Member Reviews

This is the first book I’ve read by LM Rose, and it didn’t disappoint. In a sci-fi, arranged marriage plot line, the story focuses on Fiona and Simaala, who come from communities on opposite sides of a war. The tension on both of their sides was well written, and both of them seemed well-versed in the reason for the arranged marriage and emotionally mature in how they carried themselves.

For a novel whose plot focuses, especially in the beginning, on communities at war, there was little on-page violence, which I found refreshing in the current climate.

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A good book, it had interesting characters and an engaging plotline that I enjoyed reading. I will be looking for more from this writer!

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Really good Science Fiction Romance. I liked the main characters. Each character had her own reasons for going into their arranged marriage, to stop a war between their races. I felt that this story was more about the romantic relationship between the mains and each getting to know and learn about each other. This is a slow burn romance, a kind of enemies to lovers romance that was very fun to read. I would definitely recommend this book and I look forward to what's next from these authors.

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This was a very wonderful story. I'm giving it 4 stars instead of 5 though for a couple of reasons.

The lead-up to where the conflict between the humans and Tipurii was exceptionally well written. The tension between Fi and Simaala is strong and draws you into the story. Simaala hiding her identity from Fiona allows them to build the relationship before the Tribute Wedding, supported by angry Species' first movements on either side.

Once they are married and move to the Tipurri side of the world everything seems to slow down to just tension building between their feelings for each other. It makes most of the lead-up with the dissension for the protester/assassin storyline almost irrelevant to the rest of the story. It was somewhat disappointing that it wasn't tied further with their love story.

Overall great story but had some plot gaps for me.

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Thanks NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for the ARC copy.

This book is a sapphic arranged marriage alien romance and it is a well written story that focuses more on the characters struggles with duty and falling in love then the usual just straight to the romance no backstory a lot of alien romances have. It was well paced except for the ‘drama’ of the story when the Fiona ends up on the alien side of the wall, it felt rushed, glossed over and then just kind of was moved past like it didn’t even happen or need to be in the story.

I loved the elements of the back story that took place before you even meet the arranged bride Princess Simaala. It really helped me feel for and be invested in what Fiona was going through. I loved watching their friendship then affection grow for each other.

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Okay, so I was really in the mood for a sapphic human/alien trope. So, when I found this book, I felt like I was hitting a jackpot.

Tribute was a wonderful sapphic sci-fi romance. I have to admit, when I first read the blurb, I thought it would be a forced proximity/enemies-to-lovers trope with lots of drama and dark fantasy... well, I guess I still enjoy it even without those dramas! I love the writing style; the story was at a good pace. L.M. Rose created lovable characters that both have their depth. I think I have a little crush on Simaala.

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I was truly surprised, and quite pleased, with the lack of violent action in this book. I expected, having read the blurb, more of a political action thriller style of book and instead it's really just a slow burn romance that really melts your heart. All of the characters are lovely, and I'm dying to know more about this world. What a joy to just sit and read in a comfy chair over the weekend!!!

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On this new world planet humans live on one half and aliens called Tipruii live on the other. A physical disturbance has occurred at the border promoting a war. The humans are not as prepared as the Tipruii nonetheless they offer the humans a treaty to stop the war.
The treaty includes a tribute bride to the alien princess. Fiona has volunteered as her sisters are already taken. She has no idea what she is getting into.
She doesn’t realize that she has already met the princess who is pretending to be someone else. They are both smitten but for different reasons can’t give into their desires.
This is an enchanting story and the build up to their sexual encounters are hot and steamy.

You’ll enjoy this one.

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An arranged marriage to stop a war. This turned out to be on the whole a rather gentle love story. Two very different people forced together and getting to know each other. Finding they are not totally indifferent to one another after all. They have their moments of disharmony but it's how they deal with these that brings them closer.

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