need to be added. I also get the sense that technology is more advanced, but that’s only through small mentions.
This is a personal opinion on multiple point views in books, but I felt there was too many views. The the views from Pandora and Kurt seemed to want to thicken the plot, but then nothing seemed to come to really come from what they were plotting. Adding the queens point of view was okay, in that it was nice seeing what they were thinking, but always seemed to focus on wanting Summer for their daughter.
The chronic illness rep was a semi plot point, that is brought up throughout the book. Would’ve liked a name of the diagnosis, as I don’t recall it being mentioned as anything in particular.

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I received an advanced copy from NetGalley.
Jenny Frame has done it again! The continuation of her royal series gives us a look into the lives of our adored royals all these years after. In Royal Expectations, we find that Teddy is all grown up but, just liker her mother, is a bit lost in her royal pathway since she lost her chance at love with her youth sweetheart. Luckily for her, Summer never went away, neither did her feeling for Teddy. With a royal future to plan and the help of some well intended meadling family, maybe these two still get a chance at finding a future together.
With well developed characters and a very good plot, this new book shows us love, care and a way back. The only thing I found missing was a more elaborated epilogue, but maybe that just means we can expect another book on Teddy and Summer's story.

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The book Royal Expectations by Jenny Frame focuses on Teddy, a princess who is reluctant about her future responsibilities and has a play girl reputation, and Summer, her first love and a close family friend.
I did not realize that this was part of a greater series until I had already started this book. I think this works as a standalone, but there was some mention of things like futuristic technology that I wonder if they are from the earlier books. The scenes where these were discussed took me out of the story as I was trying to figure out their significance and necessity.

I really enjoyed this alternative universe where lesbians in the monarchy is the norm.
The queens especially were interesting and I’m curious about their story.
The premise of both characters trying to navigate royal pressures and a personal relationship was compelling. I appreciated that Summer was handling a medical condition throughout the story that influenced her decisions, it added another layer of depth to her character.

However, for a romance book, the chemistry between the characters felt a bit flat. There was a lot of telling not showing. It focused a lot on telling about their feelings in the past instead of showing how they were reconnecting in the present. I expected more meaningful interactions between the main characters earlier and more often than actually happened.
Also, the book set up the potential for drama with its various antigonists, an ex- girlfriend and the prime minister, at the end of the book and then didn’t really do anything with their stories. It was very anticlimactic.

Overall, this book was okay, but left me wanting more from it.

Thank you NetGalley, Boldstrokes Books, and Jenny Frame for the ARC.

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I love all of Jenny Frame's Royal book series and the next generation with the "Royal Generations" series once again fills my royal-loving heart!
Teddy and Summer are the perfect couple from a young age and childhood best friends.
Teddy "Princess Edwina" is the daughter of Queen Georgina and has had to spend her entire life in the shadow of her great mother.
At least that's how she feels and constantly compares herself to her.
She loves her mother, but she can't live up to the crown. When Summer leaves her because of her health and the stress of the royal family, its duties and the press that goes with it,
Teddy also gives up any ambition to achieve anything and gives in to anger and frustration.
She escapes into short escapades with women and wild party nights with no meaning or purpose in life.
Summer suffers from her illness her entire life and is supposed to avoid stress as much as possible.
Now as a grown woman, best friend of Teddy's sister and her PA, she can't avoid it all.
The two see each other now and then and exchange ironic, biting comments rather than kind words.
How are they supposed to leave the past behind them and work together, as the queen is now demanding of Teddy.
Duty is now knocking on their door for good and there is no escape...

This is a second chance, but also a slow-burn love story par excellence!
They get a little closer, then they move apart again. Almost the whole story passes before Teddy and Summer realize what they can be to each other again.
That really kept me on tenterhooks.
The book deals with topics such as a sense of duty, family pressure, bad dealings with the wrong people, anger, love, fears and also courage.
Courage to do the right thing even when you know you might fail.
Beautifully written as always by Jenny Frame!
Many thanks to Bold Stroke Books and the Author and also NetGalley for the ARC!

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I absolutely love the way Ms. Frame has continued to build her world into that of the next generation. The character development has continued throughout all of the series. Seeing what happens with Georgie and Bea's kids was something that was hanging out in the background of your mind after the last book.

The world is relatable with a futuristic technology that enhances the fantasy world. The inclusion of new technology and gadgets adds an extra sizzle to the intimate scenes. Ms. Frame has a great habit of making sure the sex scenes are placed make it so that its not just gratuitus but actually relevant to the story.

Ted and Summer demonstrate that there is always hope for a happy ending. Despite having challenges in their youth, they were able to grow into amazing people with a strong character that shines throughout the story. The story is very engaging and kept me up too late on a weeknight just to get through to the end.

This is a captivating must-read for fans of royal romance with a futuristic fantasy twist.

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Teddy and Summer were in love years ago but life split them up. Summer has returned and is working with Teddy’s sister. Teddy is still in love with Summer but Summer is afraid since Teddy has dated many woman over the years, she’s done so to make her family leave her alone but they keep trying to get her married.
The more time they spend together Summer realizes how much she missed Teddy. Still reluctant this is a slow road for these two but maybe it’ll be worth it.

Enjoyable read with two characters you’re hoping can make it.

Thank you #netgalley #boldstrokesbooks #royalexpectations for this ARC.

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Jenny Frame returns to her fictional alternative world where the British monarch is ruled by a lesbian Queen and her consort. It is time for their daughter, Teddy Buckingham, to be crowned Princess of Wales. Teddy has been a bit of a playgirl the last few years having not gotten over her first love, Summer Fisher. Summer has finished her education and is now PA to Teddy’s sister princess Anna. Queen Georgiana asks for Summer to work with Teddy to improve her image and come up with plans for the investiture. It allows for them to spend time together and remember their friendship from the past.

This book can easily be read on its own but is the second in the Royal Generations series. There are four other books in the Royal Romance series that covers the Queen’s romance and more in that generation. The characters are fairly simple. Teddy is insecure, which is surprising as she is a six foot tall butch. But Summer is there to boost her confidence. I’m hoping there is a romance for Anna sometime in the future. These are not deep stories but I enjoy reading them. The family is loving and I appreciate the sweet and gentle world that Frame has created. I did take off a star because Teddy was unlikable in the beginning. And if you’re going to have a villain there needs to be some consequences.

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